Wednesday, September 20, 2006

JOurnal 10

"Success comes when preparation meets opportunity." Pleaseprovide example to supplement your response


Blogger As[S]asSiN`.×[Î]n[ƒ]£[R]n[Ø]× said...

i think this qoute means that you should always be able to study on your own time, not anyone else's, and that will lead to success in what you studying for. for example, when the state testing are going to come, you always want to study and try your hardest to succeed.

9:39 AM  
Blogger *j@!33$@* =0 said...

i think this quote means that success will come when the preperartion comes andwhen success comes the preperation will be right and if you have success than you have a preperation and the preperation will be right for you.

9:41 AM  
Blogger bRaNdEeZy y0!! =] said...

I think this quote means that sometimes the goal that youve been wanting to reach will come as a suprise and when you least expect it. Also when you get lucky. When sucess comes to you, then you have earned it. That is what I think this quote means.

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think this means that if you want success you first got to go through preparation .an thats what leads you to success.

9:42 AM  
Blogger BeCkY said...

I think that this means that if you're prepared for success, then your oportunity to be successful will be greater than those who are not prepared. I think it also means that if the oportunity to be successful passes you by, and you're not ready, then you will never be successful if you're still sitting there and not doing anything to help anyone.

9:43 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

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9:46 AM  
Blogger $$Troy$$ said...

I think this quote means that if you are prepared then sucess will come to you and you've earned it. If you haven't done anything then you worked for all of that. Then on the other end if someone has worked really hard and someone hasn't and got to be sucesssful then that is wrrong. Someone that has worked really hard should be sucessful espicallly if you have been a hard worker for a really long time.

9:46 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

i think this quote is saying you should always come prepared even if its not important and one day you will suceed in life.

9:46 AM  
Blogger lizett_arredondo said...

I think this quote means that if you are prepared always when the opportunity comes you will know that you did everything you could to be successful. But, if you are not prepared or do what you are supposed to do when the opportunity comes for you to be successful you will not succeed because you waited to the last moment to do what you were supposed to have been doing all along.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This quote means that if your prepared for the thing you want to succeed for you have to be prepared for when the opportunity comes so you could be successful.

9:47 AM  
Blogger juan_quinones said...


9:48 AM  
Blogger ♥SanDiiBeL♥ said...

I think that what the quote is saying is that you could only reach success after you have been prepared and ready to meet the opportunity that culd change your life. Take that opportunity so that you can reach success,For example if you want to be a doctor, you have to study a long career so that you could be able to be a doctor, after the preparation, will will get an opportunity to get your own Doctor business and thats when you meet success.Thats what I think it means

9:48 AM  
Blogger brandon_watson said...

i think this quote means that if you work hard in things in life and always be prepared for something important, then you will have a better chance for you to succeed in things.

9:48 AM  
Blogger DestinyGobert said...

I think this means that it takes time to reach your goal. You should always work hard for it. You should always be perpared for things. One day all that hard work will pay off.

9:48 AM  
Blogger munoz maribel said...

i think this quote means that if you prepare for all the things you want to do then when the opportunity comes to show what you have prepared for then that will bring you great success in your life.

9:48 AM  
Blogger sammy.: said...

you need to prepare before you do anything else, in this case succeeding. if you dont prepare nothing gonna go right. for example, if your going rock climbing and you dont prepare by getting your stuff ready your screwed.

9:50 AM  
Blogger jamal said...

I think this quote is saying that you can succeed in life if you are prepared to focus on that and try to succeed. I also think that this quote is saying that you should be prepared for any successful opportunity you will face in life.

9:50 AM  
Blogger alejandro reynoso said...

i think this means that you always be prepared so when you have a apportinite to be successful you are ready for that chance at being successful

11:21 AM  
Blogger malik st.cyr said...

i think this means that success comes when preparation meets opportunity is like saying practice makes perfect.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Angelica Larios said...

What I think that this quote means is that if you try to do your best in everything you will succed and you will be able to have a good oppurtunity in life.I also think that this quote means is that just because you fail once you have to give up no if you do fail keep trying and trying until you suceed.

11:23 AM  
Blogger † ×VÎc£n†£ GÅRcÎÅ× † said...

i think that this quote is saying that you should be prepared for everything, you should just do it before the time to do it. if you try to prepare when it's time to work, you're going to fail.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Alma Luna said...

I think that that quote means that

if you success doesn't come easy.

if you want it be successful you

shouldn't rush it will come to

you. like some people they don't

even want to go to an unversity

because they just want to start

making money. And i think that so

many kids today try to make money

so badly that they start selling

drugs and skool and get kicked out.

11:24 AM  
Blogger nelson said...

this means to me that we are able to have succed when we prepare and practice for something. to the reach our goal that many of us have to graduate we have to study study and practice.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Andrea Wallace said...

I think that this quote means if you rush your life then you wont be able to make your preperation. But if you take your time and be ready to face the world then you can help get your preperation together and maybe if you have time you can be happy.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Shadi Valenzuela said...

This means that succes comes when you are prepared and you have an oppurtunity. Things seem to be good because you are prepared and if you are prepared for anything then you are succesful.

11:30 AM  
Blogger amber tidmore said...

This quote means to me that the preparation is school, studying, and going to college and your opportunities are what you get out of going to college and getting good grades such as a good job and more money and a better way to live your life. So that is how preperation meets opportunities.

11:30 AM  
Blogger marycele said...

This quote means that success comes when you accomplish your goal or goals. When you are preparing to do something in your life it is waiting for the oppotunity to reach its success. If you never prepare yourself you will never get the opportunity to accomplish what you what to do .I like this quote because this is true. If you prepare yourself you will get the opportunity to reach your success on what you want to do.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Success comes when preparation meets opportunity." this qoute means you should always be prepared. if you are always prepared then one day when you come across an oportunity you will know what to do. so say you are a skater and you prepare you tricks and stuff then when yo ucome across a sponsor you will be able to go big.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

What this quote means to me is that you have to always be organized and prepared to get ahead in life. You cant be success in your life if you are sloppy and unorganized. For example, when in school you have to be prepared in each class that you are in. "Success comes to those who wait."

1:36 PM  
Blogger arielle austin said...

i think this quote means that only opportunity comes when you are ready and prepared. so when you are ready and prepared opportunity will come your way for you to succeed. so always be ready and prepared so when a opportunity does come you way you will be ready to succeed.

1:38 PM  
Blogger arielle austin said...

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1:44 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

What this quote means to me is that in order to be successful in life you have to be organized and prepared. You cant be successful if you are unorganized you cant be successful. For example when you are in sccholl, you have to be organized and prepared for each class you have. " Good things come to those who wait" is what comes to mind when I see this phrase.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Alfredo Contreras said...

It means if your prepare success would come because your prepare you are able to do anything.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Shanna-kayCrawford said...


1:50 PM  
Blogger Mayra Torres said...

this quote means that if you are not prepared then you wont be a sucess.if you dont work hard on what you want then you wont succeeed.

2:00 PM  
Blogger ĹǚΐŞ МД®ŤÎŇĘŽ said...

Success comes when preparation meets opportunity." Pleaseprovide example to supplement your response

10:06 AM  
Blogger ERIC JAVIER said...

I think that this means that if you wait patiently you will be able to see your way to success and don't be rushing or else it'll just pass you by.

10:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think this means that if you work hard and prepare for something you will have a better chance of succeding and having a better oppurtinity to lead to a brighter future and
i think that When sucess comes to you, then you must of earned it with your best efford.

10:08 AM  
Blogger ĹǚΐŞ МД®ŤÎŇĘŽ said...

i think this journal means that in order to be succsesful u have to be prepared to be succsesful and then the oppurtunity will come to u

10:09 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

I think this quote means that if you want success you must be prepared and have a chance you also you must practice and look for oppotunities because not everything is going to come to you.if you want something you must be prepare to fail at somethingand get up and try again

10:09 AM  
Blogger RAZIELCORREA said...

what this quote means is that if you prepare real hard and you are ready for any thing an opportunity will come for you.When that opportunity comes you are ready to succed on it because you are prepared and trained.For example if ur a slack and opportunity comes you are going to fail it because you wont know the first step to it.If you are prepared you will know exacytly what to do and you will succed.

10:11 AM  
Blogger REAPER said...

this quote says to me that to be succesfull is a very cool thing to expirience.its just like macking a goal in soccer or shooting the last basket or macking a home run.

10:11 AM  
Blogger REAPER said...

this quote says to me that to be succesfull is a very cool thing to expirience.its just like macking a goal in soccer or shooting the last basket or macking a home run.

10:11 AM  
Blogger REAPER said...

this quote says to me that to be succesfull is a very cool thing to expirience.its just like macking a goal in soccer or shooting the last basket or macking a home run.

10:11 AM  
Blogger REAPER said...

this quote says to me that to be succesfull is a very cool thing to expirience.its just like macking a goal in soccer or shooting the last basket or macking a home run.

10:11 AM  
Blogger REAPER said...

this quote says to me that to be succesfull is a very cool thing to expirience.its just like macking a goal in soccer or shooting the last basket or macking a home run.

10:11 AM  
Blogger REAPER said...

this quote says to me that to be succesfull is a very cool thing to expirience.its just like macking a goal in soccer or shooting the last basket or macking a home run.

10:11 AM  
Blogger REAPER said...

this quote says to me that to be succesfull is a very cool thing to expirience.its just like macking a goal in soccer or shooting the last basket or macking a home run.

10:11 AM  
Blogger ♥$♥_pAuLA_uSqUiAnO_♥$♥ said...

I think that this quote means that we have to wait for our turn in success or at least be patient. For example if you really want something like a job or your winning a tournament or something you will enjoy what you have won when you win it with all you've got and with patience.

10:13 AM  
Blogger The 1 and only AnDrEa said...

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10:13 AM  
Blogger The 1 and only AnDrEa said...

Its take time to reach your goals. And all that hard work will pay off at the end.

10:13 AM  
Blogger ĹǚΐŞ МД®ŤÎŇĘŽ said...

i think that this journal means that in order to be succsesful you have to be prepared to be succseful and then the oppurtinity will come

for example if you are going to have a test for math or any subject u have to be prepared that means that u have to studie hard in order to pass that test

10:13 AM  
Blogger Brinett Morales said...

I think thise means that if you are prepared and successfull than you have an oppurtunity in life. The people that are prepared they are always successfull and people will always look up to them.

10:13 AM  
Blogger ĹǚΐŞ МД®ŤÎŇĘŽ said...

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10:13 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

This means that if you have a opportunity to do something you should do it before is to if you know that you are having a test you should study a day before the test is given so you could have a good you could success...

10:14 AM  
Blogger miguel salcedo said...

i think what this is trying to say that if you want to do something in life you have to be prepared when for when a big opportunity comes. for example you really want to become a lawyer and you went to law school and dropped out. If and opportunity came you wouldn't be prepared because you didnt complete law school so there fore you won't succeed. in order to succeed you have to be prepared if ther is a big test you have to get prepared and study. Another example is if you finished law school, lost your diploma and an opportunity came by that required youto have your diploma you wouln't get it because you weren't prepared.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

ii ThiNk THe Qu0Te mEAnS U sHOulD aLwalYS b PrEPaRed For AnY opp0RtUniTy iN lIFe*N0 N0 NEvERmINd i thiNK U aLwaLys haVe To TRy TO BE pREpaREd s0 WEN A OpPUrTinTy ComEs Ur REadY aNd CAn TakE and AlSO iF u are pREpared u R M0ST LIkLey t0 sUcCEd In THe 0PPurTuNItY*

10:17 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

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10:19 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

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10:19 AM  
Blogger **dora** said...

I think this quote is trying to say that you have to be prepared at all times because if you are not when the oppurtinity comes when you can be successful you are not going to succeed because you are not prepared. you have to be responsible, that's one of the things you need in order to succeed. One example is when the important tests come and if you are not prepared you are obviously not going to succeed

12:22 PM  
Blogger kike =P said...

i think this quote means is that success comes when you are ready to have a chance.Or like good things come to those that wait like you should be patient.

An example, if you want to make it as a pro in a sport you have to learn the rules and concepts of the sport and you have to be experienced at it in order to make it as a success in the sport.Also if you are desperate to make it as a success you wont be a huge success cuz ur rushing through it.

12:22 PM  
Blogger cameron austin luvz me said...

Success comes when preparation meets opportunity." Pleaseprovide example to supplement your response

I believe in this quote because when you are prepared to do something and you have everything that you need.Then when the right oppourtunity comes you will be ready to do what you need to do to get the job done.For example when the state test come we should study so we can do good

12:24 PM  
Blogger DANIELA MUÑOZ said...

It means that’s you succeed when you prepare yourself for a better opportunity. Like for example, if you weren’t a focused student in Middle School and you realize that that’s not like if you want to succeed you are going to put effort once you enter your new year no matter if it’s High School or last year of Middle School. I think it also means that if you work hard for something you want it will come to you! For example, if you want to get to college and you work hard for it I’m pretty sure you will get in. or that if you are ready to take a challenge its your opportunity to succeed.

12:27 PM  
Blogger ..::V£R£NIC£..:: said...

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12:28 PM  
Blogger EdgAr!!(AnE!!!!!) said...


12:29 PM  
Blogger **LIDIA WUBZ YOU!!** said...

I think that this quote means that if you prepare yourself to something then that will get you to do well at something. If you take your time to get your thoughts together then this will make you succeed. For example if you have a test or a project due you have to prepare and get your thoughts and be prepared. If you do this then you will succeed in it then that will make you get somewhere.

12:30 PM  
Blogger kotikthug said...

what i think this quote means is that when you prepare for something that you've been wanting to have or do and you get the chance to do it. so you succeed when you prepare for something or you're not going to be knowing to do.For example.....If you went out to work at nascar pitstop un wouldnt know what to do.Because you never prepared to work at a nascar and you'll proabbly be kicked out.
But if you were preparing to work in nascar's pit crew you'll be ready and when you get the chance to work there you'll do great!

12:30 PM  
Blogger EdgAr!!(AnE!!!!!) said...

This means if u want to do something great you must study and do anything possible to acomplish it. For example say you have a big test and your parents say if u get 100 percent they will buy you a bike fro example you have to do everything u posssible can studying getting friends together to study and etc.

12:32 PM  
Blogger ..::V£R£NIC£..:: said...

i think this means that success is when u prepare ur self real good for example theirs a test on monday and you study real hard u prepare urself with all the succeding in youself. I think this is also when you meet up with oppurtunity i think this is trying to say when you dont succeed for the first time you always have a second apportunity in succeding because succeding is always their with you no matter what. Lastly i also think every one deserves to be succesful not looking for being perfect but trying and looking up for your next oppurtinity that u have in life.

12:28 PM

12:34 PM  
Blogger Tee Kay said...

To me i think that this quote means that if you have an oppurtunity you should take it. Like if you have a oppurtunity in high school to get a basketball scholarship you shall take it. If you take it than its the only way you can achieve in sucess.

10:08 AM  

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