Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Journal 53

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?


Blogger As[S]asSiN`.×[Î]n[ƒ]£[R]n[Ø]× said...

so far, becuase of the business project, ive learned about advertisement and how it can help any business, i also learned that partnership is very important, you should never work alone, because you're going to eventually need help with your business and a friend can help you out with this.

9:36 AM  
Blogger KingLouii said...

when in a business it would make the work load lighter to have a assistance or partner. I would choose the sane partner because we work good together and we both have good ideas.

9:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i learned that some times you should choose your partners wisely because if your the only one that really want to get the job done. and i learned that hard work pays off.

9:39 AM  
Blogger jamal said...

i learn that you cant do things by yourself you need a partner to have a partner to get the job done right...yes because we get the job done right

9:40 AM  
Blogger BeCkY said...

well, yea...because my partner has some good ideas to help our business and i learned that it would be hard to keep a business going, and how much you will lose if your business fails

9:41 AM  
Blogger DestinyGobert said...

I learned how to do a letter head. My partner is fun. I would have choose the same partner because we have fun we laugh alought we argue alot but we still get our work done

9:41 AM  
Blogger khayla said...

i learned how to do a letterhead and learned what it is. yea i`d choose her again because she`s fun and we laugh and argue alot and still get the work done.

9:42 AM  
Blogger brandon_watson said...

I've learned about that advertisement and how can it help you by any business, and partnership is more important and you should never work alone becfause your going to need help and you can't work by yourself in your business and maybe a friend can help you out or somebody.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Mr. Xslave said...

ive learned that you cant do much by yourselves and its just somethings that your partner can do or knows that you dont. i wouldnt change my partners

9:42 AM  
Blogger dejon said...

I learned that some people work harder than others.I learned that you have to pick dependable people to go into business with. I don't know if I would pick the same partners because somebody in my group does not work that hard.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Makaveli said...

i have learned that businesses need alot of things like advertisement partners and that you need good partners to have succesful business

9:42 AM  
Blogger tony said...

Well I learned alot of things and how business works and how you could start one,partnership it's important in a business because with a partner you could get things right and fast.yeah i would work with the partner's I have because we did are's right and fast.

9:43 AM  
Blogger $$Troy$$ said...

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9:44 AM  
Blogger lizett_arredondo said...

So far I have learned that to have a good partnership you need to have people you can communicate with and you can agree with. Yes, I would choose the same partners again because I think we work good together and we all agree on the things we have done so far.

9:44 AM  
Blogger munoz maribel said...

so far while doing this business project i have learned that advertisment is a really big part of making a business big or known to people. partnership is really important because sometimes you need help and i believe that one person can not handle a business all by themselves. yes i would choose the same partners because they are very creative.

9:44 AM  
Blogger bRaNdEeZy y0!! =] said...

Well I learned alot of things and how business works and how you could start one,partnership it's important in a business because with a partner you could get things right and fast.yeah i would work with the partner's I have because we did are's right and fast

9:45 AM  
Blogger jaleesa said...

i think that i would choose the same partners because me and my partners well focuse and we all woorked together. we all participated in the project which made the project succesful.

9:47 AM  
Blogger luna. ChEa!! said...

ive learned alot with these assingments. you have to have a responsible partner at all times and you have to be responsible yourself. yes, me and rebaKa make a great team.=]

9:47 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

i learn that you cant do things by yourself you need a partner to have a partner to get the job done right...yes because we get the job done right

9:47 AM  
Blogger $$Troy$$ said...

so far i have learned that running a business is hard if no one buys your product and it takes a lot of work to make, and you need partners to help you because one person cannnot run a business by theirself. Yes, i would chose the same partners becuase they are great to work with and they may play around a little, but at least we get the work done.

9:48 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

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9:51 AM  
Blogger goosby said...

nothin..yes..because they do they work.. and we work together

9:55 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

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9:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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9:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WeLl, I HaVe lEaRnEd aBoUt pArTneRsHIp ThAt YoU NeEd gOOd PaRTnErS tO WoRk oN SomeThInG tOgEtHeR sO The ThInG yOUr wOrKiNg oN cOuLD CoMe oUt good. YeS, bECaUsE ThEy WErE fUN PaRtNeRs a wE aGrEeD oN aNYtHInG sO i WoUlD ChoOsE ThE SaMe parTnErS AGaIn.

10:06 AM  
Blogger bRaNdEeZy y0!! =] said...


10:10 AM  
Blogger bamchickawahwah. said...

i learned so far how to make advertisement and partnership comes in handy and you should trust them...and if you believe in yourself you partners then everything will be fine...i would choose the same partners because their very serious about this buisness and their not about all that jokin.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I learned that business are hard but fun because we might get rich and yes i might chose the same partner because he works hard and stuff but i make the picture

11:17 AM  
Blogger anthony said...

so far in business i learned that how 2 kinda operate a business and tha value of partnership was alright and i choose tha same partner again.

11:17 AM  
Blogger † ×VÎc£n†£ GÅRcÎÅ× † said...

The things that i learned about this business is that keeping up a business is going to be hard because there is so many things that we're going to have to take care of and there is so little time...i can see why they need to hire some employees to help with the work. Yes. because we would come to an understanding about many things that we can come to some conclusions that we both agree on and get to work instantly and be finished in time.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

so far i have learned that having a partner may be good at some time, but then, people might get greedy, and that's when the friendship ends, together with the company. but, that hasn't happend, so i would work with my partners again.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

so far i learned that if you dont agree on something than your bussiness cant wok especially wen you hvae paartners with different taste then u i would choose them again cause there very easy to work with .

11:19 AM  
Blogger daisy said...

i would choose my partners again because i like the ideas that we put together to make this business.well i learned that making a business isn't really easy. it takes time and a lot of work.yeah thats what i learned.

11:19 AM  
Blogger alejandro reynoso said...

well i think its cool because all the work is divided and yes i woulf pick the same partner

11:20 AM  
Blogger malik st.cyr said...

i have learned that businesses need alot of things like advertisement partners and that you need good partners to have succesful business

11:21 AM  
Blogger RobertoPojoy said...

in partnership i have learned nothing i think but if i was to make a business partner it would be the same person becuase his relaible.

11:22 AM  
Blogger cameron austin luvz me said...

i learned that you have to choose your partners wisely because if you dont then you would have to do all the work and they would leave you to do everything.i mean but if you have to do all the work you have to work super hard so that you know at leats you would get an "A"

11:26 AM  
Blogger JBLAKLEY1029 said...

i've learned that if you have a strong team and people that stay focused in your group then you will do good..... but if you have a disfunctional group or people in the group then you won't do that well..... i would exept for one person... i can't say no names but he doesn't do anything for the group thats positive.

11:32 AM  
Blogger mariobarrios said...

so far I have learned that advertising is important and that it helps your business. partnership kinda helped a little but you can't run a business without partners to help you out.

11:33 AM  
Blogger marycele said...

I have learned that there is a lot to do in business. You have to keep everything in order or you make yourself get behind. Also you have to agree with your partner so we can both agree on the samething. I would choose the same partner because we have same taste for the designs. We got use to each other. We made our mind work the same way.

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:19 PM  
Blogger jasminedavies said...

I would choose the same partners because they work efficiently anf they are responsible. Whenever we yave a disaggrement we alwats work it out so I like that.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

i have learned that you have too have an advertising thingy or nobody will learn of your business or whatever your advertising. and without patnership a lot of things in mix together and cause chaos or whatever. i would choose the same partners because we all share the same ideas and stuff and have good teamwork.

1:23 PM  
Blogger T33 K@Y !Z D@ B!ZN3ZZ said...

I learned that it takes time to sit down and organize the buisness. Even though i know that i didnt use money but when i do i know that its going to cost alot. If i was to do this again i will still choose one of my partners b/c she helped a lil. But the other ones didnt help at all.

1:23 PM  
Blogger jon said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

I leanred that your partners have to all work together in order to get things done and everyone needs to know exactly what the group is doing. And that also they have to all do about the same amount of work because it is a group assignment.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I learned that buisness is a hard path that if done right can be very succesful. But when done without certain aspects like money friends and family behind and supporting you all the way then your buisness will fail. I would choose most of my partners again because it is fun to be with them. but i wouldn't be with them because then i lose focus.

1:27 PM  
Blogger Eddie TR3JO said...

So far, I learned that it takes a lot of work to make a business and to take responsibility for the value of partnerships, I'm not sure whether I'll choose the same partners again, though, but I probably would

1:27 PM  
Blogger Eddie TR3JO said...

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1:27 PM  
Blogger none said...

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1:31 PM  
Blogger Shanna-kayCrawford said...

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1:31 PM  
Blogger nika said...

yes that it takes a lot to get to were you want and that it's not so easy. i will choose a probably the same partner for the next.

1:31 PM  
Blogger none said...

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1:36 PM  
Blogger javier said...

well i have learned that to run a good buisness you need to offer good products or good service and also you will need help to run a buisness so thats what partners are for, and i will probably work with the same partners because we have done pretty good job so far.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Shanna-kayCrawford said...

well i learned that it takes alot to start a buisness. You have to do alot of promoting.And i learned that a team takes more than one person or what you tryin do iz not gonna work.i dont know if i would work with my partner again i would like to experience working wit another classmate.

1:40 PM  
Blogger jaime said...

i have learned that you really cant have a business without ads and people to help you with it. next time we do this thing i probably will choose the same partners except for kevin because he didnt do any thing.yeh and thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1:54 PM  
Blogger T33 K@Y !Z D@ B!ZN3ZZ said...

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1:56 PM  
Blogger javier said...

jaimes a emo!!

1:59 PM  
Blogger jaime said...

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1:59 PM  
Blogger javier said...


2:00 PM  
Blogger jaime said...


2:00 PM  
Blogger javier said...

prove it!

2:01 PM  
Blogger ĹǚΐŞ МД®ŤÎŇĘŽ said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

YEs i know that if i were to do this buisness alone i woul need alot of help and also yes i would choose tha same partners because the help out alot and we all learn abou the value of buisness

10:03 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

i learned that in order to have a succesful buisness u have to trust each other and take in mind of wat u each know and want....MONICA!.....yeah i would choose the same parners cause there kool so yeah......

10:06 AM  
Blogger RAZIELCORREA said...

ive learned that advertisement is real important when you have a business by ionforming people and geting more audience and clients. i also learned that a partnership is important in a business because it takes more than 1 person to handle a business.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

i Would Soo Choose My Partners Again i would choose miguel cause hes supper smart n i really dont have to do much and scooter n jerk there just kool evn though there dumb.

10:09 AM  
Blogger miguel salcedo said...

so far i have learned that a business is not successful unless you work together. i would choose the same partners. my partners have done a good job for example paula and karina created a cool advertisement, and me and annette made a cool logo

10:11 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

I learned that I have friends that like blue... n I don't
I learned many thingz... Yea I will choose the same partners.. they are great!!! Love ya!!!!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Brinett Morales said...

So far what i have learned is a lot like to manage a buisness n yes i would choose my partners again because we are doing a great job.

10:12 AM  
Blogger ♥$♥_pAuLA_uSqUiAnO_♥$♥ said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

What I have learned so far on business is that you need to choose the people that are fit for the job and have the qualities eligible. I think that I would because I think that we would make a good team even though some of them left.

10:16 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

i love u too!!!!!!!!!!!

10:21 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

i LoVe u tO MaReNi!!!!

10:21 AM  
Blogger nelson archila said...

well i have learned that its something that its good and it makes us one day want to have our own business. if i had to choose the same partnes again i will because they are good and like to work

10:28 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...


10:50 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...


10:51 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

u wish... LoL

10:52 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...


10:52 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...


10:52 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

i hAtE ThAt nAmE....LoL

10:53 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

u lOvE MoNiCa...

10:54 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

i know u hate ur name but i cant do anything anbout it!!...i luv mareni

10:55 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

I LoVe mY NaMe.... oKaY!!!
n u kNoW U LoVe iT 2.....

10:56 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

i dont like the name monica its not pretty like mine

10:56 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

wHaTeVeR!!!! u lOvE My nAmE!!!

10:57 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

Ur sO FuNnY sToP tElLiNg LiEs!!!!U kNoW u LuV mY NaMe!!!!CaUsE i lOvE mY nAmE

10:58 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

WaSn'T uR nAmE MONICA.... LOVE IT~~~~

10:59 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

tHeReS aLoT oF mOnIcAs AnD OnLy oNe MaReNi AnD u LuV iT

10:59 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

I KnOw mOrE MaReNiZ... u aRe lOvInG My nAmE!!!!

11:01 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

nO u DoNt LiAr!!!Ur jUsT wAnT mY NaMe,

11:01 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

U wErE THe 1 tHaT sAiD ThAt uR NaMe wAs mOnIcA... So u lOvE My nAmE... 4gEt U!!!

11:03 AM  
Blogger {^%*~MaReNi~*%^} said...

If My NaMe WaS MoNiCa I WoUlD hAtE iT..u LuV mY nAmE.bYe

11:05 AM  
Blogger *~MoNiCa~* said...

HuSh!!! PlEeZ
u ArE LoViNg mY NAmE...

11:10 AM  
Blogger DANIELA MUÑOZ said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

about business i have learned that it is something very important in life. the value of partnership is very important but your parner has to be a workful and honest person in who you could trust in the good and the bad.yes i would chose my parteners again because they are very work ful and creative.

12:15 PM  
Blogger **dora** said...

what i have learned about the value of bsuiness is that it takes along time and alot of patience to make a business. what i also have learned about partnership is that its very important because thats the only day its going to work out. i will chose my partners again because they are willing to work and help out in whatever needs to be done

12:17 PM  
Blogger Gerardo said...

so far i have learned alot about buiness and advertisement and that partnerships can make or break a buisness

12:23 PM  
Blogger JEANINE F0O!!! said...

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12:25 PM  
Blogger EDgAR !!=ANe! said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

i have learned that when u work with a partner you can get more ideas out of it and it comes out better yea i would choose leo again cuz yea we are into liek the same things so yea

12:25 PM  
Blogger JeSsiCa said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

i have learnd that it is very important to work togeether.fu dont work otgether ur business will need to join foces to becoe one.yes i would we have about the same views and we are apale of working things out.

12:26 PM  
Blogger ..::V£R£NIC£..:: said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

I learned that business is something really important and that partnership is something valuably during life ans it's something that we have to progress with through life ... well i dont really know if i would choose the same partner again beacause i would want to get to know how other people work as a parter to .

12:28 PM  
Blogger JEANINE F0O!!! said...

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12:29 PM  
Blogger JEANINE F0O!!! said...

What have you learned so far about business and the value of partnership? Would you choose the same partner(s) again? why? why not?

I have learned that buissness is more than just opening up a store and earning money. I learned that buissness is not only about gaining but also about loosing .I learned that first u have to loose before u gain.i also learned that buissness takes a lot of money and time i mean first u have to buy the place and then u have to buy merchandise.Another important thing u need to be successfull is advertisement u need advertisement for others to know about your buissness also advertisement helps your buissness be known of course with the help of others as well.buissness is also a risk because u have to make sure that your buissness is going to sell because ur buissness may not alwayz be successful.i mean you have to know that your buissness is gonna sell and you have to kno what your gonna sell and what age group your trying t0 sell too.I think that the age group is a big thing in the buissness industry because your trying to get money so you have to figure out whats going to sell more.i think that u can be very successfull but you just have to know what your doing and u have to know it well .i think i would choose the same people because we actually finished our work and on yea!!!<3<3<3 peace =D

12:48 PM  

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