Monday, December 12, 2005

Current Events project

Your Assignmnet is to research current events that invlovle leadership. This is an individual assignment that requires you to find 3 different events that represent leadership. Events must come from 3 seperate sources, Internet, Newspaper, and Magazine. As a culminating conclusion to this assignment you will present these events via PowerPoint. The Powerpoint should should show the realtionship between the 3 events you have chosen to research. First thing you must do is conduct a brainstorm/ research posible current events that you may want to investigate.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think that that the quote " I can Accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I cant accept not tryingā€¯, means that you should always try your best to do something and not just give up because you cant do it once but too keep on doing it until you can achieve it and complete either one of your goals or accomplishments. Also, I think that everyone makes mistakes and fails during life time and all their is to do from them is to learn from them and not ever do them again. Last but not least, I think t hat failure is a test towards success and you should never be scared of getting better at them , because in that way failures are just like a little branch in the road to success and you get better at achieving it just by kicking that little branch off the road and next thing you know when you are back to that road you wont have to worry about it anymore.

10:34 AM  

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