Friday, September 15, 2006

Journal 8

Free Write!


Blogger *j@!33$@* =0 said...

Today I hope it will be a good day for me.I AM Excieteed because my birthday is comming up.This weekend i dont know what i am doing but if i dont do anything i will make it fun.That is what i always do.I will probably just relax at home watch tv,clean-up and get on the computer.

8:14 AM  
Blogger BeCkY said...

Journal #8
My weekend is so far going to be boring. Well on sunday anyway. On Saturday I'm either planning on going to the barbeque or to the Pomona Fair. I still think that I should go to the fair, but I'm thinking about it. I have no other topics to write about so that's why I'm writing about my weekend. On Sunday, I don't have any plans. I think i might just stay home and relax or maybe go somewhere fun.

8:14 AM  
Blogger As[S]asSiN`.×[Î]n[ƒ]£[R]n[Ø]× said...

well, i dont know what to write about, so i'll just tell u what im gonna do on the weekend.
1) sleep
2) watch TV
3) listen to music
4) go to sacramento for my aunts wedding..
5) sleep some more.
6) eat
7) go on my computer to play counter strike
8) play some ps2

and thats what im goanna do on the weekend until monday...

8:14 AM  
Blogger lizett_arredondo said...

This has been a very good week at school because it has gone by very fast. School is just how it usually is nothing bad nothing too good. This weekend I hope to just stay at home and relax for another week of school to begin. For the most part, I will just sit at home and watch tv and talk on the phone. That's usually how all my weekend work.

8:16 AM  
Blogger brandon_watson said...

Welll this weekend, im going to long beach to see my cousins,then me and my cousins going out to magic mountain,then after that i'm home to play video games with my cousins,then after that im to go cart world.

8:16 AM  
Blogger bRaNdEeZy y0!! =] said...


I Enjoy sports, but my favorite sport is baseball. I like baseball becasue I understand it,it interests me,my whole family love it,I go to the Dodger Stadium often because my dad bought the season tickets,and its a sport I can play 2. I dont play baseball but I play softball because its mostly for girls. That is why baseball is my favorite sport.

8:17 AM  
Blogger ♥SanDiiBeL♥ said...

My third week of school!
So gow was my third week of school? Well I havent gotten any guided studies or detentions so I'm all good with homework and behavior. Lunch isnt that packed anymore although i do have to say its kinda boring because theres nothing to do just kick it with your friends...or do homework if you hadnt done it. Anyway I've met more friends...also I have already met my mentor. She's really nice and she's been helping me out with school stuff. I also went to the soccer meeting but I thought about it and I might not go to the try-out for I rather go home and finish homework because try-outs are going to take up some time i could use for studying. Well this is pretty much how my third week of animo went.

8:18 AM  
Blogger DestinyGobert said...

All week was alright. I have notice that i am really good at spanish. I am going to go to the BBQ with one of best friends Jeanine. I might go horseback riding this weekend or go to the Bridge with my friends. I am also going to the animal shelter with my Aunt so she can get a small dog.

8:19 AM  
Blogger sammy.: said...

well what can i say? its been three weeks since school has started but it feels much longer. not cause its boring but because soooo much has happened in these past weeks and it is crazy. and not only was it the first 3 weeks of school but also MY first year of high school! i actually dont know what i like better yet, high school or middle because ive had crazy fun moments in middle and if we still would of been in middle, my best friend would of still been here. i guess its good to try new things. i sure do like the OLDER kids (boys)!!!

8:20 AM  
Blogger jamal said...

I would like to say that this week of school has been hard because of all the homework and quizes we have.On the positive side this week has been fun because i took the time out to have fun by hanging out playing video games and sleeping.

8:20 AM  
Blogger juan_quinones said...


8:21 AM  
Blogger munoz maribel said...

i think this week went ok for me.the only bad thing is that some teachers already gave me projects to do. so far the teachers have been ok with me i still havent gotten guided studies or detention so i guess im doing good so far.

8:21 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

i think today is going 2 be boring and fun because we have a lot of test and i dont like test and we have all classes today ugh my backpack isreally heavy but no trip its all gravy.And the fun part is that today i'm going to be sleeping and maybe later i can go over my cousin's house quinelle,tyree,tt,craige,and shawn they real fun lol

8:26 AM  
Blogger † ×VÎc£n†£ GÅRcÎÅ× † said...

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9:08 AM  
Blogger Angelica Larios said...

Today have been so cool but the only thing is that they have been giving us to much homework!!ugh..but either than that the teachers are really cool...i also meet alot of cool new people and feel comfortable now!!yeah me!!lol..ummm...wat else oh yeah we have free dress day next friday thats so cool.Well i think this is it for now my weekend has been pretty cool.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Alma Luna said...

i think these last two weeks have been fun and stressful. I have been getting alot of homework and its pretty hard trying to do all of it right. Also today i have a lot of quizzes today and i had so many things to do last night that i didn't get to study alot. But i guess all that stress is going to pay of specially if my parents let me go to homecoming. ( i got invited) ! so yeah besides that everything is ok i guess. there is nothing out of the usual but school is pretty stressful.

9:10 AM  
Blogger malik st.cyr said...

well tommorrow i have 2 get a gay boost mobile phone i hate boost but ohwell bcuz my sprint phone iz trippen so its wutever i guess

9:11 AM  
Blogger amber tidmore said...

I think that today is going to be the best day because when the week started I could not wait for friday to come.

9:13 AM  
Blogger Shadi Valenzuela said...

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9:14 AM  
Blogger alejandro reynoso said...

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9:15 AM  
Blogger Andrea Wallace said...

well i hope today will be a good week untill monday. i wish that school could no longer be so boring. I hope that tis weekend i will be happy as a person ridin a roller coaster. i want SCHOOL will be fun.

9:19 AM  
Blogger marycele said...

This week was not my week. I kept waking up late and I never made it to school early. I never came to school late, but I always made it on time .I do not like making it on time. I like coming to school early not when everybody is giong in . Thank god today is Friday I can rest and I have no worries. My classes for the whole week was o.k and I made more new friends. I hope I have a better week next week. Also I didn't get a chance to do journal #7 because I couldn't get in to my account. So i will give you my response right now. I think this quote is so true. Everyone fails at somehting, but just because you failed at something doesn't mean to stop trying. You should just try agian until you got it. Even though you failed on something you should accept that you failed because that makes you stronger.

9:21 AM  
Blogger † ×VÎc£n†£ GÅRcÎÅ× † said...

This weekend is going to be great! first i'm going to sleep..................well, That's it! Since today if friday, we're going to have pizza! It's gonna be great! Also, on the weekend, i'm going to try to annoy my siblings as much as i can, Until they try to hit me, THEN i'm going to leave them alone.................................................................................................................................................forfiveminutes then, i'm just going to bother them again! :D

9:24 AM  
Blogger Shadi Valenzuela said...

Everything is good so far there is nothing new. we do get homework that takes some hours to do but I really hope that I get good grades on all the test I have today and lets talk about lunch because iam so hungry I heard there is going to be pizza ....or better off lets not talk about it because im hungry.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Shanna-kayCrawford said...


10:09 AM  
Blogger arielle austin said...

what i want to write today is that i have had a bad week ive been getting guided studies and stuff and this boy thinks i like him but i dont and so im mad at him and he is still tryin to talk to me.

10:10 AM  
Blogger Lauren said...

I cant wait until after school because i am getting rid of my poof and it will be long and silky! Then, on Saturday, i will going to a first birthday party and then a sweet sixteen! I will be loving this weekend because i love have a busy weekend. im just weird like that.

10:12 AM  
Blogger Tee Kay said...

I know that today will be a bad day b/c everday i have a bad day especially when i am at home fightitng with my sister all day.

10:12 AM  
Blogger Alfredo Contreras said...

Today been a boring day that i
almost fell asleep in 1st peiod
i could tell that today will be a long long day

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the world is wierd and people are as wierd as the world.
i think yesterday and tuesday were the best days of the week for me

10:13 AM  
Blogger ERIC JAVIER said...

I love fridays cause evey friday I get to eat pizza and also cause there's no school on the weekends which rocks.

12:20 PM  
Blogger RAZIELCORREA said...

What i am going to do this weekend is go to soccer practice in bellflower.After that i am going to a party and i dont know what i will do there because i donk know the people.I do know its a fifteen celebratoin so i guess it will be fun.On sunday i will probably wake up at ten then play video games and do my homework.that is how my weekend will go.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, this week was all right i guess i mean i just got one detention and im guessing thats not that bad compared to other students. Anywas, this weekend im going to a quinceners and hopefully i get to have fun with all my homugurlz and homeboyz. Also, i am looking forward to improve many skills this year, such as writting skills and reading skills. Last but not least, i hope this year can somehow be fun.

12:23 PM  
Blogger The 1 and only AnDrEa said...

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12:23 PM  
Blogger ~CrIsTy~ said...

well im gonna right about the abot the shools football team. They have lost all the games that they played. That is sad. The other skools are probably talkin about us that we suck cause we lost all of are games. I think that the football team needs to practice more, so we could at least win one game! Man that really sucks; i cant beileve that we havent won a game.

12:24 PM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

this weekend im gonna go to a quiceanera and me and my homegurls are gonna party all night, i also have to take my lil' cousin to disneyland 4 her birthday, the whole family is gonna go and it gonna be fun.well that's all i got to say..

12:24 PM  
Blogger The 1 and only AnDrEa said...

This week has been a fun week. I learned new thing in class and I met new people life for me is great.I want to see what will happen next week.

12:26 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

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12:26 PM  
Blogger ĹǚΐŞ МД®ŤÎŇĘŽ said...

i think today is gonna be a relax day but not for me because i have to do a project for mr.mikkelson a travel brochure and also for ms.funes i have to do a rough draft dats why it won't be relax day not unless i do all of it today that way i have saturday and sunday to do whatever i want to do watch tv go to the movies thats why it is gonna be relaxing day only if i do my hw early

12:27 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

wEll YEa ii reAllY d0nT liikE thiiS sK00L aT aLl ANd iiTS my firST WEeK Here anD iM not s0 haPpY wIth IT*ii juST WIIsh ii c0uLD G0 BacK 2 iiNglEw00d bUT i guESs iiM jUst stucK hEre foR thE rESt Of THe YeaR s0 yeA thAts gREaT!=(*

12:29 PM  
Blogger ♥$♥_pAuLA_uSqUiAnO_♥$♥ said...

This week so far has been ok. This weekend I will go to my friends Birthday Party!! Also I am happy because to day is Friday and I might go have fun with some of my friends. And this weekend I will also go shopping!!!!

12:29 PM  
Blogger miguel salcedo said...

every day i have to get up early and get ready for school so i am really happy tommorow is the weekend cuz i could sleep till
9 o' clock wahooo!!!!! and i don't have to worry about i still have homework left ofcourse unless i do it on sunday which almost never happens. i do some of my homework today some tommorow and if i forgot to do one thing i doit on sundays and i study on sundays 2.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Brinett Morales said...

My first week at Animo was good there was no trouble, but i doo have alot of homework so far but i can finish it fas. Maybe after school i 'll just go shopping or go over my friendshouse for fun. On the weekened so far :) it's going to be fun. Well on saturday i have a party to go to it's a sweet 16. And on sunday i'll just probably go over my cousins house and hang around with her. THAN IT'S SCHOOL AGAIN EWWW!! :( j/k

12:31 PM  
Blogger kike =P said...

dominoes pizza was good but there was a long line..i wanna go home cause im bored...or i wanna go to advisory cause im bored and its fun in advisory

1:11 PM  
Blogger kotikthug said...

Getting famous!
i'm going paintballing tomorrow and might just spend sunday in the pool!

1:11 PM  
Blogger kotikthug said...

Getting famous!
i'm going paintballing tomorrow and might just spend sunday in the pool!

1:11 PM  
Blogger **dora** said...

well what can i say ? this week has been a good week even though i had 3 tests/quizzes:( but oh well. i am so glad this week is over because i just want to get home throw my backpack and forget about school for at least for a day. Well tomorrow most likely like i have nothing to i am going to go shopping!:)then i might go to my cuosins house to visit her cause shes sickie. i think that's it for today:):)

1:13 PM  
Blogger cameron austin luvz me said...

This week has been cool because this week has been short or that is just me.This weekend I am going to get some new shoes and clothes.But I think Animo should have some basketball courts outside so we dont just have to be stuck in that small cafeteria or outside doing nothing

1:15 PM  
Blogger DANIELA MUÑOZ said...


1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that last week was great i had fun in all my classes exccept on friday because i wasn't able to come to school . i was sick . but i think it was a pretty good week.

8:02 AM  

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