Wednesday, September 23, 2009

JOurnal 8 2009

What is the importance of goal setting? How does setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks? As you continue creating you powerpoints keep in mind how important the goals you set are. Please provide examples to support your answer minimum of 100 words


Blogger JRO said...

Goals are very important things that people misuse. Goals are very important, because they enable to set high standards for themselves, and perhaps succeed their own expectations. I think that people that set goals are the most successful ones in life, because goals allow people to be gas great as anyone in the world. We set goals to see how far we can reach or what our expectations are. Goals help many succeed in places they never thought they could succeed in.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Bryan=]] said...

Setting your goals to a certain task is important because that way you'll know what your goals for the future are for example if somebody wants to buy a house that they like they put it on a list they work and little by little they start investing in that house soon they have enough and theyv set they're goals.Putting in powerpoints my goals are to do better in school so if I keep seeing that then Ill know that I need to work on that so putting your goals down help not to forget what your goals are and to complete them.=]]

10:08 AM  
Blogger anthony martin said...

if someone doesnt have goals set for life they wont go anywhere or be anything in life. if someone were to say "i wanna be something in life and by being something will go to college." my goal for now in life is to be on principles honor roll the whole year and to also make it to the soccer team. my dream is to be on the Animo soccer team. i am really concetrating on that goal because every day i go to play soccer and to get conditioned, since this was one of my goals i am prepared for it. i think the only way you can be successful in life is by having goals set for your life.

10:08 AM  
Blogger marvin_09 said...

goals are very important when it comes to having to get things done.goals are very important beciuse you know how high you want to go,a dn you try your best at achievihng those goals. i think that people that set goasl for themselves are the oe=nes that mostly accomplish them , because they know where they want to go and how to get their.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

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10:09 AM  
Blogger Guadalupe Ortiz said...

The impotantance of goal setting is that they are challenges that you give yourself and that you must reach hard to complete. Goals are important because they strenghted you to and make you able to realize that you can do more than what you think you can't if you don't give yourself a goal. When you have a goal you have to push it to the limit and try to not give up. Setting goals enable to a specific task because you are trying to complete the goal that you have given yourself and not on something else. If you start to foucs on somehting else you lose concentration on your goal and might never finish it.

10:09 AM  
Blogger richard!!!! said...

i think the importance of goal setting is is that you have something that u want to acchomplish that is yours somethingu want to do and it hepls u conncentrate and foucus on wat that goal is for example when somebody wants to buy a new care they put it on theier mind and they work for it and wotk for it save money little by little and until the buy the car
it is important to set goals cause it helps u not just waste ur money or do something that u didint want to and if u write ur goal down it helps u to never forget and keep working towards accoploshing that goal

10:10 AM  
Blogger john1 said...

i think the goals make you focus more on a specific task. It helps you because you no what you are giong to do. And also you are going to know what to do for you to achieve the goal you want. Goal settings are good because they make you do your best to get the goal. You will do everything to do to get the goal and to be happy. Also it helps you see how many goals you may have and which one you may start off with. You could do the easiest goal first and then start developing the other goals. For exampple if you want to have a 4.0 in school you will no that you will have to study real hard and do all the homeworks. Also the class work and make school your top priority.

10:11 AM  
Blogger Johanna Gutierrez said...

Its important to set goals because when you set a goal you have a purpose on a certin things that you would like to achive.And in achiveing in goals you get better at other things and these things can most probably help you in the future. Setting goals can really help in many ways you just need to set the right goals.

10:12 AM  
Blogger leslie[: said...

the importance of goal setting is that when you set your self to achieve goals, you are challenging your self to achieve taht goal without giving up on the way.setting goals enable you to stay on task because you want to be able to keep your goal and tyou set your mind on complerting the goal. you set your mind in setting teh bar higher than what you set and to able to complete that goal that you set yourself to do that you thought you couldn't complete.

10:13 AM  
Blogger monica ! said...

goals are very important to set in your life becasue i think if you dont set goals for your self you wont have something to work for an look forward too and at the end you wont have that feeling of accomlishment !

10:14 AM  
Blogger Janett ♥ said...

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10:16 AM  
Blogger Jose Estrada said...

The importance of goal setting are that the goals makes you focus on the specific tasks. This makes you be more aware of what you need to do in order to achieve your goal. In order to achieve the goal you must focus on the stuff you need to do to accomplish that goal. So its important to focus in that specific goal in order to achieve it. Every goal should be a goal that you really want to do or achieve. Everyone should have a goal that makes them feel like if they had pride or something that will change them for the rest of their lives.

10:17 AM  
Blogger michele♥; said...

The importance of setting goals is very important. Goals are very important because they make you work hard for something you want to achieve. People that set goals in their lives become more successful because if we didn't have goals people wouldn't work hard and we wouldn't have all the teachers, doctors, e.t.c. Goals make you push harder to succeed and to never give up on what you believe you can be.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Janett ♥ said...

The importance of goal setting is that you have something that you want to succeed in and you find a way to get there. Another reason on why its important is that with goals you concentrate on that main thing your trying to reach. For example if your trying to go to college your going to focus on graduating and getting good grades.
I think setting goals help you focus on a task because its something you want to succeed in and its something your trying to get to.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Jocelyn Archila said...

The importance of goals setting is that you have challenged and determined yourself to do something. Setting goals in yourself will help you be more successful in life. When you set a goal in yourself and see you've accomplished it, you see that you were able to succeed in an area where you probably thought you couldn't succeed in. When you set yourself you are setting yourself standards and expectations. Personally, when a new school year starts, I usually set goals for school.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Lizbeth Torres said...

The importance of goal setting is that if you have a goal that you are challenging yourself to,so you can accomplish it.I think setting goals will make you more successful in life.If you accomplish your goal you will be able to know that you can be successful in life and that setting a goal helps you motivate.

10:22 AM  
Blogger *Brenda* said...

Goal setting is extremely important because if you don't have goals set for your life, you will not be able to be anything in life. With goal settings, you know what you need to aim for and what you need to work on to accomplish them.For example, my goal is to maintain a 4.0 GPA. This goal lets me know that I have to work very hard on all my classes and if I feel that i'm not accomplishing that goal it helps know what I need to work on to achieve it.You should always have goals because they help you succeed in life. Mostly, the people who set their goals high are the ones who are the most successful in life.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Victoria said...

The importance of goal setting is being able to acomplish whatever you wish to do.If you set a goal it helps you focus because you are concentrating on your dreams and what you're trying to achieve. If you don't set goals you won't have anything to look forward for or have any specific reason to why you do what you do. Goals help people succed in what they choose to do and make them successfull people.

10:23 AM  
Blogger RUBI NAVIA said...

its very important 2 establish goal settings in order 2 succeed && b the best u can b. goals help focus on specific task such as ur life, school, and any other methods u want 2 achieve. in order 2 achieve a goal u need 2 b prepared, focus, have a positive mentality, and just try ur best.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Ana =) said...

Goal setting is very importaint because it is something that you want and almost every thing you do will lead you to your goal. It aslo keeps you on the right path to get you were you want to be.Especialy if you are specific because that helps alot to keep you on the right path because
you know what you need to do so ,you will do your best. The goals in our power point point out to us what we need to do this year, what our classmates should expect from us.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Erika Sanchez said...

The importance of goal setting is to create goals for you to be able to succed. It helps you focus on the certian goals you need to accomplish by focusing to try to do it more oftently. Theres methods to accomplish them in a way that you focus on those goals more and get better at it and see that theres way you can accomplish them by really trying your best. People think theres no way to accomplish them because they set in there minds that they can accomplish them but they could you just have to do there best.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Goals are important in life because they help us reach high standards that we would think we couldn't reach. They help us over come obstacles that we would are to hard to accomplish.We set goals to see how far we can reach our expectations that we have set for ourselves. Setting goals can help us reach far and will help us succeed.Having goals helps you get far in life because without any goals you are not going to reach you maximum.

10:24 AM  
Blogger stephy13 said...

The impoRtancE of goAl seTting Iz FindinG your goAl anD suCceedIng iT becauSe thEre Are maNy Goals peoplE want to aCcompliSh and It Is not eAsy buT they do Their bEst untiL..they make iit.Setting goAls Enables me to FOcus o speCifiC tasks becauSe its somethinG ive alWays TO do.So im goinG to dO my bEst to aChievE it.You can alSo be entertained by thE job u have so you wonT Have to be home all day or hang out wiTh frienDs everyday..

10:30 AM  
Blogger aniesha nicholas said...

goals are important in life.It make you strive for something that you want. it could be something you want in the future.its wise of u to set your goal high because than u set ghigh qualitys and standards for yourself.Goals help people know what they want in life than to settle for every or anything.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Freshness :0 said...

The importance of goal setting is because if you goal set you might look froward to something in life. In life you can waste you time doing nothing you have to look froward and if you don't you will never get to do what you want. Goal setting help you focus on something pacific in life that you may that to accomplish and you might have many other goals that may that help you complete your main goal.

11:39 AM  
Blogger KaRiNa said...

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11:40 AM  
Blogger KaRiNa said...

The importance of goal setting is that if you set goals for yourself it will encourage you to succeed what you set your mind to. When you set goals you know exactly what your aiming for as long as its a specific goal you know what you need to do in order to achieve it.. =p

11:42 AM  
Blogger gabriela aquino said...

it is important to set goals for ourselves because like that we have in mind what we want to do and set standards for it. it also helps you see that you can go beyond what you have done before. it allows you to focus on specific tasks because you know what you want and want to get there so you put in more effort. and are persistent to get to the goal.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Jazmine_Martinez said...

the importance of goal setting is that when you have a goal you know that you going to stick with goal and accomplish enables you to focus on specific taks becaue if there is somethimg that is part of your life that consists of your goal you would do it. it is also imporant to have a goal because you are going to know what you want to accomplish.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Camacho said...

Setting goals help you succeed through out your whole life. It can help you get through school and work. Goals help you manage a thing you want to do for your life. A goal is like finishing school and going to college. Some people set goals like making a National Soccer Team or any other sport. If you don't make that then that's why you have a back up goal for life. I set goals like going to college. My first goal is to major in history if not try and be a car sells men. Those are two things I want to do in life because my first goal is to Major in History because I love it and a cars sells men because you can make a lot of money.

11:52 AM  
Blogger GabyFigueroa(: said...

The importances of goal settings are to have personal rankings of yourself, in a way. Goals are dreams that you can accomplish just have to work for them. Setting goals allows you to focus on specific tasks. They help us to want to succeed, to make something of ourselves. They help us to succeed in place that we never imagined were possible. They enable us to set certain standards for ourselves. Without goals our life would be all over the place. Goals keep us in place; they keep our life in track. Goals can range in varieties... they can be as small as being able to pass high school... and as big as being able to find the cure for cancer. Our goals are important and anyone who is anyone needs to have goals.
- Gaby :)

11:52 AM  
Blogger Stephanie Cabrera said...

The importance of goal setting is to obtain the idea of what you want to achieve and how you are going to achieve that goal.Setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks because it allows you to set high standards fro yourself and you have a reason for what you are doing. One example is, let's say that a student will be writing a paper if they set a goal on that specisfic task, they will know what they have to accomplish and they understand where they need to be, and they will be successful.

11:54 AM  
Blogger jailyn said...

goal setting is very important because they can prepare you for alot,goal setting is like what you plan to accomplish in your life,people always say they have set goals but most of the time they go all the way through with it so they are basically waisting time. example losing wait people always say im going to lose 5 or even 10 pounds but they continue to eating the sdame foods that made tyhem gain the weight in the first place.

11:55 AM  
Blogger diego alvarez iz awesome!!!!!!!!! said...

Goal setting is important because you always have to think about what you are going to do when you are older in the future. you can focus on how you're going to accomplish your goal when it is the right time to do it. if you set a goal to become a lawyer, then you have to study hard and you have to go to law school for i think for about three years

11:55 AM  
Blogger Quentin said...

Setting goals is a really important task to me personally. If you dont have Goals what is ther to look for in thne future??" You have to have goals in life in order to have anything to run smothly. you cant juut wake up one moring sand say im going to be an actor and then 25 minutes later say i want to be a lawyer. You have to have a realistic goal that you belive you can acomplish. if you dont have a goal you dont have anything to motovate you and your going to b doing nothing for the rest of you life. In conclusion you have to have a goal in life that you know you ca n obtain.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Hector Vallejo said...

Goals are very important that people misuse. Goals are very important becaus eif you dont put goals you arwe never goin to meet the standard you set. Goal setting is also important because with out goals you wont know what you have to do in that year you are in school. Goals help alot of people succeed in there life!!!!!

11:56 AM  
Blogger Amanda Davis said...

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11:56 AM  
Blogger Jessica_Ortiz2013 said...

the inptrtance of goal setting is beacause when you set your goal you have to accomplish.It might be hard to reach but you know that you have to reach that goal! For example when you say i want to be able to reach honors; that means that you have to do your homework and study for test and quizzes

11:57 AM  
Blogger Adriana Casillas said...

it is important to set goals so that you can know what you plan on reaching and where you plan on going in life.setting goals enables you to focus on specific tasks because you get to spend your time on one thing and leave the rest alone. for example, if u want to get straight A's on your report card you would have to spend most of your time working and pushing yourself to study and do your work right so that u can get good grades. another example would be the career of your choice. when you decide what you want to be you focus on that thing and u will eventually get to become what you want to become..

11:57 AM  
Blogger Jose D. Gutierrez said...

Setting goals is very important for many reasons. For one, it helps you tell yourself what you want to do with your life. Another reason is that it helps you organize your wants and needs. If you dont set goals, you'll just take a random path in life, not really caring about what you get. But if you set your goals, and you want really want them, you'll go down a path in your life that you will actually like.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Anaa_Mendozaa said...

Blahh, So yeaa. Goal settingg is veryy important, Cuzz you should alwayss set a goal fer yerself so you can be motivated to be somebody. When i sett goals fer myself, i make sure thaa i set them high enough to challenge myselff. I concentrate on my goals and work really hard to accomplish them.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goal setting is improtant because, you have to have mile stones in life. Everyone wants to achieve someone and when a person sets a goal they are determined to ahcieve it. Goals are set to accomplish certain tasks and goals help you stay focused on a certain work.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Amanda Davis said...

uhmmmm, setting goals are important because you would have something to look forward to and something to work toward because you already know what you want and what your working so hard for. if you don't set goals for yourself then i think you are more likely to be confused about what you want to do when the time comes. like what college you want to go to or what you want to major in. and after college, what would you do with your life? you wouldnt really know because you never had a specific goal for yourself as an adult. or even as a high school or college student.

11:58 AM  
Blogger Monica(: said...

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11:59 AM  
Blogger Monica(: said...

when you set goals for yourself it helps u understand what you want. When you set goals it helps you organize yourself and focus on what you want to accomplish with your goals.When you have goals that helps you understand what you have to do in order to accomomplish them.goals are something that you set for yourself and you workd hard to complete them, and when you do you have that feeling of satisfaction.

11:59 AM  
Blogger -->*mIcHeLlE mArTiNeZ*<-- said...

Goals are very important because you will have something to set your mind to.Having Goals will set your mind to just one thong because if you set a goal you would do whatever you can to accomplish them.Gaols are very important because the harder you try to do something the more you will succeed.

12:03 PM  
Blogger LEZLy HERNANdEZ said...


12:03 PM  
Blogger angel_marie said...


12:04 PM  
Blogger Aaliyah Berry said...

Goal setting is a very imporant asset in life because if you don't set any goals or expections for yourself and plan for the future, you will probably end up failing. You have to think ahead and prepare yourself for certain situations your not going to be able to handle anything. You have to set goals for yourself that YOU want so that you can have great sucess in something that you love.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Jonathan chavez said...

the importance of goal setting is to focus you in what you want to be life and set standards for yourself you have to try to reach your goal and complete them so one day you can seee them.
it is really inportant in life

12:04 PM  
Blogger JONATHAN SANCHEZ $$$ said...

The importance of a goal set is to qonquer that goal that you always wanted. And to do what you got to do so you could want what you wanted. and if you qounquer that goal you would feel good about that and you should because you took along time to qonqueer it and you finally did!

12:05 PM  
Blogger Melissa.Barrios said...

the importance of goal setting is that when you have a goal you know that you know what you want and need to do and you are going to try to accomplish it.making goals helps you on focusing on a certain thing

12:07 PM  
Blogger valeria gomez said...

Setting goals is very important for anything you want to accomplish. goals are good to keep you focused on whet you want to accomplish in life. for example, if you want to be an athlete in life, you have to work at it and train and stuff. if you dont set goals, you wont know where to go in life like what you should do. You really need to know where your going to get there successfully and thats what goals are for. when you set goals for yourself, you are pretty much just challenging yourself to do better to achieve.

12:08 PM  
Blogger aarongonzalez said...

It is important that a goal setting is that they are challenges that you give yourself and that you must reach hard to complete. If you stuggle a while to get it your suceeding even more because you learned how to do it and you put your mind into it so it is better to put your mind into things. like one of my goals is to get better at paintballing. I will complete that by going more times to places, and by practicing in my backyard or something. That is how i would complete my goal.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Vanessa Carrisoza :) said...

Goal setting is very important because when you set a goal it’s a way that you prepare for your future. When I set a goal I want it to be something I plan to accomplish but also for my goal to be a challenge. Putting my goals into power point is a great help. So every time I look at the PowerPoint I see the goals I have set for myself and ways I plan to accomplish them. The PowerPoint has made me really think about the goals I want to accomplish this year which is important.

2:01 PM  
Blogger jonai said...

i think goals are very important because you would know what you need to succeed in for you could suceed your goal .alot of people set goals for themselves because they could help you in the future also.gols would allow you to be a great person because you would know that suceed your goal .you would feel good about your self.

2:02 PM  
Blogger GUiLLERMO!!... said...

the importance of setting a goal is to not worry or think of other things and to think of that goal in specific and to set your mind to acomplishing it and to focus to completing it.its importance becuase when you actualy acomplish or finish that specific goal you we proud of yourself and will want to set another one.

2:03 PM  
Blogger GUiLLERMO!!... said...

the importance of setting a goal is to not worry or think of other things and to think of that goal in specific and to set your mind to acomplishing it and to focus to completing it.its importance becuase when you actualy acomplish or finish that specific goal you we proud of yourself and will want to set another one.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Michael Ramirez said...

Michael Ramirez

The point of setting goal or goals is their for a mainly purpose and reason. The point of accomplishing a goal is to know what we wamt, wants the thing we have in mind so we could succeed and so we have something to task. a goal makes us enable because when we have a goal in mind it's something we want to do so we could do the best and have something and everybody will be proud of. A goal is their so we work very hard until we earn because of something thw work we did so we could make history. A example of setting goals is if you want to have good grades you have to have in mind that you have to work until you find and work super hard. For the point of working was their for a single reason and not just play around.

2:03 PM  
Blogger jessesanders said...

If someone doesn't have goals set for life they wont go anywhere or be anything in life.Like if someone were to say "i wanna be something in life and by being something will go to college and getting my degree."My goal for now in life is to be on principles honor roll the whole year and to also make it to the football team. my goal is to be on the Animo football team even though i practice with them.I am really concetrating on that goal because every day i go to football practice and to get conditioned, since this was one of my goals i am preparing for.I think the only way you can be successful in life is by having goals set for your life.

2:04 PM  
Blogger k.g.s :) said...

The importance of goal setting is that like. if you have a goal, like most people if theyre smart theyre gonna like. try to follow it and try to accomplish it. setting goals enables you to focus on specific tasks because that way if you have a goal your going to want to achieve it and be more focused on it than other stuff. like an example is like if you want to be a doctor and your studying for that but youre also taking like a foreign language class like, youre going to be more interested in the doctor class thing than in the other class because your goal is to become a doctor.

2:04 PM  
Blogger k.g.s :) said...

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2:04 PM  
Blogger denisse said...

setting goals are important so you could accomplish something in the future n be happy that you accomplished. you set high standards for yourself. it enables you to focus on your tasks so you could practice on it n get better on something. we could see how far we get with our goal setting. ;]

2:05 PM  
Blogger perla said...

The importance of goal setting is that you become somebody in life not something. you need to have your goal set since your small i know i have since i was small i have said that i'm going to college and until this day i still say that becuase i already told myself your going to colege i can't back out so thats why i have to go not just for my parents but for me because i want to be somebody i don't want to be working at mcdonalds when i get older.

2:05 PM  
Blogger sergio_haro said...

Goal setting is important to know exactly what you’re most important task is in your life at the moment. It sets your priorities straight so you know what comes first when it come to your goals importance. Setting goals also help push you and makes you strive for that goal. Some goals let you know what you should be focusing on more. You can have a few goals that you set for your self like getting good grades, learning to surf, and learning how to whistle. Out of those goals you should know which ones have higher priority. Getting good grades should be at the top of your list because that is going to help you in life. Whistling and surfing can be done later whenever you have free time. They will not help you build a secure future for yourself.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Clarissa =p said...

Goals are very important they help you succeed in what you want to accomplish in life or anything. The impotantance of goal setting is that they are challenges that you give yourself and that you must reach hard to complete. Goals that were hard for you to do and now you want to try your hardest on trying to accomplish what you want. They make us Focus more in on more specific task. For example if your trying to try out for your schools soccer team and you think your not good enough to make it in. but if you keep trying and trying you will succed and eventually you'll make it, the goal of trying your best till your advantage.

2:07 PM  
Blogger k.g.s :) said...

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2:07 PM  
Blogger Joey_Marquez said...

What is the importance of goal setting? How does setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks? As you continue creating you powerpoints keep in mind how important the goals you set are.

the importance of goal setting is for people to set good examples for themselves. If someone had no goals to set then they wouldn't get anywhere in life. I think that one of the most important part of having goals is finding out how you are going to accomplish them. People who set high goals usually end up successful with their careers. People that have goals are the most successful in life and the ones that don't have goals are usually not that big of a success.

2:07 PM  
Blogger cashmere said...

The improtance of goal seeting is so that you can set certain goals that you would like to achieve in the future.setting goals enables you to focus on that one task because youll always have it in mind every time you do something.exapmle:you goal is to be on honor roll,so you'll keep in mind i have to do my homework i have to complete my classwork and study hard so that i can pass.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Leslie Rojas said...

The importance of goal setting is that it it helps you get life. It put propose in your life too. It helps you motivate so that you don't be a bums in a street. Setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks because it helps you see if you have potential to reach your goal. Because having goals will then payoff in the future. You probably will get award in the future. You will be proud of yourself if you reach your goal because it something that most people cant reach because they will either give up or not try at all.

2:09 PM  
Blogger yuri vega said...

The importance to having goals is that you might actually have a chance to be someone in life.goals in life are also important because it keeps you going for what you want to become.i think people set goals in there life because they want to be successful and sometimes because they want to help out there family and i think that without no goals you wont have nothing to accomplish in life:)

2:10 PM  
Blogger jonathanvalencia said...

goals are very impartant things that people set to achieve somthings and they follow them to succeed in life they also help people to focus on it and have a straight path to follow.

2:10 PM  
Blogger i l e a n a said...

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2:11 PM  
Blogger alberto_avila20 said...

The importance of setting goals is that it prepares you in life. It also very important, because they enable you to set high standards for yourself. Setting goals guides you to your success. I think that people that set goasl for themselves are the ones that mostly accomplish them AND THAT MOSTLY are able to succede in life.

2:11 PM  
Blogger Anel Cholico said...

Goal setting is really important for many reasons. For example when you set a goal you are pushing yourself to do better. Assume you want to pass a certain class with an "A" you are pushing yourself to do to the best you can. When you set goals you are helping yourself in doing something better than you used to do before.Setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks because you are giving yourself time to reach one goal at a time, therefore you will be able to reach the goal a lot easier and faster.

2:14 PM  
Blogger jesuslozano said...

What is the importance of goal setting? so we can set goals for our self's. How does setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks? by remining us about our goals and so we wont foorget also so we can keep up with our goals. also so we can make them big in matter of seconds.

2:15 PM  
Blogger i l e a n a said...

When you set your goals you have to be organized. It is important to be organized because if you are you will be able to achieve your goal. Setting goals for yourself is important because you try for your best to achieve your goals and that pushes you to strive for your best. It is also important because it helps you build self discipline.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Zulema Caballero said...

Goal setting is important because it determines who you will be in life. Choosing what goals you want to have done means you have something to work for and something to finish. Setting goals lets you focus on specific tasks. For example, when you need to get an A or B in a class, you perform little tasks such as getting a's in a quiz or test in order to get an A at the end of the semester. Another example would be if you need to have an organized garage or attic, you would need to start organizing from small parts until it is completely clean. Goals are important because they say who you are and how persistent you can be.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Jorge Mendoza said...

there alot of reasons why having goals are important. one reason why having goals is important because lets say your goal is to play in a soccer team then your going to have to train to get better so that you can reach that goal. another reason why having a goal is important because so you can become somebody succeesful in life. another reason why having goals in life is succesful is so that so that people can set high standards for themselves. these are the reasons why having goals are important

2:17 PM  
Blogger Jasmine Martinez said...

The importance of goal setting is that its a way of you succeding in life. When i set a goal its a way for me to see what i am trying to accomplish in life. The powerpoint is helpful because it makes me really thinking about what i want to accomplish. what are my values etc.etc.

2:17 PM  
Blogger jas said...

Goals are very important. It is important to set a goal because, in order to accomplish a goal, you must learn whats expected for that goal.Goals let peolpe experience what they are good at and what they are bad at they are an important thing in your life.My goal is to be a professional photographer, so in order to do that i must give myself a challenge and work hard to accomlish my goal. SOOOOOOOOO YESSSSSSSSS GOALSSSSS ARE VERYYYY IMPORTANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT[;

2:17 PM  
Blogger melissa said...

i think goal setting is important becase you have to set standards for you self so in life. setting goals setting helps you be focused because it helps you focus on what you have to of my goals is to make the soccor team but im not going to make it because i suck and i dont have as much experiences of themm. but ima keep trying out till i make it. till they get sick of me.

2:19 PM  
Blogger melissa said...

i think goal setting is important becase you have to set standards for you self so in life. setting goals setting helps you be focused because it helps you focus on what you have to of my goals is to make the soccor team but im not going to make it because i suck and i dont have as much experiences of themm. but ima keep trying out till i make it. till they get sick of me.

2:19 PM  
Blogger salvador_alcala said...

Goals are important because those are things that you want to do in life before you die. if you set a goal, that helps you focus on that goal and achieve set your goals so that you could achieve them. Some people set higher goals but sometimes thy never achieve them and they think they are failures.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Ruben said...

Goal setting is important because if you don't set goals for yourself you wont have anything to base your future on. The purpose of goal setting is to have something to base your future on later in life.

2:29 PM  
Blogger estefani marin said...

The importance of goal setting is to have expectations in life and high standards to achieve. Goal expectations enable you to focus on a specific task because it is something that you want to achieve so you do your best to reach the expectations you put. Setting goals helps you be successful in a certain task you want to obtain. We set goals so we can see how far we can go in life. When you have high expectations you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

2:32 PM  
Blogger Yesenia Salgado said...

Setting goals is a great way to accomplish something that is not so easy to. When making goals it is easier if you do one by one that way it won't be so hard and easier to focus on. One of my main goals I am looking forward to accomplish is get back in track on school work. That means get a GPA of 3.0 or higher. I am going to accomplish this goal by doing homework, classword, studying when I need to , and being responsible. The most important thing when setting a goal is to accomplish don't give up and keep trying!

11:41 AM  
Blogger Angie =)) said...

Goals are very important to set because you can stay organized for what you want to accomplish.Also it is a reminder of making some goals happen. When you make goals you set a motive for yourself, so you can help yourself accomplsh it. If you set goals you can suceed in many things.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Cindy Martinez said...

Setting goals is important because it leads you to success. When you set a goal, you have to go for it set a goal that you will get into because them you just did it for nothing. For example, if you want to become a doctor, you have to a college and study becoming a doctor. It takes more than just saying it to reach your goal, you have to take action. If you want to set a goal that you will get straight A's in school, you have to do your homework and pass every quiz. So it is important setting goals because then you will succeed.

11:44 AM  
Blogger cecilia chavez said...

I think that the importance of goal setting is that it helps you have high standards. Also setting goals is important because it helps out in life. For example if you want to have good grades throughout high school and do good in college than you set a goal saying that your going to do all your work and try your best to have good grades and do good in both high school and college. That way it also helps you focus on specific tasks, like good grades and good work.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Karrisa Rocha said...

Setting goals is important because they get you to set high standards for yourself and if you don't have goals you will end up no where. Goals are also important because when you have goals you don't waste time. And they get you work harder and accomplish more in your life. when you have goals you can challenge yourself to do better.

11:50 AM  
Blogger $$$ Nnandii $$$ said...


11:55 AM  
Blogger RoxanneLeon said...

Goal setting is important because setting goals for yourself will make you try harder. It will allow you to focus on one specific thing at a time so you will be able to accomplish or exceed your expectations. For example, if you want to get a 4.0 by the end of the year, you could set it as a goal that you want to accomplish. So then you will work your hardest to accomplish the goal. Also I think that when you set high standards for yourself, as time passes by you will better at the things you want to do in life.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Kevin Rios said...

the importance of setting goals is to work hard to accomplish those goals. it also helps u focus on doing that one goal and finish that goal before anything else too feel good and succesful

2:00 PM  
Blogger Amina said...

setting goals is good because they can help you in life
like if you dont have goals you dont have a life kink of

2:02 PM  
Blogger AnthonyMelchor said...

The importance of goal setting is to allow you to set goals for your future. It allows you to focus on that goal because it is your goal to accomplish the goal you set.

2:03 PM  
Blogger amberKORINAbrown:) said...

In order to be successful you have to work hard. But how how are you going to work for something you do not know of. This is the reason why people set goals. Setting goals is some what like a guide to see where you want to go in life. You can't just jump in the deep end of a pool and expect that you'll be able to swim. You have to first set a goal to learn the basics of swimming so that one day you will be able to jump in the deep end and automatically start swimming.

2:04 PM  
Blogger =) ALE (= said...

To set a goal is very important because you know you have to accomplish something and because of that you have to give up stuff that you do on a reagular basis to accomplish that goal. If you commit yourself to accomplish a goal you have to keep your word on not to cheat and quit on yourself. When you set a goal you must know how and what your gonna do to accomplish it if you dont than whats the point of setting one. On the other hand setting a goal is good because you know what your aiming for and that might make your life easier, and you know that you cant fail.

2:04 PM  
Blogger lachele burks said...

The importance of goal setting is so you can have something to strive for in life and its just a goal you have, want in life and by setting it you have a plan set for your future.Setting goals enables you to focus on a specific task by helping you paln what you wont to to in life step by step it also helps you prepare your-self in life to you know where your going and you'll know how you will get there.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Nereida Salas (: said...

goals are important because it determines what you want to accomplish in life. if you propse to set a goal you will be able to get far in life. people who set goals in life end up having a good carrer. for example if you propose to set a goal its just going to make you focus in that particualr goal, so its basically a challenge for yourslef.

2:06 PM  
Blogger aremy tapia said...

I think the importance of goal setting is to know where you want to go or who you want to be. setting goals enables you to be focused on specific tasks because you know where you want to go and how far.It helps you know when you have accomplished something. It helps you know when you have done your best that all your hard work pays off. I think many people set goals to help them be better people in life and to do something with their lives.We set goals because we show ourselves that we can accomplish anything we out our mind to. That hardly nothing is impossible.

2:06 PM  
Blogger andrealanda said...

the importance of goal setting is that you know what you are going to do if someone doesnt have goal setting they won't get far in life.Setting goals helps you accomplishes things more orderly if you set a specific goal it will probably get done better than if you do things at random.goals help you acomplish more things an get farther in life an more successful.If you set your mind to a goal you will more likely
accompish that goal.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Ricardo31 said...

What is the importance of goal setting? How does setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks? As you continue creating you powerpoints keep in mind how important the goals you set are. Please provide examples to support your answer minimum of 100 words

It is very important to set a goal so you can always work hard to achieve it.It is also improtant to have acadamic goals because those are the ones that really matter and have a effect in life.

2:07 PM  
Blogger amerak said...

Goals are important because, it's challenging yourself to compete onto reaching your goal.Goals are important because they make you work for what you want and it sets high qualities for yourself.setting goals enables you to stay on tasks because you are sure what you want to do and where you want to go about your life you focus on achieving your goal and have a plan and organizes your mind, gives it focus. For example I want to be a o.b.g.y.n so i have to get good grades in school finish high school go to college finish that stay focused and do some extra years so i can be a doctor even though that's a lot of hard work i am ready for the challenge

2:09 PM  
Blogger jose rodriguez said...

Goals are very important to set and to actually achieve them.Goals are very important to set, because they enable set high standards for yourself that you know you can achieve.People who set goals are bound to be more successful because they have very important goals that they set and they actually achieve them.We set goals so that we can see how far we can achieve.Goals help us and other people realize that goals are very helpful to make you success and achieve in life.

2:10 PM  
Blogger lucero<3 BbY said...

The importance of goal setting is to be able to learn or at least try on reaching something you really want to do in life, whether it's something very good or something about love, doesn't matter. As i was saying this enables you to get powerful and happier about reaching the things you want.So yeah basicly like i'm trying to tell you, you should at least have one goal per day. Like what you want to have completed by the end of your day. So this is why you should keep a goal always in mind.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Bruce Carrell said...

What is the importance of goal setting? How does setting goals enable you to focus on specific tasks? As you continue creating you powerpoints keep in mind how important the goals you set are.The impotantance of goal setting is that they are challenges that you give yourself and that you must reach hard to complete. Goals are important. because they strenghted you to and make you able to realize that you can do more than what you think you can't if you don't give yourself a goal.If you dont set a goal for yourself to achieve , how would you know what you achieved in life. When you set goals your training yourself on not to give up with whatever you do in life if your trying to get good grades put that as one ofyour goals in life and go for it.In whatever yooh are doing just try and put evrything as your goal and just try and put everything as a agoal in life thats necessary.

2:11 PM  
Blogger michaelhutchinson said...

the importance og goal setting is that you would know what you are focusing on and it also let you set high standards. we can set goals to see how far we can reach.if we dont set goals we will not know what we wont to do. goals hlep people in life. a goal can be if someone want to buy a house,car,got to college etc..
if you set goals you will have something to look forward to i think everybody should set goals for themself

2:13 PM  
Blogger ivan_torres said...

Everyone needs to set goals in life. One must know that by setting many small goals in life other than a couple of huge goals, they are much easier to persue. You can never set too many goals because there will always be new goal to pursue. If you keep making new goals, one day you will be successful. My goal during High School will be to get as many A's as posible.

2:13 PM  
Blogger JenniferMolina said...

The importance of goal setting it to help you accomplish them . Not to forget about what you want . and goal setting is important beacuse you can do it for yourself and not for anybody slef !It motavates you to reach that goal . It keeps me focus on remiding me that i want to accomplish and do lite by litie . The goals i set are important to me because there somwething i think iam expected to know . Also that it's important to know how to accomplish something.

2:13 PM  
Blogger javion said...

Setting goals is very important and helps you focus on a certain thing. One main thing about setting goals is that you need to know what you need to accomplish. Setting goals enables you to focus on that task because once you know what you are attempting you are going out of your way to accomplish it. People set goals so they can get one major thing accomplished in a certain time or by a certain point. I set goals so that i can have one main thing done. For examples, if I want to earn a tv from my parents that costs 500 dollars then I would have to work little by little. Once I've done enough work my parents will be ready to by me a tv. Once i get the tv I can say I've accomplished my goal.

2:14 PM  
Blogger arthur melchor said...

goal are important because they are enable to set high standards for themselves.also if the people that set there goal are very successful.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Jesus said...

The importance of setting your goals is really important because once you set them you have to accomplish them. It enables you to focus on them because you dont worry about other stuff and you focus on doing what you said you were going to do. For exmaple my goal is to win other gold medal in taekwondo i would have to practice and go to tournaments. I really have not been focuing on it but i will once my soccer season is over. It also focuas on you because you arent doing bad stuff and doing what you goal is.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Alejandrina said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Drue Scott said...

You have to set goals because if you won't know what you want to do in life. Goals are very important and its something we do everyday. Goals help me focus on specific tasks because if you reach your goal youv'll know that you accomplished something. Goals are important in life so if you don't set them you won't succeed.

2:17 PM  
Blogger jessicamartinez said...

its important to set goals becuase it gives you something to accomplsh
and it enabls you to focus in a particular task becuse it like challenging yourself or testing yourself to do that task.we also set goals to see how far we can reach or aor expectatins are. Goals could show you if you could succed or not..........<33

2:18 PM  
Blogger jessicamartinez said...

its important to set goals becuase it gives you something to accomplsh
and it enabls you to focus in a particular task becuse it like challenging yourself or testing yourself to do that task.we also set goals to see how far we can reach or aor expectatins are. Goals could show you if you could succed or not..........<33

2:18 PM  
Blogger Alejandrina said...

Goals are important in life because they encourage you to succedd. For example, if i set a goal of having a 4.0 gpa every time i decide to not pay attention in class ill remeber the goal i set to my self and ill behave on a higher level, becuase i want to succeed.
I think is a person doesnt set goals for themselves they are lease succesfull than a person who deoes set goals for heir future.

2:20 PM  
Blogger lucero<3 BbY said...

The importance of goal setting IS TO MBXFBDJKBFVDMKBNVM,XNV,XHCS U GET WAT im saying.........lolmcsabs bfjhsdgfd hjkgfdhfdjkshf vioshd,fnjkeyhf hjdklaj bt yea like i8 wasd saying that im ndbfsdjka fhsdjkn njkdcklsajdiojkshf

2:23 PM  
Blogger Silvia said...

The importance of goal setting is working hard in school and achiving and focusing on what you expect to learn this year and so on. Goal setting is important because students who have good grades and turn in work on time can be on the honnors list for their hard work.

2:26 PM  
Blogger koreydavis said...

Everyone should set goals because when you set goals you want to accomplish them and when you accomplish them that means your doing good.For example if your goal is to get straight A's, then you are going to do extra to get straight a's like study longer than usaul and when grades come out you will be so happy because most likely you will be gett10 those a's that you have been working for.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Raul Diaz said...

goal are really important because if nobody had goals how would they know what they would be or what they would do in life. everyone has at least one goal mine is to become someone in life. if i didn't have a goal i wouldn't want to be someone in life then were would i end up that's why goals are really important.

10:35 AM  

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