Tuesday, September 02, 2008

JOUrnal 1 2008

HOw is computer literacy beneficial education?


Blogger Juan Chavez said...

Computer literacy is benefical education Because it teaches u how 2 use and comprehend the computer better.

8:26 AM  
Blogger  said...

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8:29 AM  
Blogger rellim. said...

Computer literacy is beneficial eduacation,because computer's is new in technology today . Mainly in all the jobs you apply for you must know how to work a computer. I think it's good to have a computer class in high school because it prepares you for the real world and success.

8:30 AM  
Blogger RUBEE :] said...

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8:31 AM  
Blogger CHElliE...♥ said...

Computer literacy is beneficial so that when you want to get a job you can get a good position. Also, so when there is more computer wise things you know how to use everything already.

8:32 AM  
Blogger dodgers4life said...

Computer is beneficial education because it teaches you about modern day technology.It helps you understand computers better.It t also helps you 2 have a better future and career.

8:33 AM  
Blogger  said...

i think cumputer literacy is beneficail because it will help use comprehend cumputer better.also in the furture its going to be all about technoloy also some student will get jobs that cumputer beneficials will be needed.

8:33 AM  
Blogger ↓♣₣Яǿ§T¥♣↓ said...

i think that the computer will give us some kind of skills bout typing reseaching and more stuff

8:33 AM  
Blogger ariana.gee♥Lucrecia was here Suckaaaaa(; said...

I think computer literacy is beneficial education because you learn how to type and in some jobs you have to type. And also because it just gives you a chance to research and find information on your own.

8:34 AM  
Blogger karen_correa said...

Computer literacy is benificial education because we should be able to use all of our resources. For example when we are doing research papers we should be able to use a computer.Technology is growing faster everyday. Many people dont know how to use computers and they need to know how so this class can help them.

8:34 AM  
Blogger RUBEE :] said...

i think computer literacy is beneficial education because theres always something to learn such and typing, research, and many other things so it helps you alot in the future

8:35 AM  
Blogger alyy♥;; said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because it helps us understand how a computer works. It should also be something that is required for us to use a computer correctly. It can help us when we want to get jobs and we're going to be working with computer and it can help us when we have assignments on the computer for school. Some people don't know how to use a computer and this class could help with their computer literacy. Computer literacy helps us comprhend the computer for better use.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Zolume-Dan said...

Computer literacy is beneficail education because technology is getting more advanced and you should be able to know how to work a computer to get any assignments done.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Vanessa[: said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because when typing a paper, for example, you'll be able to get it done quicker and without you having to stop and figure out what to do. You should be able to know how to work a computer properly. You could get more jobs compared to someone who doesn't know how to use it CORRECTLY because certain jobs require for you to work on a computer.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Vanessa[: said...

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8:37 AM  
Blogger FrOsTeD mInI wHeAtS ^_^ STICK FIGZ!!!!!!! said...

Computer edcation is important now because almost every job you apply for requires you to be a good typest. Inorder to get the job. So if your relly good you can get a job in computers. You'll need a job where computers can't take your place and thats where typeing comes into paly.And if your a good typest and you love to type you can take it a step farther and study computersthen you can get a grate job.

8:37 AM  
Blogger ♠♠juan♠♠ said...

I think that computer skills are important for people in reseach and in information.

8:37 AM  
Blogger FrOsTeD mInI wHeAtS ^_^ STICK FIGZ!!!!!!! said...

Computer edcation is important now because almost every job you apply for requires you to be a good typest. Inorder to get the job. So if your relly good you can get a job in computers. You'll need a job where computers can't take your place and thats where typeing comes into paly.And if your a good typest and you love to type you can take it a step farther and study computers then you can get a grate job.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Estela Manzano said...

Computer literacy is a beneficial education because it gives you a chance to learn about computers. Also because it might be useful in the future like if you get a job.It may also help you like when you need to type a paper for school.

8:37 AM  
Blogger jeff said...

well first of all computer literacy is going i think to have to be a requirement for a job. it is also good because you never now when u might need it or if u will be needing it in the futer.
its true also it deos help u know how to do stuff in the computer, like if u have a project due u wuold know what to do in the computer,instead of just staying there and looking at the computer like an idiote

8:37 AM  
Blogger Markus said...

Computer literacry is beneficial because you're goin to have to use computers at several jobs. If you know how to type, you may receive the position and have no complications with the computer

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because it saves time if you know how to type pertty fast

8:43 AM  
Blogger cris said...

well i think having computer literacy is a good quality for getting a good job or doing some school work that needs to be done on a computer

8:43 AM  
Blogger Jenae a.k.a.nae nae said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education becuase it can help you get a job. Also it can help people learn how to use a computer because some people dont know how. I think this class will help me in the future if i get a job that has something to do with the future.

8:44 AM  
Blogger Luis Alvarez said...

Computer literacy is beneficial so that when you want to get like a good career you can get a good position. Also, so like when there are more computers in the future you will know how to do everything on a computer.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

the computer literacy is benifical because it helps you understand the the computer better

10:16 AM  
Blogger WhO-LeE-oH said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because it prepares you in the future in case you have a job having to do with computers

10:17 AM  
Blogger * ummm itsz bre bre * said...

COmputer literary is benefical education,because if u want a business job then you would need to know the importance of computers.

10:17 AM  
Blogger ♣♠♦☻Jö§Ué☻♦♠♣ said...

computer literacy is benificial 2 education because instead of writing an essay and stuff u can type it faster n neater

10:19 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Computer literacy is beneficial to education because alot of people will probally have to use a computer for there whole life for work and assignment, information and for the rest of their lives.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think computer literacy is beneficial education because it helps you keep up with today's technology. Since computers are needed almost everywhere, you need to learn to use one and continue on in the technology in the world. In some jobs, they might not even hire you just because you can't use a computer, so it's good to learn now.

10:19 AM  
Blogger D3nNy$ said...

i think computer literacy is a benificial education because it helps you with many things like a job where they use computers,and its one of our modern day use.you might have to use it every where you go.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Why? said...

Computer litercacy is benefitcal education because the teacher teaches you the basic of using the keyboard and other parts. It is good to pay attention in class because in life you can probaly get somewhere by knowing how to use the computer.Computer technogly is not avaible at every school.It is good to use computers now in highschool because when you get to college you would know how to use them and wouldnt have to ask someone

10:20 AM  
Blogger BUH! said...

computer literacy is benifical education because it teaches you technology up to today. Also you should know how to work a computer for when you get a job when you are older, computers are a main factor in everyday life and can help people in many ways. Computers can also help kids in school by doing writing assingments faster and searching the web for things on your assingment. I think we should get used to computers because we will use them alot in high school and more,etc.

10:20 AM  
Blogger haro_baybee said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because you get to learn the basics of how to use a computer.I also think it is helpful because if you want to work somewhere you might need to have experience with technology.

10:22 AM  
Blogger brian espinoza said...

Computer literacy is beneficial so that when you want to get a job you can get a good position. Also, also so that you could know what is going on around the world an be informed an it can help you during presentations

10:22 AM  
Blogger PRiNCESS♥ said...

Computer literacy is benefical education because we will have to do alot of Research during our 4 years of high school and even in the future ( college, jobs. etc), it will show us how to use the computer.

10:22 AM  
Blogger gisellegutierrez said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because we should learn how to use a computer correctly. By learning how to use one we can do papers for school or it can help later on getting a job. We might find a job the requires computer work learning about it now would be perfect.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i thik that computer literace helps you understand things you dont now and it will help us comprewgend the computer better

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i think computer literace will help us lear new things end it will help us learn better.

10:29 AM  
Blogger Luis,Ponce, #10 said...

Computer literacy is important now n' days because u need good computer skils to get a good job.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Carlos said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because you will learn how to use the computer and learn how to type better for a job that uses computers.

9:57 AM  

Hope to learn alot of computer benefits and learn new sites in this technology class.cool.

9:58 AM  

Hope to learn alot of computer benefits and learn new sites in this technology class.cool.

9:58 AM  
Blogger XxAnGeLxOfxDaRkNeSsxX said...

Computer litaracy is beneficial becouse it teaches you how to use computers becouse today almost everything today works thanks to computers.so its good becouse if you apply for a job that requires using a computer, you already know how to work one.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Carlos said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because you will learn how to use the computer and you will also learn how to type better.It will help you for a job that has computers.

10:00 AM  
Blogger beeeee said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because you will know how to use a computer better & most likely in the future you will have to use a computer to do many things & in college you will need to use a computer to type papers & do other stuff.

10:01 AM  
Blogger tREZ"jAH NAtAy.! said...

Computer literacy is benefical, because the use of technology is starting to grow. Everything now is computer programed and has something to do with technology. It's good to know the computer basics because bout time we grow up everything's going to be ran by a computer.
-tREZ''jAH NATAy_!

10:01 AM  
Blogger Deeh-Lonny x33. said...

Computer Literacy is benefical because it teaches us how to use a computer and helps us access things on the internet.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Timeisha Brinson said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because you can learn how to use a computer and you can do homework on the computer.

10:03 AM  
Blogger @ndre@ said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because it will help you when you need to use the computer.
If you need to do some research on the internet you will know how to look for the information. Also when we are older it will hepl us get more complex jobs and get paid more.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Collin Eddington said...

Computer literacy is needed for us to communicate over long distances effectively. With computer literacy we are able to send information that can help others. If we where illiterate with computers we would not be able to understand what information others send us, even though it could be extremly important.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Ana said...

Computer Literacy is Beneficial because thats a everyday thing people use. Its also beneficial because if u have a report paper to do u know the strategy.Computer Literacy is Beneficial because if u want to succeed in life when ur in college it will help you because thats what most college school prefer computers/Technology.

10:07 AM  
Blogger Santeago said...

Computer literacy is benefical education because it helps you learn more about the computer and also it helps you on your typing skills. It can also help you when you have a job that deals with computers you already understand it.

10:09 AM  
Blogger Johnny said...

I think that computer literacy is benefical education because people need to know how to operate a computer.Since the world is run mostly by computers it is helpful to know how to type and research on the computer.

10:12 AM  
Blogger Benitez Barnett said...

Computer Literacy is good to know because its easy to work a computer

10:12 AM  
Blogger jordan gaines said...

i think computer literacy is benefical because it is imporant that you know how to use tecnology in this world and also so that you can use it in the future so that you can get a good education a good job int the future.

10:12 AM  
Blogger kris_2012 said...

wut up jay ham

11:32 AM  
Blogger gerardo munoz said...

i think compter skills can leave you some where good in life and can put you in a job that you want to be in.

11:35 AM  
Blogger PRINCESS♥ said...

Computer literacy is benefical education because if you don't know how to use a computer you can get a good jod, and like that we could learn the basics of th computer.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Chris Linares said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because it will help us learn more about computerized things such as how to type better, how to control a virus if u get one, and it will help you with the knowledge of how to control a computer

11:36 AM  
Blogger ♥ ANELY BOO;; <3 said...

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11:36 AM  
Blogger carlos said...

computer literacy is beneficial education because you could find out all kinds of information. And somtimes some jobs requier you to know how to use a computer

11:36 AM  
Blogger Christopher Romo said...

I think computer legacy is good because when you will have a job it is easier for you to get hired because you know about computers.

11:37 AM  
Blogger erik.gee♥_ari was here♥(: said...

computer literacy is beneficial education, because it can help trough out your education.

11:37 AM  
Blogger ALMA a.k.a NENA said...

computer helps our eduaction because you a lot.it could you when they homework to type you will type faster.or later on in life cause when your lookin for a job they will ask you if you how to use a computer and you dont then they cant do nothing.

11:38 AM  
Blogger bree yeah. said...

computer literacy is beneficial education because it helps you work better with an computer and because this is 2008 you have be able to know how to work computers for most jobs you apply for.(even mcdonalds)

11:39 AM  
Blogger MaRcElA s... said...

computer literacy is beneficial education, because it will help you on getting a better education.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Esmeralda Rodarte said...

computer lets you learn a lot of things and it teachs you a lot of things.

11:40 AM  
Blogger earl_moore said...

Computer literacy is bebeficial education because most jobs now require you to have computer skills and you can't get a good job without having computer skills.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Dany-V Orozco said...

Computer Literacy is beneficial education because it has many resourses that people in every day life need, like historical events, news, contact with relatives around the world, and etc.

11:42 AM  
Blogger ALMA a.k.a NENA said...

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11:42 AM  
Blogger stuck onthe moon (: said...

Computer Literacy is beneficial because it can help you in the future. Technology is very impotant in the U.S, and it is a main factor when you get a job like working as a lawyer, secretary, or newspaper editor.Computer Literacy is also important because in some college courses that can relate to your major requires you to work on computers.

11:43 AM  
Blogger -TRACYBOO♥ said...

Computer Litercy is beneficial because now a days you need to have computer skills in order to get a good job you need to have computer skills. Almost everything you do now in life is powered by a computer, therefore you need to have computer skills to be able to work it well.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Roxii♥ said...

I think computer literacy is beneficial because technology had advanced so much and now most of the teachers expect papers and essays typed and expect students to use the internet for many projects.

1:51 PM  
Blogger .:BiG-GORDO:. said...

Computer literacy is benefical education because it helps you type.It may also help if you have project and want it neat u can type it.

1:51 PM  
Blogger BIZAR said...

computer literacy is benificial education to learn how to type or type fast.

1:51 PM  
Blogger tayTHUG. said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education, because in this century computer's are like a new technology. It also teaches how to use the computer and how to comprehend and undertsand stuff on the computer.

1:52 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

Computer literacy is beneficial educatoin because there is many programs we need to know and new technolagy .

1:55 PM  
Blogger blueberries for sale.... said...

Computer literacy is important to education because now days almost everything revolves around computers and technology if a person isnt computer literate than they succed like they should and if a person isnt educated with computers chances are you wont get thet good of a job.

1:55 PM  
Blogger blueberries for sale.... said...

Computer literacy is important to education because now days almost everything revolves around computers and technology if a person isnt computer literate than they succed like they should and if a person isnt educated with computers chances are you wont get thet good of a job.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Million Mekonenn said...

Computer literacy is benificial education because some jobs require typing skills or research on the internet.

1:58 PM  
Blogger jorge said...

Computer literacy is denefical education because it could help u look for stuff u need

2:00 PM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

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2:01 PM  
Blogger Olivia:) said...

Computer literacy is beneficial because it teaches you how to use and understand the computer and a lot of jobs today require that you learn how to use computers and it teaches you about modern day technology.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Vivi:] said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because you get to know more stuff about computers and you learn how too type faster.

2:02 PM  
Blogger -bATMAN Nd SUPERMAN ARE BOMb said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because you get a better vocabulary each time you type.And it will help u get a better (education,job etc.)I think its very important in ur life

2:03 PM  
Blogger {.'.[chris].'.} said...

computer literacy is beneficial education because now a days wat ppl start using the most are computers and like if you barely are getting one but dont know how to use it computer litercy'll help you alot and it might make it more simple to some ppl.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Abram said...

computer literracy is benefical education becuase u get to lern how to type and much more

2:06 PM  
Blogger ATOOTiitJr. said...

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2:07 PM  
Blogger ATOOTiitJr. said...

Computer literacy is benefical education because u can get used to the computer easily.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

Computer literacy is benefical education because it can get you a good job in life. Computers can also help you learn and do things better.
--x iM AWSOME :]

2:08 PM  
Blogger ricky1129 said...

I think computer literacy is beneficial because there is a lot of things to learn like tuping surfing the web and lots of other things.

2:09 PM  
Blogger dae'ja got a bomb swagga! said...



2:14 PM  
Blogger Alejandro said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because we need to learn how to use a computer. When we get to a higher level of school, we need to know of how to use programs to do our work. Also so we can get a good job.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Clara said...

Computer literacy is beneficial because everything in today’s society is done by computer. The computer is resourceful and makes life easier. If we want to survive in the economy our generation must know how to type, search, defragment, etc. Also we can have better jobs in which we will be filled with success.

10:29 AM  
Blogger ♥yaya♥ said...

computer literacy is benificial education because in this days everything involves the use of computers and we need to be able to know how it works. its also really helpful because we use computers when we are doing a reserch paper and we need to be able to know how to find the information or also in jobs now that everything is behind a computer.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Brian Martinez said...

Computer literacy is bebeficial to education because you get everything from the compueter. You use the computer to find information, if you have a school paper to write you can look it up on the internet.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Tranaja Gose Rawr! (♥) said...

I think computer literacy is benefical because we can learn so much more and get updated news on the computer rather than books.

12:49 PM  
Blogger $$_H0NEY♥;; said...

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12:49 PM  
Blogger $$_H0NEY♥;; said...

Computer literacy is benificial becouse like most jobs rquire for you to know how to use the computer. Then we have for school we have to type most papers and research more. Technology has grown and every day it becomes more advance so its good if we start from now.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It teaches you a lot and its helpful and useful!

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that computer litercy is beneficial education because its important for a future job.Like being a secretary. Getting paid more that other people that do the same work but slower but get paid less.

10:19 AM  
Blogger [[KEVINN]] said...

It Is Computer Literacy is beneficial because it helps you use the computer and use it with more skills and knowledge of it

10:06 AM  
Blogger [[KEVINN]] said...

It Is Computer Literacy is beneficial because it helps you use the computer and use it with more skills and knowledge of it

10:06 AM  
Blogger [[KEVINN]] said...

It Is Computer Literacy is beneficial because it helps you use the computer and use it with more skills and knowledge of it

10:06 AM  
Blogger [[KEVINN]] said...

It Is Computer Literacy is beneficial because it helps you use the computer and use it with more skills and knowledge of it

10:06 AM  
Blogger Christian said...

it is beneficial to education because it can help us in many ways.
for one it can help us on a report. Also most teachers make us type our reports so its also good to learn how to use a computer.

10:13 AM  
Blogger kris_2012 said...

success is the word which means that if you dont belive that you could succed in life you want get far success comes from the mental mind an if you belive that u cant make you want make it

10:25 AM  
Blogger BABY GIRL said...

Computer literacy is beneficial education because these days you have to you have to know how to use a computer when are alliping for a jod.

8:29 AM  
Blogger #20 Max said...


11:08 AM  
Blogger I ♥ Edward Scissorhands!! ♥x♥x♥ said...

I think it's benifical because that skill might come in handy for future jobs. Another reason why it is benificial is because now and days jobs are required to have certain skills and computer literacy is probably an important one.

11:08 AM  
Blogger ALEXIS.. said...

it helps you in your career. Later in the future you will be needing a computer.So that's why you need to learn more about the computer.

9:05 AM  
Blogger jacky<3 said...

its benmificial

10:33 AM  

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