Latino History 365 powerpoint
Latino/Hispanic History 365 powerpoint.
To supplement what we have learned while creating our tables, we will now create a power point presentation which summarizes this information. You will be required to create a minimum of 10 slides as you should have 10 entries from your tables. Each slide should include the following:
• Name and birth date and death(if applicable)
• Their profession
• A significant accomplishment
• Picture of person
• How this person relates to you
To supplement what we have learned while creating our tables, we will now create a power point presentation which summarizes this information. You will be required to create a minimum of 10 slides as you should have 10 entries from your tables. Each slide should include the following:
• Name and birth date and death(if applicable)
• Their profession
• A significant accomplishment
• Picture of person
• How this person relates to you