Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Journal summer 2

" I can accept falure, everyone fails at somethng. I can't accept not tryng" Michael Jordan


Blogger I Stand Alone {2 finguz way up high} said...

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8:06 AM  
Blogger T33 K@Y !Z D@ B!ZN3ZZ said...

To me this quote is saying that he can acccept when he makes mistakes in things beacuase every body makes mistakes.He is trying to explain that he can't accept the fact that he is not making an effort to try something even if he will make his mistakes. He trys so that he can learn from his mistakes.

8:07 AM  
Blogger malik st.cyr said...

i think it means that we are all humans and we do fail at times everyone does but if we dont try we would fail worse because you put no effort into your work and if you dont try there is no way for people to help you in were you need to be helped

8:08 AM  
Blogger rico said...

i think it means that if you dont try you will naver be good at something that you want to be good at. if you dont give any efort you will probly not make it in life

8:09 AM  
Blogger anthony said...

i think this qoute means that what ever u fail at always try to do it ur best.also every1 that fails they could always try.

8:10 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

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8:10 AM  
Blogger I Stand Alone {2 finguz way up high} said...

failure is something that we all have to go through, if we dont fail at things then we won't know what we neeed to do to improve our skills. so failure is a lesson that helps all of us grow and become better at what we do, but if we dont try, then were not putting any effort towards a goal we want to accomplish

8:10 AM  
Blogger leo said...

" I can accept falure, everyone fails at somethng. I can't accept not tryng" Michael Jordan
i think this means that you can fail at somethings but it better to and knowing that you tryed instead just quitting and saying oh i just failed si you got to like try at it so it wont seem so much as failure

8:12 AM  
Blogger kotikthug said...

I think this quote means that you should always at least try at whatever you're doing.You can't say you failed if you didn't even try.It's like going to a marathon and walking all the way and say you failed.When you try and give it your best and you still don't succeed i think then you can say you failed.

8:14 AM  
Blogger steph said...

Failure is something that we all have to go through in life. No one here is perfect. If we don't ever fail we won't know what we did wrong so that's why failure is a lesson for us and it also helps us grow up.

8:14 AM  
Blogger maxx said...

i think this michael is trying to say that eeryone does mistakes and errors in life. and that you cant accept failing . because once you have done that mistake that had messed you up, you can learn from it .

8:16 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

I think michael jordan is correct because sometimes you fail even when you try... but losing is part of life because you learn from it and make a better accomplishment.

8:17 AM  
Blogger Mr.Jones said...

I think what this quote is trying too say is thtat everyone makes mistakes or errors.It also means that if you are not trying your best to do what you want to do you probably fail and won't make it in life.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Nette-Antoinette said...

I think it mean went I make a mistakes I am okay it dell with. There is nothing wrong miss because very one miss on something. Because everyone make a mikes if don’t make mikes how could you learn for what you did. How do you become a better person how do you learn what you did. These quotes mean a lot thing. This quota mean that you can learn form your mikes. You can form went one do something wrong. You can learn for you mikes. Everyone have make mikes in life to become some one in life.

8:29 AM  

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