Thursday, September 04, 2008

JOurnal 2 2008

Do you think that our society has become dependent on computer technology? Why and/or how? response should be at least 7 lines in length. PLease provide a concrete example to prove your point.


Blogger WhO-LeE-oH said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology. I think they are depended on computer technology because alot of stuff are designed by computer. For example, a car before it's made first needs to be designed by the maker in a computer.

11:30 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

yes i think society has become dependent on computers because they put all there informaton in a computer. even the police and the fire fighters and ambulances and parametics use the computers to get to the emergiencies. the school also uses it to take atendience and input grades.
people use computers to do homework

11:34 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I think society has become dependent on computer technology. We have become dependent on it by using it for almost everything.Every single electronic item either has a peice of a computer in it or is runned by a computer.

11:34 AM  
Blogger Alejandro said...

I think that our society has become dependant on computer technology because everything is runned by them. The NASA has computers to run the sattelites that helps us with navigation and weather. Other organizations like the police and like that have computers to track down people and other stuff. With computers, our lives are easier because we can find out stuff.

11:34 AM  
Blogger Luis Alvarez said...

seriously i say yes. i say yes because many spend their lifes on technology every person in the world has something about technology. Well at least I think they do. But yea now they are coming up with a security system that calls the cops whenever you are in danger and some stuff like that. its kind of like from terminator Skynet the computers become so smart humans dont have to create machines. now the computers do that. so its basically sayin that machines are building machines because now they are very smart and much smarter than humans

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think our society has developed to the point where it depends on almost 100% technology. Almost every business is run by computer technology, such as markets, wareshouses, amusement parks, offices, etc. They all run on compters to order their supplies, to function all records, and even to determine the price you pay for what you buy. Everyone's receipt comes from a computer, and the computer has all records of sales and specials built-in on the exact date. If computers broke down everywhere, people would probably panic, just like in Y2K. That's a major example of how people reacted when htey heard technology would crash, and that was years ago. Imagine now, how people would react. It's become a riot.

11:35 AM  
Blogger BUH! said...

Most people depends on computers now days. Computer is a big part of our everyday life. People can do anything on computers and it's faster than writing things out. Computers is a big part of our society because we can use them for assingments school work etc. I think that people use computers the most in college because basically thats what it is based on.. Computer Work. Without computers i think people would hve more to stress about because what if you had a 20 paragraph assingment due tomorrow, it wou;d take all night to write it but now since we have computers people can do things faster and easier. So, i say yes computers is a big part of our society

11:35 AM  
Blogger D3nNy$ said...

i think society has become dependent on computer technology because now a days in almost every job you need a computer for organization, and other things you need to in a hospital they use computers and other technology to keep people safe and alive. And now computers almost run everything

11:35 AM  
Blogger PRiNCESS♥ said...

Yes, i think that our society has become dependent on computer technology because we use it for many things. Such as paying phone bills, communicating, and for the Dictionary and Encyclopedia. We dont have to use books any more because technology is extremely advanced that you can do almost anything by computer. Its now more Convinient to use the computer than sending mail through the post office. =]

11:36 AM  
Blogger Why? said...

I think the soceity is dependent on computer techonogly becuase the internet can lead you to everything. Its a big factor in our life. Alot of stuff can be disingned by the computer techonogly. They have all diffent kind of versions an companys for the computer. Now a days computer techonigly comes with everything that you need that a cell phone does. It is much easier to have a computer because in college you can take notes better and look up your assingment on the computer.

11:36 AM  
Blogger [KAY♥] said...

Yes I think that society is depending on computers technology because computers are influencing everywhere, everywhere you go there are computers like now in schools. Before not alot of schools had computers and now most of them do.

11:36 AM  
Blogger ♣♠♦☻Jö§Ué☻♦♠♣ said...

i think society is dependent on computers because almost everything we do now is with computers

11:37 AM  
Blogger iiRmA said...

yes i think society has become dependent because they have allot of information that we need. like wut ever we need we get it from the internet. evrybody on da world get's their information from work or school.

11:37 AM  
Blogger brian espinoza said...

i think that society has become dependent on computer technology because the basic life structure in every day life today is based on technology like cars, street lights cameras, digital camers an other stuff. even water rhat is control by cumputers an sent to everyones houses .

11:38 AM  
Blogger Maribel Montes said...

yes society does use computers now.
like back in the days wen they made movies they didnt use computers and now they do.
they also use it to make video games.

11:38 AM  
Blogger * ummm itsz bre bre * said...

i think its dependent on computer because alot of stuff are designed for computers.For example,before something made it has to have a draft

11:38 AM  
Blogger everyoneLOVESjas said...

Our society has become dependent on computer technology because alot of people now days know how to use the computer and the different things they do that other people don't know. Such as, making things of your own kind ; like shoes.

11:38 AM  
Blogger gisellegutierrez said...

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11:38 AM  
Blogger miguel said...

well i think society is dependent in computer tegnology. i think that because the new tegnology is cool and it so helpful. for example if you ned to desind a new computer, car, ipod, you nead a computer for you to be a ble to doit specially with the new tegnology.

11:39 AM  
Blogger DARNELL said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology. It depends on computer technology, because most of the city is run by computers. If it weren't for computers the street lights would not function correctly.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Why? said...

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11:40 AM  
Blogger haro_baybee said...

I think that our society is dependent on computer technology. I think this because mostly everything is used with a technology system of some kind. Many people also use the computer to communicate with other people, do there homework and stuff like that. An example of this is when teachers need to download some kind of system for there students can have an assignment to do.

11:41 AM  
Blogger gisellegutierrez said...

Yes i do think society has depended on computer technology. Alot of the things we do use computer technology. We sometimes pay bills over a computer, we talk to people, some of us don't even get out to shop anymore you can just go online and order what you want. We use internet recourses to make it easier and get information that you need. Kids might cheat on homework being able to get it of the internet.

11:51 AM  
Blogger ↓♣₣Яǿ§T¥♣↓ said...

I think society has become dependent on computer technology. We have become dependent on it by using it for almost everything.Every single electronic item either has a peice of a computer in it or is runned by a computer.didnt use computers and now they do.
they also use it to make video games.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Juan Chavez said...

I Think that society is ddependent on computer Technology in some ways. ONe reason is that it helps us stay more organized. Another Reason mite be the it helps us do our homework, learn, and Be close to perfect. Without computers, this nation would probably not be the Strongest country in the world.

1:43 PM  
Blogger jeff said...

i do think the our society has become dependent on computer technology cus we are all like y us do it if the computer can do it so we let the computer do it and we hardly do any work.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Zolume-Dan said...

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1:44 PM  
Blogger RUBEE :] said...

i think society has become dependent on computer technology because now in days alomst everything is done by computers. For example to communicate with people we use e-mails, we can also shop for clothes, or for anything else, buy cars through the internet too, all these things are used by the computer which is technology.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Estela Manzano said...

I think our society has become dependent on computers. Because we use the computer for lots of things we use it to communicate,we also use it for school like to print out papers or do research.We have also become dependent on computers because computers help us learn new things.

1:47 PM  
Blogger  said...


1:47 PM  
Blogger FrOsTeD mInI wHeAtS ^_^ STICK FIGZ!!!!!!! said...

In my openion i do think out society has become dependent on computers.I think thi because every where you go the have computers people u se cpmputers at work, at home, we use a computer for almost every thing.Computers are even used to shop now!!! i think our society has become way to dependent on computers now adays.we communicate with computers and the computer can also be bad for you if not suppervised

1:48 PM  
Blogger cris said...

yes i do think society is become dependent on computer technology because everything is mostly run by technology these days and its only getting more advanced from paying bills on the internet to ordering food online

1:48 PM  
Blogger ♠♠juan♠♠ said...

yes because amost everything we do is in computer like:pay bills,reseach,play games , and cheak important stuff.

1:49 PM  
Blogger She goes by Chelz said...

I think that society is very dependent on computer technology. The uses of computers in our time may seem as if it's not much of a big deal...but it is. Years ago people were dependent more on newspapers, books, and other resourses. The computer is a very useful, fast, and easy tool to work with. Anything you need to find, fast, you can do it all with the acess of a computer.

1:50 PM  
Blogger ariana.gee♥Lucrecia was here Suckaaaaa(; said...

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1:50 PM  
Blogger max_callejas said...

I think that our society is dependent on technology because every thing we do is usually something with the computer.People use it every where in the world such as schools use it to grade our work or also to go and chat with your friends.

1:50 PM  
Blogger alyy♥;; said...

I think society became dependent on computer technology a long time ago. Technology is everything to some people because they are on the computer 24/7. Most jobs require some kind of computer technology while working. Everything can be done on the computer/internet from job applications to shopping for clothes. Technology is basically life. (:

1:51 PM  
Blogger ariana.gee♥Lucrecia was here Suckaaaaa(; said...

I think our society has become dependent on computer technology and for many reasons. For example it helps people research stuff or communicate with your friends or family through e-mails or something. Now a days we can buy stuff through the Internet. Also when you have to type a paper or report for any of your classes, obviously you can use a computer.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Vanessa[: said...

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1:53 PM  
Blogger CHElliE...♥ said...

I do think society now a days does depend on computer technology. People are dependent because they use it for a easier way. You can use it to find information and to find locations. Alos, to get things faster.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Markus said...

Yes, i think that our society has become dependent on computer technology. I think people in our society has become dependent on computer technology because the computer has several uses. You can research, instead of written, you can type.

1:54 PM  
Blogger icy :]] said...

Yes, I think society is dependent on computer technology. I think society is dependent on computer technology because in most jobs what humans do handmade now can be done by a computer.Therefore, there's no need to pay someone for their labor when technology is so advanced that it could be done by a computer.

1:55 PM  
Blogger icy :]] said...

Yes, I think society is dependent on computer technology. I think society is dependent on computer technology because in most jobs what humans do handmade now can be done by a computer.Therefore, there's no need to pay someone for their labor when technology is so advanced that it could be done by a computer.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Vanessa[: said...

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1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that society does depend on technology because every thing we use has something to do with technology and everything we store is based on technology like mp3 and ipods or a microwave and the schools are all based on computers.

1:59 PM  
Blogger savannah said...

i think that sometimes our society depends on a computer because some people would even know about things without it.In my opionion i do believe that society can do with out it. I say it because things like who to do things and like who things work dont need to be looked up in the compu9ter they can look in a book.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Edgar Garcia said...

I think our society is dependent on computers to function. We use computers to do everything examples of that is doing research we just go on the computer to learn something but we used to go to libraries to learn and study.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Vanessa[: said...

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2:03 PM  
Blogger Vanessa[: said...

Yes, I believe society has become dependant on computer technology. An example of how is that most of our money is electronic. We just shop online and our money is electronically taken away from our account. It isn't actually printed out. In present days, we can communicate with other people, shop for whatever we want, pay bills etc. on the computer which shows how dependant we are on computer technology. :]

2:03 PM  
Blogger I ♥ Edward Scissorhands!! ♥x♥x♥ said...

I think society is greatly dependent on computer technology. I think it's dependent because everyone uses technology mostly computers. Movies are created with computers, and movies are view in everyday life.

2:04 PM  
Blogger karen_correa said...

society is dependent on computer technology,but not completely. we dont use computers for everything but most of the things we make are controlled by computers. for example when people make products they need computes.

2:05 PM  
Blogger karen_correa said...

society is dependent on computer technology,but not completely. we dont use computers for everything but most of the things we make are controlled by computers. for example when people make products they need computes.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Zolume-Dan said...

I think society has always been dependent on computer technology because many jobs recommend computers and other places like school, and hospitals, without computers there'll be no communication, you also do research, and planning.

2:05 PM  
Blogger dodgers4life said...

I think we do depend on computer technology because everything depends on technology.

2:08 PM  
Blogger blueberries for sale.... said...

Society is dependent on technology because it creates everything and runs everyday life without technology i world would crash

8:46 AM  
Blogger dae'ja got a bomb swagga! said...

i think that society is depending on computer technology because is a resourceful thing to use in society now! many people use computers to get things done1 They use computers to get jobs amd many more! Most information is stored on a computer! like many people use computers to find things like where something is(location)!

8:47 AM  
Blogger tayTHUG. said...

Yes i do because everything that they are making has to do with some type computer technology . Most jobs are dependent on computer technology too because that is where they store most of their information, etc. We mostly use computers everyday in our lifes .

8:47 AM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

Yes i do think society is dependent on computer technology. The reason because of this is because you can do alot of things on a computer. Computers let you explore to new and fun things. Computers can be used for alot for our society. Computer technology can let you design stuff and let you pull out imformation. Computer technology has so many awsome features. They can be used for many things and for exploring lots of stuff. You can look for jobs and a new career. COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY is very important.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Roxii♥ said...

I think that our society has definetly depends on technology. Most times i hear people say that without it, they wouldn't know what to do. Alot of technology is way more advanced and it has progressed so much. Now, people rely on computers, GPS systems, iPods, and many more things to keep them entertained and get them around. The reason why i think people rely on technology is because it has progressed so much and its a big part of our lives.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Million Mekonenn said...

I think society is depended on computers. You see computers everywhere you go. At stores, to see a movie, even on your phone. technology these days are all computerized. They all have chips in them. The things most people are familiar with, are things society is depended on.

8:49 AM  
Blogger ricky1129 said...

I think we do because mostly everything we do now in days relize on technology and computers. Most places need computers to keep their business running like a in mostly every school, there is computers to see who is absent and who is there that day.

8:49 AM  
Blogger BrEnDa CuEvAs said...

Yes, I think that our society has become dependent in technology because now in days in (jobs,schools,hospitals and even at home)we need technology becuase with out computers in many hospitals they wont be able to find the cure of many sickness.

8:49 AM  
Blogger RIOS!! said...


8:51 AM  
Blogger JORGE said...

yes i think society has become dependent on computers technology.I think they are dependent because most of the things are made by computers.For excample when they make a car they have to make it in a computer.

8:51 AM  
Blogger JORGE said...

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8:51 AM  
Blogger .:BiG-GORDO:. said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology because everything you do is through the computer. We e mail each other and most people communicate though the internet like instant messager or myspace. Now people rely on the internet to pay bills. They also save all their things on a computer.

8:52 AM  
Blogger Angie said...

Society is dependent on technology.
The reason is that technolgy makes everything easyer.Also people comunicate with co-workers and family threw technolgy.People really take atvantege of technolgy they buy stuff threw the entenet even in cellphones .

8:53 AM  
Blogger Olivia:) said...

Yes i think that society has become dependent on technology because alot of everyday things are powered by computers,but i also think that we could be good without them because alot of todays society are mostly using technology when people can just look in the a book or go to a library

8:55 AM  
Blogger BIZAR said...

i agree, because everything we do is in computer like;pay bills,reseach,play games,look for directions, and cheek important date of history. you could look at maps of pictres that they take from space. we even make reservations on computers instead of calling. we depend more on technology, because it's more quicker and easier. ;p :D

8:56 AM  
Blogger Vivi:] said...

I think that society does dependent on computer technology.
It's dependent on computer technology because now in days computers are use 24/7. The computer is use to get information, to check the weather,to check your email,to do your homework,to check the news, and many more. Compuetrs are very useful.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Vivi:] said...

I think that society does dependent on computer technology.
It's dependent on computer technology because now in days computers are use 24/7. The computer is use to get information, to check the weather,to check your email,to do your homework,to check the news, and many more. Compuetrs are very useful.

9:01 AM  
Blogger {.'.[chris].'.} said...

If i'm correct i think that now adays society is dependent on computer technology.reason i say this is becuase ppl these day's use the computers to get their resources and information instead of books.

9:04 AM  
Blogger stuck onthe moon (: said...

The world today depends on technology for almost everything. Our children in this generation are raised up on tachnology which is one reason were always bored. Even stores are ran by technology which involves security systems whih actually are necessary. sometimes computer technology can come in handy for our police officers and paramedics team. Computer technology could be the answer to everything.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Chris Linares said...

yes I think society is dependant on computer technology because most of what we use is computerized such as street lights, our banking, and computers can do a lot of things now a days. they can pay bills online, get ur froceries online, you can talk to your friends online, and you can make apointments online.

10:23 AM  
Blogger carlos said...

I think that socitey is dependent on computer technology, because people work on the computer on all kinds of things to get them right.I think they work on computer because it is much faster to work and finish on a project.

10:24 AM  
Blogger -TRACYBOO♥ said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technolgy, because technology is part of daily life. For example cars, computers, cellphones, cameras,and etc. Warehouses also use it, for when they use the cash registers.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Dany-V Orozco said...

Yes, I think society has become dependent on computer society because we use computers and technology for almost every thing now like: school work, we have to use the computer for information on projects, people the world, and information on anything, we use computers and technology for entertainment like music, movies, and shows.

10:25 AM  
Blogger earl_moore said...

I do think society is dependent on computer technology. I think they our society is dependent on computer technology because almost everything thing is computer based, and i notice alot of applications are computerized no at 1 it was all by hand.

10:25 AM  
Blogger bree yeah. said...

I think that our society has become dependent on computer technology because as the years go on and on and we go further into the future they are inventing technology that will make us lazier and we dont have to do stuff like they did back in the day to where they had to get up and do things but now they invented the remote and things like that and we really dont have to get up and that is how our society has become dependent on computer technology.

10:25 AM  
Blogger MaRcElA s... said...

yes, I think that society has become dependent on computer has become dependent on computer technology because you can do almost everything with a computer. For example almost every electronic item is runned by a computer or at least has a piece of it. Computer technology has made everything more easier. For example now people pay their bills by the computer. Now they dont have to go all the way to the store to pay it. It also safes times.

10:27 AM  
Blogger PRINCESS♥ said...

yes,I think society is dependent on computer technolgy because with out computers we cant research any information.
it will take alot of time to write a letter and send it to somebody and wait for there respond.
we nees computers because mostly every thing is made or desioned on a computer like for a movie and cars.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Clara said...

Our society has become extremely dependent on computer technology. I think this is because we do everything computer-based. We buy tickets, we pay bills, we stay in contact rather than using a phone, we order food, we download music, etc. I really don't know what would happen if all the computers went off, even for one hour.

10:28 AM  
Blogger Esmeralda Rodarte said...

Yes, I think society is dependent on computer technoloy because everyone is using them. Every where you go there is a computer and a lot of people are using them for a job or just playing a game.Before there were not a lot of computers in school and they are now.

10:28 AM  
Blogger ALMA a.k.a NENA said...

I think our society has become dependent on computer technology.I think that it has become dependent because now in days they use computer for everything.Even thought you think is not ture it is.It has become dependent because we have went into the future and they keep on eventing more.Everyone is getting lasy for everything.Its because you could almost do everything on computer.Thats good

10:29 AM  
Blogger mike said...

Society is dependent on computers cause people need this stuff for almost everything.Like teachers,they use computers 2 grade work,2 take attendence,and 2 keep ure grade.Students use computers 2 do there homework.People out there use computers 2 do most of there job.Also people use computers 2 chat with people ant 2 buy thingz.Thatz y it depends on coputers now in the days.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Christopher Romo said...

Yes,I think that society has become dependent on computers because people now use it for everything like for example back then peole did not have computers to do there homework or to get information they had to write by hand and read the books to get the information that they needed now you get homework that requires information you just search the internet and the computer does the homework for you and computers really help a lot alsow for doctors for example x-rays that requires computers.

10:30 AM  
Blogger erik.gee♥_ari was here♥(: said...

I think that society depends on a computer because every day technology is growing and in order to stay alined with technology you need a computer to do research on things. in order to have a good job you need to know basic things like knowing how to use a computer and knowing how to use the internet. Almost everything is based on a computer.

10:31 AM  
Blogger gerardo munoz said...

i think technology is a an impotant part for everybody cause a coumpter can tell you anything you want it to tell you like homework assiments,phone numbers of componys that you need and many more you see people with technology such as phones that you can see movies and man more things.then when you walk any big company you see computers every were like the cashers and once i walked in a store that you have to cash your own stuff on a saying that socity needs technology.

10:31 AM  
Blogger Esteban Gomez said...

I think that society does depend on computers because mostly every store has a computer in it. For example, McDonold's uses a computer to take your orders. In school it is used to teach the students how to type. Most people also use it to search the web or go on myspace.

10:33 AM  
Blogger ALANiZ BBY said...

Yes, I think that society is dependent on computers, because every little thing that you want to do has to do with computers. Even though it's like going to the bank you have to know how to use a computer. It doesn't matter if you have a simple job, you still need to know how to use a computer.

10:37 AM  
Blogger csteez4 said...

i do think that our world is turning into a computer based place. Now every thing we do ha something to do with computers.For example all teachers have labtops and foctories make things based on computers. Everything we have today is made from computer based technoligy.

10:37 AM  
Blogger kris_2012 said...

Yes i agree computers are dependent on in the society because people today are finding
new ways to work instead of writing. we see computers used every day even at mcdonald they use computers to count money.they even use computers to test cars now. computers is are new paper an penceil.

10:40 AM  
Blogger jonee said...

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10:41 AM  
Blogger omar! said...

I think that society is dependent on a computer becuase of the technology, also all the help it provides you with. such ass work school work or just having fun. one of the requirements in order to get a real good job would be to use as computer because of all the advances it has its a way of doing things quicker and thats why i think society is dependent on a computer.

10:42 AM  
Blogger jacky<3 said...

I think that society is depentent on computer technology.I think they are dependent on computer technology because you can found informationa about anything like how the weather is today,news,and you can even go shopping....computers are vcry usefiul to society

10:46 AM  
Blogger wilmer pineda said...

I think society is dependent on computers technology, because people use the computers on all kinds of things for example homework, pay bills, play games, look for directions.

10:48 AM  
Blogger DaviiD Deee said...

I think that society is dependant because its teaches alot of things instead of the teacher using one computer and showing all of us.So i say its better that we have our own computer and do it by ourselves.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Benitez Barnett said...

I think society has became dependent on computer technology, because of everything is computer orientated like for example now when we do papers we have to type them.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology because there are many things that use computer technology. Almost everything is run by computer like security systems, phone lines, even our water lines are run by computers.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Luis,Ponce, #10 said...

No. Because there is only some jobs that need technology not all of them. But technology is really usefull when you need to do something for school or job or something like that. You need to use your brain!!

12:41 PM  
Blogger beeeee said...

Yes, I think that society HAS become dependent on computer technology becsause in almost every house you go to there is a computer. Also, anybody i know knows how to operate a computer & they use it to do almost anything.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Deeh-Lonny x33. said...

i think that society is dependent on computer because everyone use computer for everything like projects interent or games. Also most jobs invole people using computers. Also some scientist taechers use computers 24/7.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Carlos said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology.I think they are dependended on computer technology because we use computers alot now.We use computers to pay stuff or buy.

12:42 PM  
Blogger XxAnGeLxOfxDaRkNeSsxX said...

i think society is dependent on computer technology. I think society is dependent on computers becouse a lot of things work through computers.Like some people manage buisnesses through the internet.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Brian Martinez said...

Yes, I do think that society has become to dependent on technology. People use cell phones and computers to communicate with their family members and friends. Another example is that people use cars to go everywhere, a place to eat, friends house, family members house, and road trips.

12:43 PM  
Blogger @ndre@ said...

i do think that uor society has become more depended on computers. Our society is run by the computers, every one has atleast on electronic devies that is run by a computer. In school we need the computer do to do assignments and projects. i think with out computers our society wouldnt be the same.

12:43 PM  
Blogger jordan gaines said...


12:44 PM  
Blogger Lawrence said...

yes i think society is dependent on computers because you need a computer for all most everthing like jobs,to find people,and to find directions to go places.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Santeago said...

yes i think that society is dependent on computor technology because there are a lot of stuff that we can do on the comutor that we couldnt do like 6 years ago. like pay bills look for directions reseach and look up directions

12:44 PM  
Blogger $$_H0NEY♥;; said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology becouse most of the things have to be done threw the computer. In order to get a job yew have to know how to do most things in the computer. Most papers for schools have to be typed or somthing. So i do think society is dependent on the computer technology.

12:45 PM  
Blogger tREZ"jAH NAtAy.! said...

Yes I think that society is dependent on computer technology, because the internet is useful for anything you need to do.Any and everything is on the internet and it makes everything alot easier. So if people need anything they just use the internet as a resource
~*~*tREZ'jAH nATAy_!~*~*

12:45 PM  
Blogger OMg iits Regina :) said...

I think society is dependent on computer technology because everything is on the computer, and you get information quickly. Mostly everyone who has a job need to know how to work a computer, when you use a computer its easier to get information or reports. Now everywhere you go you will see a computer because it very helpful. Without computers I think people would go crazy and get stressed out because to get all the information they need they would have to go to the library and read a bunch of books juss to find out simple information the computer can bring up in about 15 seconds!!

12:46 PM  
Blogger Collin Eddington said...

I think society is not only dependent,but is kept moving by technology.Most of the great things created by society are made by computer.For example, most leaders of society contact their suppliers via computer.

12:49 PM  
Blogger Jorge_Luis said...

Yes, I think that it is dependent on computers. It depends on computers, because most of things are run by computers. Plus i use my computer everyday!

12:49 PM  
Blogger Jorge_Luis said...

Yes, I think that it is dependent on computers. It depends on computers, because most of things are run by computers. Plus i use my computer everyday!

12:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think that our society now rely's on technology now for everything. Technology is everywhere in the world they use it for everything! also they depend on it because ummmm oh! becuase it's used at airports, streets,home,school everywhere.
I think that in the future they will invent things past technology!

12:50 PM  
Blogger Ana said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology because computer are use for alot ogf stuff.For example the police need a computer to safe all the data of any criminal.Another example is that now days all cars carry computer in it to help them get from one place to another.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Ana said...

I think that society is dependent on computer technology because computer are use for alot ogf stuff.For example the police need a computer to safe all the data of any criminal.Another example is that now days all cars carry computer in it to help them get from one place to another.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Alejandro Rojas said...

I think that our society is depended on computers because it makes communication travel faster. Computers help us send an email to a person under 3 seconds.I think computers help busineses grow fast, that will help us from being in poverty. Computers also store alot of useful information and it is eazier to find a file, ulike paper files.

12:52 PM  
Blogger ♥yaya♥ said...

I think that society has become independent on computer techonlogy because everything is runned by them. a computer is also replacing the job of person this days becasue for the most part there is a computer behind everything. people use techonlogy to comunicate with each other when in the past they had to write letters and wait for the letter to get to the other person when now it just take a matter of seconds.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

yes our society has become dependant on technology. Most people are so lazy they'd probably be lsot without it. The even made the microwave easier. all you have to do is press a button and its start heating it up.whats next???? A toilet that whipes ur butt for you??????

12:52 PM  
Blogger Timeisha Brinson said...

Society is dependent on computer technology because everything is computer based. For example, street lights; people also use the computer to keep records and schedules, just like animo.

12:53 PM  
Blogger paloma.dedios said...

Yes,i think the community has became dependent on comouter technology. i think the society has became dependent because people use GPS just to go about two blocks away. like times that we have blackouts the computer that comtrols our lights goes off and we have nothing. i also think that later in life we might completely depend on computers to do simple things.

12:57 PM  
Blogger paloma.dedios said...

Yes,i think the community has became dependent on comouter technology. i think the society has became dependent because people use GPS just to go about two blocks away. like times that we have blackouts the computer that comtrols our lights goes off and we have nothing. i also think that later in life we might completely depend on computers to do simple things.

12:57 PM  
Blogger KEVINN said...

I Think That Everything Has Been Dependent Of Technology Because Alot Of Things Are Found On The Internet And You Dont Even Need To Go Get A Dictionary Or Anything Like That Because They EvEN hAVE Website For It.You Can Find Mostly Anything In The Internet.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, society has become more dependent on computer technology.
Well things now at days are scketched by computer. Some of the things that people have made can move by themselfs because they have been programed by a computer.

10:26 AM  
Blogger [[KEVINN]] said...

Yes Because most things are dependant onn computer technology and based on the information on the technology used for it and the internet is also an important use for homework and other important things that you need to find.

10:09 AM  
Blogger BABY GIRL said...

I think that our society has become dependent on computer technology because their are alot of people taking computer class.If you don't have any computer skills then you can't get a job. Most people use robots to replace people because they don't know how to use the computer.

8:36 AM  
Blogger BABY GIRL said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:36 AM  
Blogger ALEXIS.. said...

yes because lots of stuff has been desing by the computer. Also it puts all the information all in the computer.

9:00 AM  

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