Monday, September 18, 2006

Journal 9

"A coward dies a thousand times but a soldier dies only once.


Blogger As[S]asSiN`.×[Î]n[ƒ]£[R]n[Ø]× said...

i think that this means that you should never be afraid of anything, or what you are trying to achieve is always lost. but, for people that are up to the challenge usually achieve that goal/obstacle, and win. But a coward will never win and will always lose, but on the other hand, the brave one, well, you know what happens to him.

8:05 AM  
Blogger *j@!33$@* =0 said...

I think this quote means that if you are a coward you fail alot of times but if your a soldier dies only once because your a soldier you are brave and you are not affraid to take a chance and risk your life and for that you are barve and you only die one time.

8:08 AM  
Blogger brandon_watson said...

I think this quote means that you should never be afraid of anything, or you are trying to get things. If you are a coward, you can't get things that you want, If you a soilder, you can never be afraid of anything because you can stand up for anything if you try.

8:09 AM  
Blogger BeCkY said...

JoUrNaL #9
I think that this means that for example in a war, a person who runs away is considered as a coward and will eventually die, but with shame. A soldier though, will keep on figting until they die. They however, will be recognized and everyone will know that they have died with honor.

8:11 AM  
Blogger juan_quinones said...

I think what this means is that a person who doesn't fight for what he stands for will always be kill mentally. He would be kill mentally because at the end who wont even have a say because he never fought for it. But a brave man who always stands for his rights will always win mentally and will only die physically.

8:11 AM  
Blogger lizett_arredondo said...

I think this quote is saying that a person who is a coward will feel as if they are dying a thousand times because inside they will always know that they have no courage to stand up for what they believe in. A soldier, however, will know they did everything they could to fight for what they wanted.

8:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This quote means that you should never be afraid of anything because that will make you a loser not confronting what you want.If you stand up for it you won't be like a coward and back off .

8:12 AM  
Blogger sammy.: said...


8:13 AM  
Blogger DestinyGobert said...

I think this means that when you are a coward you will always be scared of things and never believe in yourself and will die inside alot of times. A soldier is brave and knows how to take care of their selfs and know what to do when times go bad

8:14 AM  
Blogger munoz maribel said...

i think this quote means that a person whos brave dies and is remembered as a man or woman that fought their battles and never gave up. but a person whos a coward is always remembered as a coward that didnt accomplish anything.

8:16 AM  
Blogger jamal said...

I think this quote is saying that a coward dies many times when he/she does not stand for something they no is right so they kill themselves many times inside but a solider only dies once because they are standing up for something write

8:16 AM  
Blogger ♥SanDiiBeL♥ said...

wHaT ThIs quOtE Is sAYInG Is tHAt A peRsOn tHAt iS A CoWaRd cAN DIe ALOT Of tiMeS fOR BeInG a cowaRd. BuT YoU CaN DiE PrOUd anD As a sOlDiEr oNLy OnCe FoR bEing bRavE. A CowArD IS A pERsOn witH FeAr whO iS ScareD oF stanDiNg uP FoR WhAt ThEy BeliEvE In, But A SoLdIER Will alWAYs bE HoNOrED FoR WhaT hE/sHe aLwAyS FoUgHTt As A StroNg sOlDIeR. DonT bE A CoWard...

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:19 AM  
Blogger $$Troy$$ said...

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8:20 AM  
Blogger bRaNdEeZy y0!! =] said...

I think this means that everyone should be brave in their own way and not show that they are scared sometimes. Also, I think this means that the brave ones are more remembered then the cowards. That is what I think this quote means.

8:21 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

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8:31 AM  
Blogger $$Troy$$ said...

I think this quote means that a coward is someone who is afraid they will die or is afraid of someone is gonna kill them. A soldier is someone who isn't afraid of anything or anyone. A soldier will die eventually.

8:34 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

This quote is saying that a coward only gives up there own battle but a soldier stands up for their battle and die only once a coward dies a thousand times until they stand up.

8:38 AM  
Blogger malik st.cyr said...

This quote means that a coward who is afraid of battle or what they believe in will die and be killed many times inside.and it means thatif you are a coward you fail alot of times but if your a soldier dies only once because your a soldier you are brave and you are not affraid to take a chance and risk your life and for that you are barve and you only die one time.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Alma Luna said...

i think that the quote means that a coward who avoids his fears is always failing and you lose a thousaqnd times for not taking a risk. and a person who actually tries can fail once becuase they took a chance.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Angelica Larios said...

What i think that this quote means is that alot of mean people are always dying and they die when there doing something bad and dangerous or they get killed for that one bad thing they did and that the nice people that try to do things for others like the soldiers dont die very often.This is what i thinkl that this quote means.Oh yeah i also think that this qoute means that dont do bad things always try to do nice things or help people when they need it.Oh yeah this is what this quote means.

10:09 AM  
Blogger nelson said...

I think this means that this means that a coward feels that he dies many times because of the selfstem that he has towards him. A soldier in the other hand is thought to have a high self to know who they are stand for who they are and dont back off when they need to firm.

10:09 AM  
Blogger † ×VÎc£n†£ GÅRcÎÅ× † said...

This quote is saying that if a coward runs away from a battle he dies inside many times because his guilt is killing him emotionally. A man that fights in battle only dies once, physically, they will die with honor and will never come back. That is a hero, not a coward, and that is the difference between them.

10:11 AM  
Blogger alejandro reynoso said...

this means that a person that is not brave not many people care if he dies . lf a person that heroic and does something meaning full in life he is remembered

10:11 AM  
Blogger Shadi Valenzuela said...

I think this means that if u try once in the battle but you really believe in yourself that you can do it and you are doing it for good you will die only once but you will rest in peace.

A coward would be afraid to stand up for what he or she belives and can be dieng inside not resting in peace will someone who did die but did the right thing is resting in peace.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Andrea Wallace said...

it means that if you dont stand up for yourself then people will walk all over you and take over your life and you would have no say of what you do. But as for a soldier you are in charge and cant no one tell you what to do or even say. But as for me i think everyone should be a soldier even if they are timid.

10:12 AM  
Blogger amber tidmore said...

This quote means to me that if you are a coward and you are only one trying to suceed in something for yourself you most likely will die or loose alot of times because you are not a soldier. A solider might win because a soldier has a team that he can trust. But if you are a coward you are not a leader or some one that is in it for the team. So there for you don't have a team you can trust.

10:15 AM  
Blogger marycele said...

This quate means that a coward dies so many times because he probably did nothing in his life. A soldier dies only once because he has the courage to do something and he isn't afriad of dying. A soldier will risk his life to save somebody else. Unlike the coward he/she will probably run away.Also this quate could also have a different meaning. It could mean that if you don't succeed on reaching your goal, you will fail all the time. A person who succeeds will accomplish their goal.

10:20 AM  
Blogger arielle austin said...

well maby they are saying that a coward always dies at everything they do, but a soldier only dies once in battle or war because they were not cowards.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Alfredo Contreras said...

It means a coward dies thousand of times because of his fear but the soldier who are brave stand and fight so they only die once

12:22 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

What this quote means to me is that a coward may run away from everything but on the inside he is dying because he knows that he should have been brave. A soldier is always brave. He stands up for his country. He only dies once, which is in battle. But a coward will always be hurt, knowing that he should face his fears and stand up for himself.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

What this quote means to me is that a coward may run away from everything but on the inside he is dying because he knows that he should have been brave. A soldier is always brave. He stands up for his country. He only dies once, which is in battle. But a coward will always be hurt, knowing that he should face his fears and stand up for himself.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Shanna-kayCrawford said...

I think that this quote means!!Be a leader not a follower.Its ok to have friends but make sure u do the right thing.Its suprising to see how much u get things down right witout following other peolpe.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think this quote is significant because it says truth. i believe in this quote because it is true.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think that this quote means that a coward will always end up dying as many times it can and a soldier will fight for its people and will never give up until it only dies once to a point where he cant protect his people

10:09 AM  
Blogger ĹǚΐŞ МД®ŤÎŇĘŽ said...

this means that if u are the coward u will always be scared of doing something u think u can do but are to scared to do it then u will not accomplish what u were going to do but if u are very strong and not scared like a soldier then u will accomplish what u think u can do that is what this journal means

10:10 AM  
Blogger The 1 and only AnDrEa said...

I thihk that an solider will die before an coward because an soilder is brave and have an achivement. And an coward is scary at whatever he does. So an solider will be strong and an coward will be an coward.

10:10 AM  
Blogger ~CrIsTy~ said...

i think that this means is that when your a coward that you to scared to do anything so youre going to fail all the time,cuz your too sacred to even try,and when your a soilder and you try hard and you can achieve.

10:11 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

This means that a coward gets the chance to live and get up to fix his/her mistake, but he/she doesn't.and a true soldier stands up for what he/she believes and they get one chance and they take it without fear and with confidence

10:11 AM  
Blogger RAZIELCORREA said...

what this quote means to me is that a coward is a person who never tries anything so their selfesteim is getting killed thousands and thousands of times.A coward is too afraid to die or fail but what they dont know is that he is already dead......but a soilder is a brave person thats stands up to what they want and they only die once because they are hard to bring down.

10:12 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

This quote is trying to say that a soldier is in more danger because he only dies one time and a coward dies more than one time........

10:13 AM  
Blogger ♥$♥_pAuLA_uSqUiAnO_♥$♥ said...

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10:13 AM  
Blogger miguel salcedo said...

i think that what this means is that a coward doesn't literally die but spiritually because that person doesn't stand up for what he or she believes. A soldier always stands up for what he or she believes and they are always alive spiritually and they feel good inside because they are not letting other people destroy their dream or put them down.

10:15 AM  
Blogger ~CrIsTy~ said...

i thinkn that this means that when youre a coward your going to fail because your to scared to even try to suceed,and when your a soilder you will acheive in life.

10:15 AM  
Blogger ♥$♥_pAuLA_uSqUiAnO_♥$♥ said...

I think that this means that a coward doesn't do much for something that they desire for a person or for theirself. But a soldier fights for something that they desire.Or somehting they desire for someone.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

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10:16 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

ii THiiNK iit MEanS if u ARE cowaRD iN life uLl DIE mAny TimES lIKe The qU0tE sAYs IN Ull suffER F0r BeINg S0 c0Ward IN uR liiFE*ANd if u LIvE ur LifE likE A sOlDIer in fiGHt FoR g00d aNd Try To Give thE bEst of U IN LIFe ThEn YOu DiE oNLy oNcE aNd PeACEfuLlY!*

10:16 AM  
Blogger Brinett Morales said...

-i think that the quote means that if a good person dies only once is because they believe in themselves and they rest in peace.
-and if a coward dies alot of times is because thay don't believe in themselves and they don't stand up for themselves. The good person does stand up for themselves and since there good they rest in peace.

10:18 AM  
Blogger kike =P said...

i think this means that its not cool to be a coward and you will always be afraid no matter its better to face new things and to try to be brave so you wont be afraid no more

12:19 PM  
Blogger ..::V£R£NIC£..:: said...

i think this is trying to say that u should emjoy ur life because u never know when ur gonna dye whether its right now tomorrow or u never know put it like that so i thin u should enjoy evry second of ur life.

12:20 PM  
Blogger cameron austin luvz me said...

This quote means that a coward dies alot inside because they don not stand up for wat they believe in but a soldier only dies once because they stand up fo wat they believe in.

12:22 PM  
Blogger **dora** said...

i think this quote is trying to say that a coward always feels that he is never going to succeed and he feels like he is dying a thousand times from the inside.A coward is always afraid to fight in the battle field A soldier would fight for his rights and is brave enough to fight to reach his goal no matter what the obstacle is. I think we should all be soldiers who fight for what we stand for intead of being cowards:)

12:26 PM  
Blogger ..::V£R£NIC£..:: said...


12:29 PM  
Blogger kotikthug said...

What I think this quote means is a soldier is a brave man that has courage and there’s only a few of them and there is probably so many cowards that they die without even notice and by the thousand times of death it means that there is plenty of them and that of soldiers there’s only one kind of soldier for that person and they only live once because they see the same coward charachsteristics over and over again.

12:41 PM  
Blogger DANIELA MUÑOZ said...

“Journal # 9”
It means that people who are afraid and are pretty much little scary cats will die many times since they’re always watching out with their life and won’t give up their life for another but someone who is brave will give up their life to save another life.

12:42 PM  
Blogger EdgAr!!(AnE!!!!!) said...

Journal #8

I think this quote means like dude if your gonna be someone that is just gonna let your life go or if you’re a bad person . It means if your these type of people something bad will happen to you a lot and everyday I think you should enjoy life and be a good person in order to remain with a good life .

12:43 PM  
Blogger FIFI said...

I think that this quote means that those who are cowards suffer the most because they have to see the event that hurts them go on and they just sit there without trying to do anything while the brave one atleast attempts to make things better. The coward will forever live with the guilt in his head of not fighting for what he/she believed in.


6:58 PM  

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