After being introduced to powerpoint, what are some long term benefits of mastering this program? Responses should be a minimum of a 100 words and include 3 examples to support your answer.
Some longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good. Also that you could help people out on somethings.You will know how to edit writtings and how to make presentations. It helps us to make better projects and homeworks. It helps in jobs and in other factories that need it. The teachers you use it for making there lesson for the day. Some students use it to do porjects that they need in doing there homework.
i think that mastering the microsoft power point helps us students to be able to give presentations. it aslo helps us to give a thourough explanation to whoever is paying attention, if its a techer student, even a bussiness person. i think that being able to use the miscrosoft word powerpoint helps you in some types of longterm benifits because you can put it in a USB and carry it anywhere across the world and be able to show people how easy it is to make a powerpoint. micrsoft power point is what most of the people are using now-a-days and its most likely going to be required to get a job.
i thnk some long term bebefits are that u could do ur school work on it and also it helps you with jobs and presintatons like at jobs when u have to do presintations u use power point and it also it helps u be more orginized and show every thing good and exlpain it good instead of useing the big bords and papers could rip it makes life easier
some long term benefits are tat you knoe how to use powerpoint. its easier because you are able to project on a powerpoint rather than on a posterboard. you are able to save money because you won't have to but a posterbord ever time for a project. then when you are in collage and need to a project onas powerpint, you hav an advantage cause you know how to use it already. you are able to have a greater advantage in colage and in your life cause powerpint makes your life easier in school cause you are able to be creative while you are helpin motherearth.
i think that microsoft power point is probably the best resource to use when someone is doing a project/presentation. not only is it a good resource for class but it is also good for keeping peoples attention because there are many different types of things you can use. for example if you want to make it more creative or colorful you can change the slide cover or decroate it. it is also good because it is easy to keep track of and easy to use. i think that microsoft power point is the best resource to use for a project/presentation.
Some long term befits are that with powerpoint you can do anything faster than writing it on hand.I think that if you know how to master powerpoint it will he helpful because maybe for college or during yuor life you will have to do a powerpont.You can put a lot of information on the powerpoint and its more helpful.For example if someone has to do a interview and they have to present something they can do it in a powerpoint and that would be more helpful and faster to that person.Teachers can use powerpoints instead of writing on the board when they are teaching a lesson or for anything she has to write.You can also use powerpoint when you are doing a project and have to write a lot and maybe typing is easier and much better for you to use.
After being introduce to powerpoint, i saw that its much easier to use it and its not expensive. Using a powerpoint is much easier because you can project more on it rather than on a poster. Using a powerpoint is much easier and better because you have put lots of information, design it the way you want it and not waste any kind of ink. A powerpoint is useful now and its a better way to show information rather than on a poster. Now a days and for the rest of peoples life, powerpoints are going to be used more and more. They are going to be used more and more because now a days teachers ask for kids to use it so that in college is much easier for them to present something good and not something that could be graded an "F".
After being introduced to Microsoft Power Point, some long term benefits of mastering this program can be that everything you do is typed. In this program you are able to add slides as you desire. Within a slide you are able to put in information, pictures, and graph.In a slide you can add all kinds of things you want. Another thing about of it it's that, it good when you are doing a presentation. All you have to do is add the information, picture, graphs, etc. on the slide. Using this program you don't have to do much writing.
After being introduced to powerpoint, some long term benefits of mastering this program are that its easier to make a presentation. Its easier because basically all you have to do is type the information in a slide. In that slide you can basically put whatever you want, like pictures, information, ect. Another reason why its easier is that all your information is saved in the computer so you dont have to print it out, you can easy just save it to your flash drive.
Some long term benefits from mastering the PowerPoint program are being more organized in presettations and having better job opportunities. In order to work in some businesses you have to do a presentation to qualify for the job. In order to be any teacher your suppose to know how to do and use a PowerPoint. This makes the lesson more organized and easier to teach. Mastering the PowerPoint program can make anyone's work more professional.
Benefits of being able to master the power point are that you use it for when ever you need to.If you ever get a job and you need to use the power point, you already know how to use it because we have mastered it. It doesn't necessary have to be just for a job, but for school too. If a teacher asks you to do a project and tells you to present it with a power point, you already know because you have been taught to use it. It's also beneficial because it seems now that power point is the most used when presenting something. In my experince, I have been using the power point since middle school, but in just few classes. Now in middle school it's like in all my classes. It's beneficial that we master it specially now since it's being used the most. If you know how to use the power point you can save more time when you need to present something. The power point is the most beneficial when you know how to use it well, that's when it makes things more easier.
Some long term benefits of mastering the powerpoint program is that you don't have to do paper presentations for school anymore. You can just make your slides and it can be shown to everyone. Teachers use powerpoint to create lessons and thay are very successful. Some jobs may use powerpoint for jobs meetings like showing statistics and other important things. Mastering powerpoint can help you a lot in school, jobs, and in other things.
SomE of thE long terM beNefitS oF maSterinG This prograM woulD be Doing reseArches And tryinG to finD new idEas or nEw stylEs.aLso This program caN be mastereD if wE add New eleMents such as More texT stylEs..anD biGger letteRz maybe sumethinG to havE fun with.You can also seNd meSsages to friends WoulD be aNother gReat idEa..aLso sEnding picTures..anD chaTting or aDDing somE friends that acTually have a poWer poinT!!
After being introduced to powerpoint, i have noticed that it makes your job much easier and everything would be more orginatzed. I believe that powerpoint is a more presentable way to show your work and its a better method to show people such as classmates, employes, family memebers, and so on. Powerpoint can help you in the future, it could help you in college and in job companies.
After being introduced to powerpoint a long term benefit of mastering the program is make a presentations/projects easier and faster to complete.It is faster and easier because on a normal project prestentation you would have to print and cut things out to put on a poster but this way you just type and add pictures. Another long term benefit of mastering the program is having the knowledge when you need it in the future. Mastering the program will help alot for schoolwork and later on in your job.
After being intoduced to powerpoint some longterm benefits would probably be to be able to do my presentations on powerpoint. When i get to college i can also use powerpoint to do some of my presentations . Powerpoint is so easy to use and makes presentations look more presentalbe. I can use it if i get a job in a company or a school to present inmportaint information.
The benefits of being able to master power points is that you can use it at anytime for anything.It is very usefull like when you have to do a project for school because then your presentation will be visual for everyone to see and you will enjoy using power point. A power point helps you understand things in a better format and easier for others as well.Its better to use power points for a school assignmnet because this way you are explaining your project in a creative way and its much easier than siting down just writing it.See mastering powerpoint will be usefull later in life when you get a job as well!
Some long term benefits are that later in life if we have a job and need to make a powerpoint presentaion we'll know how to do it and if we later on have school project's and need to make a powerpoint we'll know how.Power points are helpful for various things.
Some long term benefits are that later in life if we have a job and need to make a powerpoint presentaion we'll know how to do it and if we later on have school project's and need to make a powerpoint we'll know how.Power points are helpful for various things.
There are many long term benefits of mastering Microsoft Power Point. One benefit of mastering Microsoft Power Point would be being able to make a presentation. It can help you make a presentation that is colorful, lively, and it won't make the people you are presenting your power point fall asleep. another benefit would be that if you know how to use Microsoft power point would be that it would help you get a job. those are some benefits of knowing how to master Microsoft power point.
There are many long term benefits of mastering Microsoft Power Point. One benefit is for school projects or presentations. Another is for business or job presentations. Microsoft Power Point is fabulous because it is easy, efficient, and a accurate way of making beatiful and creative presentations. For example, you can make your presentation creative by changing your background to designs or colors, by changing your font color,and creating animation.This also makes your presentation look professional and better than just on paper.
i think mastering the microsoft power point is important because you will need this programm in your live time either for school or for you work or like the compaanies for example your school you will need to do you it in order to do your work and in your work lets say your a editor u need it edit your work an conpanies you also need it to like the stok an stuff.
i think that when your being introduce to the mastering power point is impotat because it would either help you for example in your work in school and get along with people cummunicate with them and for example it would really help you in companies. and another example for yourprojects or presentations and another is for business and jobs
I think some long term benefits for having and knowing how to use powerpoint is that it makes a person more organized, and it helps get jobs done faster. Powerpoint can also help people succeed more than others, for instance when there's a class project due and most of the peolpe don't know what powerpoint is and only one person knows, that one person is going to get the better grade, because it's something that's rarely used, and it can make it easier for a teacher to grade.
I think the benifit to this is how it makes doing more work easier and faster that way you wont be getting tired as much and it helps with symbols,what kind of language and other useful tools. Once you've mastered it you can make surveys easy way to print and do essays or even projects and etc. Many people these days need powerpoint and I do too if i didnt have it i would be wasting dozens of pieces of paper when ican fix my mistakes on powerpoint
some long terms benefits are that you now uderstand how to delte and edit and to add design to powerpoint. i been knwing how to use powerpoint put i didn't know that much about it. i think another long term benefit is that many people that didn't know how to use powerpoint know know how and why they use powerpoint
Some long term benfits that one should acquire when mastering this program should be that we know how to make a presentation appealing to the audience yet professional. It as well helps us(students) to make a presenation to a class. Three examples: A businness man or woman giving a presenation. A student giving a school presentation, and a teacher teaching the lesson plan to a classroom.
i think that mastering this power point is very important because now i know how to make my own little animation video and i will need this skill in the future if i ever want to create video games. it is also helpful to make speeches. no one wants to hear boring speeches on paper so some people use power point to make speeches more creative and mre fun. this is my opinion. later mr. hamilton
some of my benefits are to make some really cool powerpoints that will really stand out so it won’t be boring. If i can have some moving picture on it, that is what will make it really stand out. A long term benefit would be putting some cool backgrounds and cooler font like some graffiti. i can use it for a project that will help me get an B+ or better
Some long-term benefits of mastering powerpoint are for teachers, some for students, and some for businesspeople. For teachers, they can use this program to teach their lessons to students a lot easier. For students, they could use this program for many things, most likely doing projects. You could present your project on a powerpoint presentation, and if its good, it'll probably be guaranteed an A. If you're a businessman, and you need to present some important information, a powerpoint is probably the way to go, by presenting graphs and other information.
Some longterm beneifits are that you will know how to make powerpoints and edit them really good. Powerpoint helps me a lot beause when i dont feel like writing an essay , I could put it in a powerpoint and it looks real organize. Teahcers when they dont want to write the a lot of notes, thye could just put it a powerpoint. Also if u dont want to write it by hand, you could do a powerpoint.
Some long-term benefits of mastering the program would be that you could add really awesome sound effects, pictures, and what not. It would also be cool to know things that others may not know. A long-term benefit would also be in helping out people who may need help in something that you know how to do. Your PowerPoint will be more professional and awesome with the benefits that you learned in your 9th grade technology class. We will know how to edit writings and how to make presentations; it helps us to make better projects and homework. It also helps in the job market and in other places that need it.
I think that after being introduced to powerpoint it will be easier for students to have presentations. It will be easier for everyone in the case of entertainment, learning and organization. The teachers use powerpoint to giva a lesson and help us students understand the work. Powerpoint is very helpful to students, teachers and any other business people.
some long terms of useing the power point are that so when left with a homework you can do it as a power point. it is a better way to present your information to your boss or teacher its better than a poster it will look great. later in life you have to use power points for your job.
After using PowerPoint I found out that its easier to do work on it like slide you want to do for class. You can make a different slides telling people different things about you or a project you are doing. PowerPoint makes all your work look good so you can do your projects or biography in style. PowerPoint is used by a lot of people like business people CEO's Presidents of big companies use PowerPoint to tell about there stock or how there business is doing. I can now do a lot of things on PowerPoint because it helps me with projects that I need to do for classes. I'm going to use PowerPoint for a lot of things now that i know how to use it properly.
Some long term benefits are that if you become a teacher this will be useful, because it will allow your lectures to be more interesting. It is also useful when your in business because you can see how your doing in sales.So this is an essential requirement if you are in business or a teacher.Also another use is for collage so you can present your work to the professor. Those are all reasons why it is good to master PowerPoint.
after being introduced to power point some long term benefits of mastering this program is getting to use it to make your school presentations look neat, organized, and can also fit a lot of information on the power point.a power point is convenient to everyone for a teacher its an easier way to present the information than by hand writing it on the board or making copies that waste paper for students power point can be used for school presentations especially in college where you have to present many things to the class.
Some longterm benifits are that you can have a fast lesson in school and, its a better looking and fast project to present to your classmates and teacher. Its also easy to walk around it if you saved in a flash drive! And for secretaries that have meetings with other people they could use power point so it can be fast and helpful and proffesional. 1 ex is its faster. 2 its more profesional 3 its elegant and nice.
After introduceing power piont some benifites i will know is like if you become a teacher you will know how to use power point and what its use for.It can also allow your lessons or activities more fun and interesting.It is also use- full for bisness man it will help you stay on track and it will make your life easy or your projects.
After being introduced to Microsft's Power Point and oberserving what kind of task it could do I found out how much I can benfit off of it. I see power Point now as a way of communicating more efficetly. Mastering Power Point (now I see how important Power Point is) can help me susceed in my job, college and other things in my life I have to do. Power Point can also help me in present numerous topis without having to do as much work which is essential in school and may also be in a job. Power Point is now as improtant to me as Microsoft word.
Well i think that the benefits for using Micorsoft Powerpoint will be so in the future when your in college you will be able to get a good grade on your project because you do know how to work it.. Fior example i had to do a project for 8th grade and it was pretty difficult for me to do it cause i didnt know how to use poweroint.
Lerning power point is important in the long run because in the future when you have to complete somthing in the computer such as writing assignments and posters, you would know how to do it. Power point is also important because if you want to go to college they requier you to alredy now all the power points.Another reason why power point is so important is because it also shows your creativity to other prople.
After being introduced to powerpoint, some long term benefits of mastering this program is that you will be more familiar with it and you will know how to use it for many different occasions. when you start a business, powerpoint might come in handy because it is a more organized way of presenting new ideas to people. power points can help you get more advanced jobs if you know how to use it accurately. also if you are a teacher you can make a powerpoint the day before and have it ready for the next day to teach your students a certain lesson. thess are the benefits of powerpoint.
You can benefit in a lot of ways from Microsoft Power Point. The program allows you to create great presentations. That you can make fun but yet still educational or to get your point across to viewers. This can help you in college, at your job, or any place else. It let's you add images, and sound and is just an over all great program.
Aight. Well, I believe thaa some of thaa longg term benefitss of Masteringg Microsoftt Powerpointt are thaa it can helpp youu in manyy wayss, but like for examplee, it can help you create great presentations and especially if your a business person, powerpoints should be something you use alot, and knowing how to master the program can be a huge benefit overall.It can help you with school work, or work in general. Using powerpoint can give you a huge advantage in opportunities such as getting a job, or on an assignment.
some long term benefits for mastering the Micrsoft Power Point would be lots more job opportunities and even before you get any jobs, you"ll be doing good in school because the power points are much easier to use for any assignment for any class. in the job industry, like if you work for any company you can use it to present or pitch an idea, to infrom the employees, or to just use a power point to save paper. if you have a power point, everyone can see it. and you wont have to waste your time making copies for everyone. and it would also be very useful for teachers too.
some longterm benifits are that you know how to edit and create thing and you will not have to write alot you can copy and paste,and a lot of people type faster then they write so it is easier for people to use,and youcan basically use it for everything.the powerpoint has made alot of people successful and has helped people promote alot of their sales and also help keep people organized.
WELL ii thiNK tHAt S0ME bENifitS ARE thAt iT HEPLS UP d0 0UR StUff bEttER fAStER&Ndd ESiER&Ndd iT HELPS AL0t bEACUSE yHU dNt HAVE tW0 WRitE BiG 0H PRAGRAPHS tW0 GEt tW0 yHUR P0iNt ALL yU G0tA d0 N0W dAyS iS MAKEE Uh P0WER P0iNt&Ndd tAt WiLL b MUCh bEttER&Ndd PPl W0Nt GEt b0REd 0F yHUR SPEACh&Ndd StUFF
Some long term benefits of knowing how to use power point are that we students will be able to do our presentations in an efficient an neat. It is also beneficial because when we get out of school and have a job we will be able to show presentations in a modern and neat way.I think this is also beneficial because you will be able to teach other people who don't know how to use it.
the benefits of power points is that it get to the point quicker.Power point is benefical to people because it enables people to show a better interesting way for a presentation not to be boring.
some long term benefits are that you will know how to make things and edit , and it also helps us out present presentation and things like that. alot of people use microsoft ,microsoft helps alot of people and so many ways. microsoft is also good to do you resources on .microsoft is very easier to use in cheaper to do
i think the benefits from using microsoft power point were that it helped us be more creative and it made work more efficient. Its been more interesting making power points rather than writing. Microsoft power point will also help us in the future so its important to master this skill. You will not only have to know how to make presentations but also be comfortable in using it.
some long term benefits of knowing how to use PowerPoint are that it will help you with work at school or at your job and if you've mastered powerpoint you can tach others how to use it.
Some long term benefits are keeping stuff more organized and easier for people to understand specially for presentations, etc. Its a faster way to understand things For like projects and stuff. Microsoft power point Helps make life way easier on us in many ways.Mostly all of my teachers use power point to help us understand and its way faster. We mostly use them to take notes or when they want to present things to us.I think you can advantage of Microsoft power point mostly in school, it'll be even more useful to us. :]
i think the benefits you could master is how to make edit them forr they could look creative or good.the thing you could also master is how to do slides.there very usefull for school and for other people there jobs.
i think that mastering the microlsoft power point helps me because its more easier.if i had to do a assignment it would be better if u use power point because its more faster.At first i didnt know how to us4e power point but now i knoww how to use it and it is vvery useful
MichaelRamirez PERIOD 1 09-16 The benefits of Microsoft Powerpoint are a lot because theirs a lot of new things to learn about and too discover in that program. We could use new things that about 10 years ago it didn't exist. Something else is that the new backgrounds,and tricks like moving letters make it better when we have a powerpoint assignment it will be esay to do. It has a fast and very easy so in powerpoint we will be able to do and we will be to handle. Also we could make a lot of powerpoints a cool powerpoint that somebody will give a good grade A or B and we will succeed.
some benefits are that it makes things easier. It is also easier when you want to make a presentation you can do it on this. Also when you do like presentations for a company you can put charts and things on it. it also gives like animation and other things. You can also edit each slide. On powerpooint you can slide through each slide and it helps you alot by showing examples and things on each slide. So microsoft power point is helpfull to many people.
Some benifits that i think it has it that it is useful because it saves paper. Also if you do a powerpoint you can just save it .It gets peoples attention faster;you can make it colorful or put those things that make the letters spin or something or put a design or something. it makes things faster,like for me i have saw that powerpoint makes everything easier and faster because in the notes you just put the most basic things instead of reading the whole book.
Some long term benefits are that, you will be able to know how to make things look organized, you will also know what it looks like to be organized. Its also easier bacause its neater, and you donr have to write anything and worrying about something being sloppy. So to me powerpoint has benifited my education.
some long term benefits that you will know are how to get organized, you can edit you work, and it makes your explanations more simple to understand. these benefits are very important in life and everywhere you go or any school you go to, you will see teachers or students using powerpoints. you can use power points to design things, so everybody can see what you think about a certain situation and many other things. in the future power point are going to be very important when you get a job. you will need to use in for presentations and to get organized.
I think that some benefits of mastering Powerpoint is that with it, you can be more organized and it makes everything easier to keep. It also makes everything look nicer for presentations and other stuff. This stuff is also easier to take to different places.Powerpoint is also more creative than something would be if done on paper or anything else. Since you type everything on the program, you can also add graphs or put pictures instead of having to draw them or print them out separately.
i think that mastering the Microsoft power point would benefits us students,because it teaches us to be more organized.also less work than trying to hurry and print out papers,and your printer having no more ink.when we can just save it to our sub drive simple and easy.i think it also helps us go through by sections and explaining the topic one at a time.
The long term benefits to mastering Microsoft PowerPoint is giving good business presentations. If u wants to be an inventor when you grow up or a business person you can be very successful at pitching your business ideas and making a lot of money. You can get a loan from a company to start a new product or impress your boss with a PowerPoint and get a raise or being promoted. Mastering power points will surely get you somewhere in the world of business. You will surly get the attention of business people with your PowerPoint. You power points will give your company useful ideas and you will have a clear statement.
one way that i think powerpoint is useful is instead of printing papers for like 100 people you can just make a slide of whatever you are going to show them and get a projector and hook your computer to it and then just show them what you are presenting instead of wasting paper. another example is when your teacher asigns you homework and the direction are to show how to slove this math problem step by step and she said you can type it or you can write it by hand instead of wasting paper. then you can go to powerpoint to do it and not waste paper. also if you have to give a presantion to your job you can just use powerpoint as well.
Some long term benefits of being able to use the power point are that you may be able to present things with ease and not have to worry about asking for help about how to use PowerPoint. When you know how to use PowerPoint you are much more successful in life after school. A teacher's job would be much more difficult if they did not know how to use PowerPoint and one day they needed to make a school board presentation and couldnt make any copies.
Longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good.It makes your job much easier and everything would be more orginatzed. That way u will look professional and look better on the job that your doin. It is also a good resource for class but it its also good for keeping peoples attention because there are many different types of things you can use to keep ur students entertained.
After being introduced to powerpoint, students have more of an opportunity to make their projects, presentations,etc. better. We can benefit by being able to edit, make, and or change presentations for class. It will be easier for a teacher to grade our work and get a good understanding of it. Another benefit is being able to present ideas to someone or understand someone else's theory. Using powerpoint can benefit nature's trees because it eliminates the waste of paper.
the longterms benefits are that you don't waste paper and u could write faster. also you could be organized. you could know what to use when you are doing a project for a class or work. u know how to had designs and pictures and everything else. it also makes everything look nice for a presentation.
The benefit of microsoft powerpoint is that its makes things easier.When you want to make a presentation for a class a powerpoint is much easier than a board. A power point gives you the chance to put more of your ideas because it gives you more room than a board.The benefit of power points are that its easier to take around with you and show people your work and it takes up less room because of the USB. Power point is a big help with jobs and presentations at school that not many people knew about or used before. Microsoft Power Point has made doing work easier.
After introducing powerpoint there are a lot of benefits in mastering the program.For example, when you are in a job and you need to present your co workers with ideas and you have to do all these charts you can do them in a powerepoint, That will make easier for you and for others to understand. Also when you are doing a project or presentation in school it is much easier to do and much faster than doing it in a poster. Also it is easier when you want to be creative and you don't have to waste any money and at the same time you are helping the earth in not wasting any paper.
Ther are many long term benifits for mastering powerpoint. For example if we want to work in a for a magazine you will need to make many power pints. Also buy having a good powerpoint poeple get promoted to a higher position at there job. Also through out college you will have to present projects in a powerpoint.
some benefits is that you could complete a project you have at work much easier and and you cold just attach it to your email or to a usb you also helps use much less paper to help the earth by not killing trees.
some longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good. also that you could help people out on something. you would know how to edit writtings and how to make presentations.
I think that the benefit to being introduced to power point are a lot.If you have to a project on something you can use the power point to present the project.also you can do invitations with power points and do all kinds of designs. also teachers have an advantage is that they can present a project to the students.and also because you can entertain yourself with doing or creating a power point
I think after being introduced to powerpoint, some long terms benefits are that you could keep your things organized. Also you could send the presentations to other people, so they could revise them instead if of one person revising it. Its also easier to present something and tell the key facts. It helps us make better projects. The teachers save time when they only have to use the power point instead of wirting it over and over g again and erasing it after each period.
some long term benefits of mastering this program are that they help you do various can also save many achieves and you can have lesson plans saved and done in a power point.and it is a better way of explaining things. it helps you on jobs,schools,and in other helps you to become more organized and creative in what you are doing.they come in your computer for usage and and you can present it any time if you save it.
Some long term benefits of mastering this program are that they can help you do a better presentation for school or a your job. They make your work really look really good, nice, and neat. They also help you when you have to do a project and you really need to get a good grade. And it also has a long term benefits of the power point because they come in almost all the computer and laptops and you could do a power point when you want to and at any time. Also you can saved it in a USB and carry it and demonstrated it to the people at any time.
Some long term benifits of mastering this program of powerpiont is that you have the advatage to do certain things using power piont that others can't. Also you have the ability to be alot more better in college bedause itk is alot more organized than usual.
some long term benefits of mastering power point are that i wont have to waste paper. i could do everything much faster if i do it in power point. i also think that it is a good tool for creating presentations and other stuff. if you want to do neat projects, you should do it in power point. it teaches you to do everything step by step.
after messing with the power point the benifeints that i saw that people can do with it. they can make postares or biographies with this program. you can make your job more easier by makeing presentations look all fancy and ainstaid of makeing copies you can show it on a projecter.
A benifit of using power point is doing your homework and other assignments. When you use power point it can help you edit or understand more clearer.You can use it for many things it makes everything easier.If you have to do a essay you have it easier if you type it. You learn from your mistakes in powerpoint then writing it yourself and not finding any mistakes.
After learning a few tips from microsoft power point. I can now see we can do presentations, projects, do graphs, etc. It keeps your school, job, work very orgaznized. It makes it so much easier. Now you dont have to write papers and papers and work extra hard. You just have to know how to your your microsoft power point you got the job done.
I think that power point could be such good help. for example it can help in projects or presentations. An example of a power point could be; for example if you want more people to be interested in soccer than you can do a presentation about soccer and with power point it's easy.You can do as many slides as you want,as many as you think will be enough to interest someone in your topic. Another example can be that you have to do a presentation or project for science class. You can do slides and in each slide put a topic and explain the topic and why you chose that topic; for each slide you could talk about different topics. These are some of the reasons why i think power point could be a lot of help.
Some long term benefits are that for any project you do, you could do Power Point. You could learn how to do animation and make your presentation more cooler. Students could get extra credit points for making a Power point. They don't have to be taught how it works because they already know. Teachers use it for lessons of the day. Also, it might be an advantage for getting a job like assisting someone in doing a Power Point.
After being introduced to powerpoint some longterm benifits are that we can present things in a cool way maybe for our job. Using powerepoint is easier epsecially for getting thoughts down. What ever you want to say the different things can be put in different slides. Also if you are aplying for a job a way you can be creative is by using powerpoint instead of just microsoft word. Some more examples are if you're a teacher a way you can get kids attention is by using a powerpoint so it can catch their eye.
I think some long term benefits of the microsoft power point are to help students with presentations and when their older they can use it for presentation at their job. And if you have a USB your power points are portable and you are able to show anybody. And you wont have to spend a lot of money buying posterbords
Being able to use a Power Point could be very beneficial to your future because it will make both your educational and professional life easier. If you are a business person like a lawyer or CEO of a company, you will most likely have to use Power Points to make important presentations at a meeting. Also, it makes it easier for you to get a point across at a meeting when you have a layout of what you want to talk about and pictures so you could give someone a good visual idea. Another reason that mastering how to use a Power Point is helpful is that you could use Power Points in class presentations. By using a Power Point you will be able to show that you know how to use now in day technology and that you know how to properly present a topic in front of your class. Another way you could use Power Points is to use it to advertise something you want to sell. It will make the add look more attractive and exciting then a plane old billboard.
afer bein introdeuced ppt, some long term benefits i got were being able to prestn things more cool-like and enternaing so that my audience doesnt get bored and fall asleep while im presenting ex: business man presenting his ideas school teacher presenting todays lesson a student presenting a project
Mastering the microsoft power point helps us give our presentations as a student and in life.It makes it easier for the presenter.In school sometimes your teachers ask you guys to use microsoft powerpiont for a important presentation in class. Or in life when your trying to get a job most of the time the best program to use is microsoft powerpoint it makes everthing easier and more organised.
Some of the long term benefits of mastering this program is that when you use the power-point all of the information that you wanted to say or express is all in one whole document. For example, lets say that you need to gather some more information about a specific subject, you could save it into your usb and then later on all you woould have to do is put it all together and share. Another example could be like when your at work and your boss needs some good ideas for a project, you can maybe gather all of your partners information and show the boss all of your ideas(including your partners). Lastly another important reason why we need the power-point is becasue you can add a page for every different topic you will be talking about.
Some long term effects are that i will be more successful and i will be organized. Also i will know how to have some main points. i will be able to go in front of the class and be able to present something good and not look dumb in front of the class. Also if i get into the buisness i will be able to speak to my peers and they will see a good presentation. Also i would not have to use so many display boards or paper to carry around. Or i will not have to be taking things out or putting things in the middle of a presentation.
Some long term benefits are that you will know how to with PowerPoint you can do anything faster than writing it on hand.In this program you are able to add slides as you want to. With each slide you are able to put in information, pictures, and graph. Another thing about of it it's that, it good when you are doing a presentation. Mastering PowerPoint can help you work more professional during jobs or class for school presentations more neat. it's more entertaining and it is also creative. So after being introduced into this its way better then writing it on paper.
Some long term benefits are that you can teach other people how to use it,future programs for power point will come out and since you know how to use the old version you can use the new one. You can benefit by using power point for job presentation. Its just more suffisticated and a formal way to use in this modern world and its more business lokking.
some long terms benefits are that you would know how to use them so that your projects could look better and also easier and more efficient. its also easy because you could present your project more better and more faster so that it fun to do not boring.its if you know how to use powerpoint then its teachabke to others and you could accomplishw whaterver you are assigned to do more better (:!!!
i think that mastering the microsoft power point will help us students be more organized and responsible. it will be able to keep our stuff in order the way that should be. when we are giving our presentations we will be able to present it the correct way, everything is going to be in order instead of having to look for what you need. it also helps in differnt things not just in school its also good for a job.
After being introduced to powerpoint, what are some long term benefits of mastering this program? Responses should be a minimum of a 100 words and include 3 examples to support your answer.
I know how to add effects and make new themes on certain slides. I also learned one major thing is to make new slides with control+m.Also to put only five bullets for each slide and to not that many animations or graphics or the crowd will be distracted and only remember the graphics and cartoons.
1. Benifit of mastering powerpoint is that if you know how to use powerpoint professionally is that it will make your educatinal life so much easier. When it comes to school and you have to do a presentation you might as well use powerpoint because it is easier to know the presention, its neat, and you might get extra points. 2. Its also beneficial at work, you could show your boss your work on an lcd projector and also using powerpoint it would be much easier to show your work. 3. In your personal life but not that personal you could make slideshows of pictures and videos and email to people through yahoo or myspace. These are the three things I thought that powrepoint could be used beneficially for.
This will help us become better speakers and presenters. Were going to know how to do eye contact and how to memorize something and speak to the public .Doing a power point benifits because you can transfer it on a USB and take it anywhere and present it. It helps you edit it and not have to do so many revisions . The power point allows you to look at the audince face exprecion and if there donfused then you know to explain it better and if the understand it you can move on . Also you can be more detailed and creative with your power point . and get a better grade.
I think that mastering the power point helps us studetns to be able to give presentations. It also benfits us because it helps us edit stuyff and be able to present them correctly. It is good for doing projects and homeworks on it. Most of the teacehrs use it to give us notes or they do there lesson on it. You can also put pictures and make it colorful and when you show your prenstation you can show them how intresting it is and how eay it is to do stuff on power point.
After being introduced to powerpoint, what are some long term benefits of mastering this program? Responses should be a minimum of a 100 words and include 3 examples to support your answer.
Some longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good. Also that you could help people out on somethings.Such as objective lessons, presentations , projects , etc...This makes the lesson more organized and easier to teach. Mastering the PowerPoint program can make anyone's work more professional.
More than majority of the teachers have this power pwoint because its organized and its easier.Its aloso helping the environment by not using so much paper.Like if we need to get our homework we cna copy it from the power point and save paper.So then they wont have to copy alot of papers.
Learning how to use Power Point can realy improve yourlife in the futer because most jobs ask for a type of presentation in front of other workers. By using Power Point on a video projector can make things much more easier for you. The use of Power Point is also beneficial for students during school projects because instead of having to buy all the paper and boards and having to bring everything to class is a big hassle, especialy in these economic times. Instead, we can bring a flash disk or a memory stick and display it in front of the class. With Power Point, you can also create slide shows to display on websites, myspace, yahoo, and send them to others.
one longterm benifit.... say you get a job we would know what to do if your boss tell you that he\she Point and you would kno what to do. Also you would know how edit and how to make presrntations.
Now that I have been introduced to the power point I have long term goals in mind. The main long term goal I have in mind is to use the power point for some class project and have my teachers and peers shocked off of what I can do. Another goal is to be able to make all my work very neat, understandable, and creative, but not to creative. I will use the power point as I get older for my jobs and school. I one day hope to be able to use the power point to present something to my boss or employees and may even get a job raise because of using power point. Power point is very helpful to the world and even more helpful to me.
Some long term benefits of mastering this program are that when you need to do a powerpoint it will be easier for you to do.For example it might be more creative than just doing a plain presentaion.with powerpoint it is also easier to display information . another benefit is that it is also greener you save paper and ink. With powerpoint you can put picture and sound affects to make it more appealing.
some longterm benefits are that you would now how to do a good a presentation.It would also help us by knowing how to presentate well and know how to speak well.we can do our school work on it.for example if we had to do a presntation to the class you can do it on the powerpoint instead of doing it on a posterboard.Another example would be if we had to go to another state instead of doing it on a posterboard and having to carry it you can do your powerpoint and save it tto your usb.
Mastering the microsoft power point helps us students and in life to give our presentations. it makes everything easier for the presentor and its easier for the audience to understand. For example in school whent the teachers ask you to do a ptresentation you can just use microsoft powerpoint. Another example is when you grow up you can give your presentations very clearly and everything will be very organised.
To me there really isnt a master to powerpoint. It's really just a good program.Powerpoint to me is something that the world gets babysat by.Powerpoint is the key to being lazy,not only do the computers do everytthing but you dont have to do anything.Nobody wants to do nothing ther self now days (including me). But still how do you know the computures dont get tired of doing everything.The world is going to figure it out why you should do everything yourself.One day the whole system is just going to shutdown.
Mastering the power point program is very beneficial to students because we learn to make presentations for our classes and it can help us one day in the future if we decide to have a job in the corporate world. For example, we can make power points during job interviews, or during class projects. It is good to learn how to use this program because it can useful during difficult times. Say for instance if you had an interview but you didn't have the resources to write down all the information that you need. You can then use the power point program to make your presentation for your interview.
Some long term benefits of mastering powerpoint, well powerpoint is a simplier way of doing things. For example when your doing something for this class it creates a more complex organization of doing your work in well manner. Also another example is that powerpoint can help with all the projects were going to be having in this class and powerpoint can come in handy.
Some long term benefits of mastering this program can be can be by helping you out with projects you may have for a class. It can also help by making every thing more creative and exciting.Say for example when you have to present something you can use many creative things in your power point to make it more artistic.
Some long term benifits are that it helps in the bussiness world for example if u have a big meeting and your boss wants you to present something you can use powerpoint it helps you its neat and everybody would be able to see it. Another benefit is that you when you know somebody that is doing a project or something you can teach them how to use powerpoint to help them out.
I think power point will help you make a report more enjoying than just a bunch of words in a paper. this makes your presentation into a slide show instead of turning papers and it also help put special effects on it like how the words could appear and pictures , sound ,and even little videos.
Some longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good. Also that you could help people out on somethings.You will know how to edit writtings and how to make presentations. It helps us to make better projects and homeworks. It helps in jobs and in other factories that need it. The teachers you use it for making there lesson for the day. Some students use it to do porjects that they need in doing there homework.
i think that mastering the microsoft power point helps us students to be able to give presentations. it aslo helps us to give a thourough explanation to whoever is paying attention, if its a techer student, even a bussiness person. i think that being able to use the miscrosoft word powerpoint helps you in some types of longterm benifits because you can put it in a USB and carry it anywhere across the world and be able to show people how easy it is to make a powerpoint. micrsoft power point is what most of the people are using now-a-days and its most likely going to be required to get a job.
i thnk some long term bebefits are that u could do ur school work on it and also it helps you with jobs and presintatons like at jobs when u have to do presintations u use power point and it also it helps u be more orginized and show every thing good and exlpain it good instead of useing the big bords and papers could rip it makes life easier
some long term benefits are tat you knoe how to use powerpoint. its easier because you are able to project on a powerpoint rather than on a posterboard. you are able to save money because you won't have to but a posterbord ever time for a project. then when you are in collage and need to a project onas powerpint, you hav an advantage cause you know how to use it already. you are able to have a greater advantage in colage and in your life cause powerpint makes your life easier in school cause you are able to be creative while you are helpin motherearth.
i think that microsoft power point is probably the best resource to use when someone is doing a project/presentation. not only is it a good resource for class but it is also good for keeping peoples attention because there are many different types of things you can use. for example if you want to make it more creative or colorful you can change the slide cover or decroate it. it is also good because it is easy to keep track of and easy to use. i think that microsoft power point is the best resource to use for a project/presentation.
Some long term befits are that with powerpoint you can do anything faster than writing it on hand.I think that if you know how to master powerpoint it will he helpful because maybe for college or during yuor life you will have to do a powerpont.You can put a lot of information on the powerpoint and its more helpful.For example if someone has to do a interview and they have to present something they can do it in a powerpoint and that would be more helpful and faster to that person.Teachers can use powerpoints instead of writing on the board when they are teaching a lesson or for anything she has to write.You can also use powerpoint when you are doing a project and have to write a lot and maybe typing is easier and much better for you to use.
After being introduce to powerpoint, i saw that its much easier to use it and its not expensive. Using a powerpoint is much easier because you can project more on it rather than on a poster. Using a powerpoint is much easier and better because you have put lots of information, design it the way you want it and not waste any kind of ink. A powerpoint is useful now and its a better way to show information rather than on a poster. Now a days and for the rest of peoples life, powerpoints are going to be used more and more. They are going to be used more and more because now a days teachers ask for kids to use it so that in college is much easier for them to present something good and not something that could be graded an "F".
After being introduced to Microsoft Power Point, some long term benefits of mastering this program can be that everything you do is typed. In this program you are able to add slides as you desire. Within a slide you are able to put in information, pictures, and graph.In a slide you can add all kinds of things you want. Another thing about of it it's that, it good when you are doing a presentation. All you have to do is add the information, picture, graphs, etc. on the slide. Using this program you don't have to do much writing.
After being introduced to powerpoint, some long term benefits of mastering this program are that its easier to make a presentation. Its easier because basically all you have to do is type the information in a slide. In that slide you can basically put whatever you want, like pictures, information, ect. Another reason why its easier is that all your information is saved in the computer so you dont have to print it out, you can easy just save it to your flash drive.
Some long term benefits from mastering the PowerPoint program are being more organized in
presettations and having better job opportunities. In order to work in some businesses you have to do a presentation to qualify for the job. In order to be any teacher your suppose to know how to do and use a PowerPoint. This makes the lesson more organized and easier to teach. Mastering the PowerPoint program can make anyone's work more professional.
Benefits of being able to master the power point are that you use it for when ever you need to.If you ever get a job and you need to use the power point, you already know how to use it because we have mastered it. It doesn't necessary have to be just for a job, but for school too. If a teacher asks you to do a project and tells you to present it with a power point, you already know because you have been taught to use it. It's also beneficial because it seems now that power point is the most used when presenting something. In my experince, I have been using the power point since middle school, but in just few classes. Now in middle school it's like in all my classes. It's beneficial that we master it specially now since it's being used the most. If you know how to use the power point you can save more time when you need to present something. The power point is the most beneficial when you know how to use it well, that's when it makes things more easier.
Some long term benefits of mastering the powerpoint program is that you don't have to do paper presentations for school anymore. You can just make your slides and it can be shown to everyone. Teachers use powerpoint to create lessons and thay are very successful. Some jobs may use powerpoint for jobs meetings like showing statistics and other important things. Mastering powerpoint can help you a lot in school, jobs, and in other things.
SomE of thE long terM beNefitS oF maSterinG This prograM woulD be Doing reseArches And tryinG to finD new idEas or nEw stylEs.aLso This program caN be mastereD if wE add New eleMents such as More texT stylEs..anD biGger letteRz maybe sumethinG to havE fun with.You can also seNd meSsages to friends WoulD be aNother gReat idEa..aLso sEnding picTures..anD chaTting or aDDing somE friends that acTually have a poWer poinT!!
After being introduced to powerpoint, i have noticed that it makes your job much easier and everything would be more orginatzed. I believe that powerpoint is a more presentable way to show your work and its a better method to show people such as classmates, employes, family memebers, and so on. Powerpoint can help you in the future, it could help you in college and in job companies.
After being introduced to powerpoint a long term benefit of mastering the program is make a presentations/projects easier and faster to complete.It is faster and easier because on a normal project prestentation you would have to print and cut things out to put on a poster but this way you just type and add pictures. Another long term benefit of mastering the program is having the knowledge when you need it in the future. Mastering the program will help alot for schoolwork and later on in your job.
After being intoduced to powerpoint some longterm benefits would probably be to be able to do my presentations on powerpoint. When i get to college i can also use powerpoint to do some of my presentations . Powerpoint is so easy to use and makes presentations look more presentalbe. I can use it if i get a job in a company or a school to present inmportaint information.
The benefits of being able to master power points is that you can use it at anytime for anything.It is very usefull like when you have to do a project for school because then your presentation will be visual for everyone to see and you will enjoy using power point. A power point helps you understand things in a better format and easier for others as well.Its better to use power points for a school assignmnet because this way you are explaining your project in a creative way and its much easier than siting down just writing it.See mastering powerpoint will be usefull later in life when you get a job as well!
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Some long term benefits are that later in life if we have a job and need to make a powerpoint presentaion we'll know how to do it and if we later on have school project's and need to make a powerpoint we'll know how.Power points are helpful for various things.
Some long term benefits are that later in life if we have a job and need to make a powerpoint presentaion we'll know how to do it and if we later on have school project's and need to make a powerpoint we'll know how.Power points are helpful for various things.
There are many long term benefits of mastering Microsoft Power Point. One benefit of mastering Microsoft Power Point would be being able to make a presentation. It can help you make a presentation that is colorful, lively, and it won't make the people you are presenting your power point fall asleep. another benefit would be that if you know how to use Microsoft power point would be that it would help you get a job. those are some benefits of knowing how to master Microsoft power point.
There are many long term benefits of mastering Microsoft Power Point. One benefit is for school projects or presentations. Another is for business or job presentations. Microsoft Power Point is fabulous because it is easy, efficient, and a accurate way of making beatiful and creative presentations. For example, you can make your presentation creative by changing your background to designs or colors, by changing your font color,and creating animation.This also makes your presentation look professional and better than just on paper.
i think mastering the microsoft power point is important because you will need this programm in your live time either for school or for you work or like the compaanies for example your school you will need to do you it in order to do your work and in your work lets say your a editor u need it edit your work an conpanies you also need it to like the stok an stuff.
i think that when your being introduce to the mastering power point is impotat because it would either help you for example in your work in school and get along with people cummunicate with them and for example it would really help you in companies. and another example for yourprojects or presentations and another is for business and jobs
I think some long term benefits for having and knowing how to use powerpoint is that it makes a person more organized, and it helps get jobs done faster. Powerpoint can also help people succeed more than others, for instance when there's a class project due and most of the peolpe don't know what powerpoint is and only one person knows, that one person is going to get the better grade, because it's something that's rarely used, and it can make it easier for a teacher to grade.
I think the benifit to this is how it makes doing more work easier and faster that way you wont be getting tired as much and it helps with symbols,what kind of language and other useful tools. Once you've mastered it you can make surveys easy way to print and do essays or even projects and etc. Many people these days need powerpoint and I do too if i didnt have it i would be wasting dozens of pieces of paper when ican fix my mistakes on powerpoint
some long terms benefits are that you now uderstand how to delte and edit and to add design to powerpoint. i been knwing how to use powerpoint put i didn't know that much about it. i think another long term benefit is that many people that didn't know how to use powerpoint know know how and why they use powerpoint
Some long term benfits that one should acquire when mastering this program should be that we know how to make a presentation appealing to the audience yet professional. It as well helps us(students) to make a presenation to a class.
Three examples: A businness man or woman giving a presenation.
A student giving a school presentation, and a teacher teaching the lesson plan to a classroom.
i think that mastering this power point is very important because now i know how to make my own little animation video and i will need this skill in the future if i ever want to create video games. it is also helpful to make speeches. no one wants to hear boring speeches on paper so some people use power point to make speeches more creative and mre fun. this is my opinion. later mr. hamilton
some of my benefits are to make some really cool powerpoints that will really stand out so it won’t be boring. If i can have some moving picture on it, that is what will make it really stand out. A long term benefit would be putting some cool backgrounds and cooler font like some graffiti. i can use it for a project that will help me get an B+ or better
Some long-term benefits of mastering powerpoint are for teachers, some for students, and some for businesspeople. For teachers, they can use this program to teach their lessons to students a lot easier. For students, they could use this program for many things, most likely doing projects. You could present your project on a powerpoint presentation, and if its good, it'll probably be guaranteed an A. If you're a businessman, and you need to present some important information, a powerpoint is probably the way to go, by presenting graphs and other information.
Some longterm beneifits are that you will know how to make powerpoints and edit them really good. Powerpoint helps me a lot beause when i dont feel like writing an essay , I could put it in a powerpoint and it looks real organize. Teahcers when they dont want to write the a lot of notes, thye could just put it a powerpoint. Also if u dont want to write it by hand, you could do a powerpoint.
Some long-term benefits of mastering the program would be that you could add really awesome sound effects, pictures, and what not. It would also be cool to know things that others may not know. A long-term benefit would also be in helping out people who may need help in something that you know how to do. Your PowerPoint will be more professional and awesome with the benefits that you learned in your 9th grade technology class. We will know how to edit writings and how to make presentations; it helps us to make better projects and homework. It also helps in the job market and in other places that need it.
I think that after being introduced to powerpoint it will be easier for students to have presentations. It will be easier for everyone in the case of entertainment, learning and organization. The teachers use powerpoint to giva a lesson and help us students understand the work. Powerpoint is very helpful to students, teachers and any other business people.
some long terms of useing the power point are that so when left with a homework you can do it as a power point. it is a better way to present your information to your boss or teacher its better than a poster it will look great. later in life you have to use power points for your job.
After using PowerPoint I found out that its easier to do work on it like slide you want to do for class. You can make a different slides telling people different things about you or a project you are doing. PowerPoint makes all your work look good so you can do your projects or biography in style. PowerPoint is used by a lot of people like business people CEO's Presidents of big companies use PowerPoint to tell about there stock or how there business is doing. I can now do a lot of things on PowerPoint because it helps me with projects that I need to do for classes. I'm going to use PowerPoint for a lot of things now that i know how to use it properly.
Some long term benefits are that if you become a teacher this will be useful, because it will allow your lectures to be more interesting. It is also useful when your in business because you can see how your doing in sales.So this is an essential requirement if you are in business or a teacher.Also another use is for collage so you can present your work to the professor. Those are all reasons why it is good to master PowerPoint.
after being introduced to power point some long term benefits of mastering this program is getting to use it to make your school presentations look neat, organized, and can also fit a lot of information on the power point.a power point is convenient to everyone for a teacher its an easier way to present the information than by hand writing it on the board or making copies that waste paper for students power point can be used for school presentations especially in college where you have to present many things to the class.
Some longterm benifits are that you can have a fast lesson in school and, its a better looking and fast project to present to your classmates and teacher. Its also easy to walk around it if you saved in a flash drive! And for secretaries that have meetings with other people they could use power point so it can be fast and helpful and proffesional. 1 ex is its faster. 2 its more profesional 3 its elegant and nice.
After introduceing power piont some benifites i will know is like if you become a teacher you will know how to use power point and what its use for.It can also allow your lessons or activities more fun and interesting.It is also use- full for bisness man it will help you stay on track and it will make your life easy or your projects.
After being introduced to Microsft's Power Point and oberserving what kind of task it could do I found out how much I can benfit off of it. I see power Point now as a way of communicating more efficetly. Mastering Power Point (now I see how important Power Point is) can help me susceed in my job, college and other things in my life I have to do. Power Point can also help me in present numerous topis without having to do as much work which is essential in school and may also be in a job. Power Point is now as improtant to me as Microsoft word.
Well i think that the benefits for using Micorsoft Powerpoint will be so in the future when your in college you will be able to get a good grade on your project because you do know how to work it.. Fior example i had to do a project for 8th grade and it was pretty difficult for me to do it cause i didnt know how to use poweroint.
Lerning power point is important in the long run because in the future when you have to complete somthing in the computer such as writing assignments and posters, you would know how to do it. Power point is also important because if you want to go to college they requier you to alredy now all the power points.Another reason why power point is so important is because it also shows your creativity to other prople.
After being introduced to powerpoint, some long term benefits of mastering this program is that you will be more familiar with it and you will know how to use it for many different occasions. when you start a business, powerpoint might come in handy because it is a more organized way of presenting new ideas to people. power points can help you get more advanced jobs if you know how to use it accurately. also if you are a teacher you can make a powerpoint the day before and have it ready for the next day to teach your students a certain lesson. thess are the benefits of powerpoint.
You can benefit in a lot of ways from Microsoft Power Point. The program allows you to create great presentations. That you can make fun but yet still educational or to get your point across to viewers. This can help you in college, at your job, or any place else. It let's you add images, and sound and is just an over all great program.
Aight. Well, I believe thaa some of thaa longg term benefitss of Masteringg Microsoftt Powerpointt are thaa it can helpp youu in manyy wayss, but like for examplee, it can help you create great presentations and especially if your a business person, powerpoints should be something you use alot, and knowing how to master the program can be a huge benefit overall.It can help you with school work, or work in general. Using powerpoint can give you a huge advantage in opportunities such as getting a job, or on an assignment.
some long term benefits for mastering the Micrsoft Power Point would be lots more job opportunities and even before you get any jobs, you"ll be doing good in school because the power points are much easier to use for any assignment for any class. in the job industry, like if you work for any company you can use it to present or pitch an idea, to infrom the employees, or to just use a power point to save paper. if you have a power point, everyone can see it. and you wont have to waste your time making copies for everyone. and it would also be very useful for teachers too.
some longterm benifits are that you know how to edit and create thing and you will not have to write alot you can copy and paste,and a lot of people type faster then they write so it is easier for people to use,and youcan basically use it for everything.the powerpoint has made alot of people successful and has helped people promote alot of their sales and also help keep people organized.
WELL ii thiNK tHAt S0ME bENifitS ARE thAt iT HEPLS UP d0 0UR StUff bEttER fAStER&Ndd ESiER&Ndd iT HELPS AL0t bEACUSE yHU dNt HAVE tW0 WRitE BiG 0H PRAGRAPHS tW0 GEt tW0 yHUR P0iNt ALL yU G0tA d0 N0W dAyS iS MAKEE Uh P0WER P0iNt&Ndd tAt WiLL b MUCh bEttER&Ndd PPl W0Nt GEt b0REd 0F yHUR SPEACh&Ndd StUFF
Some long term benefits of knowing how to use power point are that we students will be able to do our presentations in an efficient an neat. It is also beneficial because when we get out of school and have a job we will be able to show presentations in a modern and neat way.I think this is also beneficial because you will be able to teach other people who don't know how to use it.
the benefits of power points is that it get to the point quicker.Power point is benefical to people because it enables people to show a better interesting way for a presentation not to be boring.
some long term benefits are that you will know how to make things and edit , and it also helps us out present presentation and things like that. alot of people use microsoft ,microsoft helps alot of people and so many ways. microsoft is also good to do you resources on .microsoft is very easier to use in cheaper to do
i think the benefits from using microsoft power point were that it helped us be more creative and it made work more efficient. Its been more interesting making power points rather than writing. Microsoft power point will also help us in the future so its important to master this skill. You will not only have to know how to make presentations but also be comfortable in using it.
some long term benefits of knowing how to use PowerPoint are that it will help you with work at school or at your job and if you've mastered powerpoint you can tach others how to use it.
Some long term benefits are keeping stuff more organized and easier for people to understand specially for presentations, etc.
Its a faster way to understand things For like projects and stuff. Microsoft power point Helps make life way easier on us in many ways.Mostly all of my teachers use power point to help us understand and its way faster. We mostly use them to take notes or when they want to present things to us.I think you can advantage of Microsoft power point mostly in school, it'll be even more useful to us. :]
i think the benefits you could master is how to make edit them forr they could look creative or good.the thing you could also master is how to do slides.there very usefull for school and for other people there jobs.
i think that mastering the microlsoft power point helps me because its more easier.if i had to do a assignment it would be better if u use power point because its more faster.At first i didnt know how to us4e power point but now i knoww how to use it and it is vvery useful
MichaelRamirez PERIOD 1 09-16
The benefits of Microsoft Powerpoint are a lot because theirs a lot of new things to learn about and too discover in that program. We could use new things that about 10 years ago it didn't exist. Something else is that the new backgrounds,and tricks like moving letters make it better when we have a powerpoint assignment it will be esay to do.
It has a fast and very easy so in powerpoint we will be able to do and we will be to handle. Also we could make a lot of powerpoints a cool powerpoint that somebody will give a good grade A or B and we will succeed.
some benefits are that it makes things easier. It is also easier when you want to make a presentation you can do it on this. Also when you do like presentations for a company you can put charts and things on it. it also gives like animation and other things. You can also edit each slide. On powerpooint you can slide through each slide and it helps you alot by showing examples and things on each slide. So microsoft power point is helpfull to many people.
Some benifits that i think it has it that it is useful because it saves paper. Also if you do a powerpoint you can just save it .It gets peoples attention faster;you can make it colorful or put those things that make the letters spin or something or put a design or something. it makes things faster,like for me i have saw that powerpoint makes everything easier and faster because in the notes you just put the most basic things instead of reading the whole book.
Some long term benefits are that, you will be able to know how to make things look organized, you will also know what it looks like to be organized. Its also easier bacause its neater, and you donr have to write anything and worrying about something being sloppy. So to me powerpoint has benifited my education.
some long term benefits that you will know are how to get organized, you can edit you work, and it makes your explanations more simple to understand. these benefits are very important in life and everywhere you go or any school you go to, you will see teachers or students using powerpoints. you can use power points to design things, so everybody can see what you think about a certain situation and many other things. in the future power point are going to be very important when you get a job. you will need to use in for presentations and to get organized.
I think that some benefits of mastering Powerpoint is that with it, you can be more organized and it makes everything easier to keep. It also makes everything look nicer for presentations and other stuff. This stuff is also easier to take to different places.Powerpoint is also more creative than something would be if done on paper or anything else.
Since you type everything on the program, you can also add graphs or put pictures instead of having to draw them or print them out separately.
i think that mastering the Microsoft power point would benefits us students,because it teaches us to be more organized.also less work than trying to hurry and print out papers,and your printer having no more ink.when we can just save it to our sub drive simple and easy.i think it also helps us go through by sections and explaining the topic one at a time.
The long term benefits to mastering Microsoft PowerPoint is giving good business presentations. If u wants to be an inventor when you grow up or a business person you can be very successful at pitching your business ideas and making a lot of money. You can get a loan from a company to start a new product or impress your boss with a PowerPoint and get a raise or being promoted. Mastering power points will surely get you somewhere in the world of business. You will surly get the attention of business people with your PowerPoint. You power points will give your company useful ideas and you will have a clear statement.
one way that i think powerpoint is useful is instead of printing papers for like 100 people you can just make a slide of whatever you are going to show them and get a projector and hook your computer to it and then just show them what you are presenting instead of wasting paper. another example is when your teacher asigns you homework and the direction are to show how to slove this math problem step by step and she said you can type it or you can write it by hand instead of wasting paper. then you can go to powerpoint to do it and not waste paper. also if you have to give a presantion to your job you can just use powerpoint as well.
Some long term benefits of being able to use the power point are that you may be able to present things with ease and not have to worry about asking for help about how to use PowerPoint. When you know how to use PowerPoint you are much more successful in life after school. A teacher's job would be much more difficult if they did not know how to use PowerPoint and one day they needed to make a school board presentation and couldnt make any copies.
Longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good.It makes your job much easier and everything would be more orginatzed. That way u will look professional and look better on the job that your doin. It is also a good resource for class but it its also good for keeping peoples attention because there are many different types of things you can use to keep ur students entertained.
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After being introduced to powerpoint, students have more of an opportunity to make their projects, presentations,etc. better. We can benefit by being able to edit, make, and or change presentations for class. It will be easier for a teacher to grade our work and get a good understanding of it. Another benefit is being able to present ideas to someone or understand someone else's theory. Using powerpoint can benefit nature's trees because it eliminates the waste of paper.
the longterms benefits are that you don't waste paper and u could write faster. also you could be organized. you could know what to use when you are doing a project for a class or work. u know how to had designs and pictures and everything else. it also makes everything look nice for a presentation.
The benefit of microsoft powerpoint is that its makes things easier.When you want to make a presentation for a class a powerpoint is much easier than a board. A power point gives you the chance to put more of your ideas because it gives you more room than a board.The benefit of power points are that its easier to take around with you and show people your work and it takes up less room because of the USB. Power point is a big help with jobs and presentations at school that not many people knew about or used before. Microsoft Power Point has made doing work easier.
After introducing powerpoint there are a lot of benefits in mastering the program.For example, when you are in a job and you need to present your co workers with ideas and you have to do all these charts you can do them in a powerepoint, That will make easier for you and for others to understand. Also when you are doing a project or presentation in school it is much easier to do and much faster than doing it in a poster. Also it is easier when you want to be creative and you don't have to waste any money and at the same time you are helping the earth in not wasting any paper.
Ther are many long term benifits for mastering powerpoint. For example if we want to work in a for a magazine you will need to make many power pints. Also buy having a good powerpoint poeple get promoted to a higher position at there job. Also through out college you will have to present projects in a powerpoint.
some benefits is that you could complete a project you have at work much easier and and you cold just attach it to your email or to a usb you also helps use much less paper to help the earth by not killing trees.
some longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good. also that you could help people out on something. you would know how to edit writtings and how to make presentations.
I think that the benefit to being introduced to power point are a lot.If you have to a project on something you can use the power point to present the project.also you can do invitations with power points and do all kinds of designs. also teachers have an advantage is that they can present a project to the students.and also because you can entertain yourself with doing or creating a power point
I think after being introduced to powerpoint, some long terms benefits are that you could keep your things organized. Also you could send the presentations to other people, so they could revise them instead if of one person revising it. Its also easier to present something and tell the key facts. It helps us make better projects. The teachers save time when they only have to use the power point instead of wirting it over and over g again and erasing it after each period.
some long term benefits of mastering this program are that they help you do various can also save many achieves and you can have lesson plans saved and done in a power point.and it is a better way of explaining things. it helps you on jobs,schools,and in other helps you to become more organized and creative in what you are doing.they come in your computer for usage and and you can present it any time if you save it.
Some long term benefits of mastering this program are that they can help you do a better presentation for school or a your job. They make your work really look really good, nice, and neat. They also help you when you have to do a project and you really need to get a good grade. And it also has a long term benefits of the power point because they come in almost all the computer and laptops and you could do a power point when you want to and at any time. Also you can saved it in a USB and carry it and demonstrated it to the people at any time.
Some long term benifits of mastering this program of powerpiont is that you have the advatage to do certain things using power piont that others can't. Also you have the ability to be alot more better in college bedause itk is alot more organized than usual.
some long term benefits of mastering power point are that i wont have to waste paper. i could do everything much faster if i do it in power point. i also think that it is a good tool for creating presentations and other stuff. if you want to do neat projects, you should do it in power point. it teaches you to do everything step by step.
after messing with the power point the benifeints that i saw that people can do with it. they can make postares or biographies with this program. you can make your job more easier by makeing presentations look all fancy and ainstaid of makeing copies you can show it on a projecter.
A benifit of using power point is doing your homework and other assignments. When you use power point it can help you edit or understand more clearer.You can use it for many things it makes everything easier.If you have to do a essay you have it easier if you type it. You learn from your mistakes in powerpoint then writing it yourself and not finding any mistakes.
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After learning a few tips from microsoft power point. I can now see we can do presentations, projects, do graphs, etc. It keeps your school, job, work very orgaznized. It makes it so much easier. Now you dont have to write papers and papers and work extra hard. You just have to know how to your your microsoft power point you got the job done.
I think that power point could be such good help. for example it can help in projects or presentations. An example of a power point could be; for example if you want more people to be interested in soccer than you can do a presentation about soccer and with power point it's easy.You can do as many slides as you want,as many as you think will be enough to interest someone in your topic. Another example can be that you have to do a presentation or project for science class. You can do slides and in each slide put a topic and explain the topic and why you chose that topic; for each slide you could talk about different topics. These are some of the reasons why i think power point could be a lot of help.
Some long term benefits are that for any project you do, you could do Power Point. You could learn how to do animation and make your presentation more cooler. Students could get extra credit points for making a Power point. They don't have to be taught how it works because they already know. Teachers use it for lessons of the day. Also, it might be an advantage for getting a job like assisting someone in doing a Power Point.
After being introduced to powerpoint some longterm benifits are that we can present things in a cool way maybe for our job. Using powerepoint is easier epsecially for getting thoughts down. What ever you want to say the different things can be put in different slides. Also if you are aplying for a job a way you can be creative is by using powerpoint instead of just microsoft word. Some more examples are if you're a teacher a way you can get kids attention is by using a powerpoint so it can catch their eye.
I think some long term benefits of the microsoft power point are to help students with presentations and when their older they can use it for presentation at their job. And if you have a USB your power points are portable and you are able to show anybody. And you wont have to spend a lot of money buying posterbords
Being able to use a Power Point could be very beneficial to your future because it will make both your educational and professional life easier. If you are a business person like a lawyer or CEO of a company, you will most likely have to use Power Points to make important presentations at a meeting. Also, it makes it easier for you to get a point across at a meeting when you have a layout of what you want to talk about and pictures so you could give someone a good visual idea. Another reason that mastering how to use a Power Point is helpful is that you could use Power Points in class presentations. By using a Power Point you will be able to show that you know how to use now in day technology and that you know how to properly present a topic in front of your class. Another way you could use Power Points is to use it to advertise something you want to sell. It will make the add look more attractive and exciting then a plane old billboard.
afer bein introdeuced ppt, some long term benefits i got were being able to prestn things more cool-like and enternaing so that my audience doesnt get bored and fall asleep while im presenting
ex: business man presenting his ideas
school teacher presenting todays lesson
a student presenting a project
Mastering the microsoft power point helps us give our presentations as a student and in life.It makes it easier for the presenter.In school sometimes your teachers ask you guys to use microsoft powerpiont for a important presentation in class. Or in life when your trying to get a job most of the time the best program to use is microsoft powerpoint it makes everthing easier and more organised.
Some of the long term benefits of mastering this program is that when you use the power-point all of the information that you wanted to say or express is all in one whole document. For example, lets say that you need to gather some more information about a specific subject, you could save it into your usb and then later on all you woould have to do is put it all together and share. Another example could be like when your at work and your boss needs some good ideas for a project, you can maybe gather all of your partners information and show the boss all of your ideas(including your partners). Lastly another important reason why we need the power-point is becasue you can add a page for every different topic you will be talking about.
Some long term effects are that i will be more successful and i will be organized. Also i will know how to have some main points. i will be able to go in front of the class and be able to present something good and not look dumb in front of the class. Also if i get into the buisness i will be able to speak to my peers and they will see a good presentation. Also i would not have to use so many display boards or paper to carry around. Or i will not have to be taking things out or putting things in the middle of a presentation.
Some long term benefits are that you will know how to with PowerPoint you can do anything faster than writing it on hand.In this program you are able to add slides as you want to. With each slide you are able to put in information, pictures, and graph. Another thing about of it it's that, it good when you are doing a presentation. Mastering PowerPoint can help you work more professional during jobs or class for school presentations more neat. it's more entertaining and it is also creative. So after being introduced into this its way better then writing it on paper.
Some long term benefits are that you can teach other people how to use it,future programs for power point will come out and since you know how to use the old version you can use the new one. You can benefit by using power point for job presentation. Its just more suffisticated and a formal way to use in this modern world and its more business lokking.
some long terms benefits are that you would know how to use them so that your projects could look better and also easier and more efficient. its also easy because you could present your project more better and more faster so that it fun to do not boring.its if you know how to use powerpoint then its teachabke to others and you could accomplishw whaterver you are assigned to do more better
i think that mastering the microsoft power point will help us students be more organized and responsible. it will be able to keep our stuff in order the way that should be. when we are giving our presentations we will be able to present it the correct way, everything is going to be in order instead of having to look for what you need. it also helps in differnt things not just in school its also good for a job.
After being introduced to powerpoint, what are some long term benefits of mastering this program? Responses should be a minimum of a 100 words and include 3 examples to support your answer.
I know how to add effects and make new themes on certain slides. I also learned one major thing is to make new slides with control+m.Also to put only five bullets for each slide and to not that many animations or graphics or the crowd will be distracted and only remember the graphics and cartoons.
1. Benifit of mastering powerpoint is that if you know how to use powerpoint professionally is that it will make your educatinal life so much easier. When it comes to school and you have to do a presentation you might as well use powerpoint because it is easier to know the presention, its neat, and you might get extra points.
2. Its also beneficial at work, you could show your boss your work on an lcd projector and also using powerpoint it would be much easier to show your work.
3. In your personal life but not that personal you could make slideshows of pictures and videos and email to people through yahoo or myspace. These are the three things I thought that powrepoint could be used beneficially for.
This will help us become better speakers and presenters. Were going to know how to do eye contact and how to memorize something and speak to the public .Doing a power point benifits because you can transfer it on a USB and take it anywhere and present it. It helps you edit it and not have to do so many revisions . The power point allows you to look at the audince face exprecion and if there donfused then you know to explain it better and if the understand it you can move on . Also you can be more detailed and creative with your power point . and get a better grade.
I think that mastering the power point helps us studetns to be able to give presentations. It also benfits us because it helps us edit stuyff and be able to present them correctly. It is good for doing projects and homeworks on it. Most of the teacehrs use it to give us notes or they do there lesson on it. You can also put pictures and make it colorful and when you show your prenstation you can show them how intresting it is and how eay it is to do stuff on power point.
After being introduced to powerpoint, what are some long term benefits of mastering this program? Responses should be a minimum of a 100 words and include 3 examples to support your answer.
Some longterm benifits are that you will know how to make things and edit them so they would look good. Also that you could help people out on somethings.Such as objective lessons, presentations , projects , etc...This makes the lesson more organized and easier to teach. Mastering the PowerPoint program can make anyone's work more professional.
More than majority of the teachers have this power pwoint because its organized and its easier.Its aloso helping the environment by not using so much paper.Like if we need to get our homework we cna copy it from the power point and save paper.So then they wont have to copy alot of papers.
Learning how to use Power Point can realy improve yourlife in the futer because most jobs ask for a type of presentation in front of other workers. By using Power Point on a video projector can make things much more easier for you. The use of Power Point is also beneficial for students during school projects because instead of having to buy all the paper and boards and having to bring everything to class is a big hassle, especialy in these economic times. Instead, we can bring a flash disk or a memory stick and display it in front of the class. With Power Point, you can also create slide shows to display on websites, myspace, yahoo, and send them to others.
one longterm benifit.... say you get a job we would know what to do if your boss tell you that he\she Point and you would kno what to do. Also you would know how edit and how to make presrntations.
Now that I have been introduced to the power point I have long term goals in mind. The main long term goal I have in mind is to use the power point for some class project and have my teachers and peers shocked off of what I can do. Another goal is to be able to make all my work very neat, understandable, and creative, but not to creative. I will use the power point as I get older for my jobs and school. I one day hope to be able to use the power point to present something to my boss or employees and may even get a job raise because of using power point. Power point is very helpful to the world and even more helpful to me.
Some long term benefits of mastering this program are that when you need to do a powerpoint it will be easier for you to do.For example it might be more creative than just doing a plain presentaion.with powerpoint it is also easier to display information . another benefit is that it is also greener you save paper and ink. With powerpoint you can put picture and sound affects to make it more appealing.
some longterm benefits are that you would now how to do a good a presentation.It would also help us by knowing how to presentate well and know how to speak well.we can do our school work on it.for example if we had to do a presntation to the class you can do it on the powerpoint instead of doing it on a posterboard.Another example would be if we had to go to another state instead of doing it on a posterboard and having to carry it you can do your powerpoint and save it tto your usb.
Mastering the microsoft power point helps us students and in life to give our presentations. it makes everything easier for the presentor and its easier for the audience to understand. For example in school whent the teachers ask you to do a ptresentation you can just use microsoft powerpoint. Another example is when you grow up you can give your presentations very clearly and everything will be very organised.
To me there really isnt a master to powerpoint. It's really just a good program.Powerpoint to me is something that the world gets babysat by.Powerpoint is the key to being lazy,not only do the computers do everytthing but you dont have to do anything.Nobody wants to do nothing ther self now days (including me). But still how do you know the computures dont get tired of doing everything.The world is going to figure it out why you should do everything yourself.One day the whole system is just going to shutdown.
Mastering the power point program is very beneficial to students because we learn to make presentations for our classes and it can help us one day in the future if we decide to have a job in the corporate world. For example, we can make power points during job interviews, or during class projects. It is good to learn how to use this program because it can useful during difficult times. Say for instance if you had an interview but you didn't have the resources to write down all the information that you need. You can then use the power point program to make your presentation for your interview.
Some long term benefits of mastering powerpoint, well powerpoint is a simplier way of doing things. For example when your doing something for this class it creates a more complex organization of doing your work in well manner. Also another example is that powerpoint can help with all the projects were going to be having in this class and powerpoint can come in handy.
Some long term benefits of mastering this program can be can be by helping you out with projects you may have for a class. It can also help by making every thing more creative and exciting.Say for example when you have to present something you can use many creative things in your power point to make it more artistic.
Some long term benifits are that it helps in the bussiness world for example if u have a big meeting and your boss wants you to present something you can use powerpoint it helps you its neat and everybody would be able to see it. Another benefit is that you when you know somebody that is doing a project or something you can teach them how to use powerpoint to help them out.
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I think power point will help you make a report more enjoying than just a bunch of words in a paper. this makes your presentation into a slide show instead of turning papers and it also help put special effects on it like how the words could appear and pictures , sound ,and even little videos.
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