What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
The benifits of learning these things are, we ge to learn about the history of our people. We get to learn how we got here, what things we made, and that our people have a big part in american history. This lets us know that our people did something in their time.
the benefits are that i get to learn about how other people made a difference and even though it wasn't allowed, they still did what they had to do to get their rights. and i know that anyone can make a difference, and it includes taking risks.
the benifit of learning about these accomplishments of these choices is that we can understand and learn about what they did for us in the past and we can just fell great about what they did.
i think its very imporent becuase u could learn from there mistakes and u could see how they succseed and use there staragies so i think is good knownig your peers background because u might want 2 be like them........
the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers is that you know what happened back then and you wont make same mistakes or they can be your insperation.
The benefit is that we learn about our history and it can also inspire us to set goals for ourselves and make a difference in life and a better future.
I think the benefit of learning about all of these things is you can learn things about them that you didn't know about them. You can see what they went through and did so we could be alive and hang out with people of a different race. So we can live in peace and harmony.
i guess the benifit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers/and the backgrounds of my peers is that i will now what they did and if it was important or if what they did helped our lives now.for example mlk struggled to make everyone equal and he did that and b/c of him our lives are how they are now.
The benifit about learning about these great people is that we gain knowledge and know more about those who have contributed to the technology we have today, and also, the type of entertainment that we like. It could be an actor on TV or a singer/rapper on the radio, a leader that was in an activist group and so on. We learn about what it took them to be who they are.
the benefits of it is that you can see what you can become if u try really hardd. You can learn about your cultre or different wghat struggles they had and y they became so famous. thats what i think r the benefits of these kinds of projects.
I think that the benefit of learning about those people is that we get to learn about the struggles that our ancestors went through and we can try to make the world a better place by following their examples. By following their examples we can work hard and not give up because they didnt so why should we.
Since i am perfect i need not dwell on the past. Unlike these porch monkeys, i only focus on the future and present. Not the needless time of the past.
well learning about your ancestor's past achievements can benefit you in mnay ways, for example, a past relative could have had a fortune and you could inherit that fortune from his since you are the heir of his/her money. another benefit includes knowing more about your family and the many things you can do to match these achievements.
well learning about your ancestor's past achievements can benefit you in mnay ways, for example, a past relative could have had a fortune and you could inherit that fortune from his since you are the heir of his/her money. another benefit includes knowing more about your family and the many things you can do to match these achievements.
ThE bEnEfIt mIgHt bE ThAt It iS GOOd To KnOw abOuT ur aNCEstoRs BeCaUSE It wOuLd bE NicE To See HoW ThEy sURvIvEd iN tHE WoRlD By TheMsELvEs tHEy WErE sTronG ENOuGh to cArRY oN. AlSo all tHe PRoBlEmS ThEy MuSt oF HAve aNd have dElt WiTh. ThEn tHaT MiGhT bE An eXaMpLe, tHAt I CaN aLsO Be SoMeonE IN LiFe.
You get to learn your heritage or their heritage. and just to see what you have came from. say one of your ancestors was very poor but now your rich. its good to know how far you have came
Wat i think that that this means is that the benefit of learning about their accomplishments is that i can learn more about them and know that anyone can make a difference.
the benifits of learning about the accomplishments ofancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that we can learn about what they went through and the struggles they exceeded so we can strive to be just like the or better
well i guess that because by learning then you can learn about how stuff works and you also get ideas to make your own discoveries and if it comes you can use there accomplishments for proof and also to remember them
I think the benefits of the acomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that we can know that we are no different they are and we can do whatever we set our mind to.
There are three benefits that i can only feel, one is to be proud of all the things that they have accomplshed. two, to probably be embarrassed of all the idiotic mistakes that they made. and three to learn from their mistakes. that's all the things that i can think of.
The benefits of learning what famous people or what my peers have done because i learned what i can do as a human being if anything like that happens.like standd up for my rights like martin luther king jr or even rosa parks.i can just be the best i can andd if i am in a perdicament then i could always look back and think what they would do
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
I think this is really important because it is like who you are. What your ansestors went through to get you were you are today, What they did as in culture which is what represents you today :)
The benefit of knowing or learning about the accomplishments of people from the past is the reason so that you wont let history repeat itself or so that you can know your past so that you can continue on with your future. If you don't know your past you might not know how to live the future or appriciate it more because of what your ancestors may have done so that their future generations would have the rights that they deserve.
You get to know more about what people have done who are the same race has you. You get to know who actually made a difference. You learn more about your own race. You will know how they risk themselves to make a difference in this world so our world today won't be bad like theirs.
I think the benifit from learning abouts the accomplishments of actors,entertainers and athletes of my friends is that we can learn about their history since they already learned about ours. we can learn new things about our friends and apprecaite their culture more.
well then you can see the mistake of past inventors and you can upgrade your model to be better. like the very first model of the atom was a big solid silver ball. that was wrong. or the blue modeling clay with even ball bearings all around it. that was also wrong. and because of all the errors scientists were able to construct a working model of the atom. Thus the atom bomb was invented.
The benefit of learning about the accomplishment of ancestor/activist/athletes/ and enertainer is that we can learn about the achivements of other and it could also help you on ur job like if your a history teacher.
i think this is important because it is always important to be aware of new things.Its also important to know about people and where they came from and wat they been thru.
the benifit of learning about the acheivements is that you will get mare itrested in making a future for your self and you will want to make a name for yourself.
i think the benefit of learning about that is knowing that if your ancestors did it you can do it to also you could probably benifit if like someone inn your family was a rich entertainer than your family might of inherited money from him.
the benefit of learning about accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers/and the backgrounds of my peers is that we canlearn about what they did and we will feel proud of them.
well I really don't know nothing about my ancestors and that will be cool if I learn something about them... that will make me more proud of them.... so yea!!
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
i can learn from heroes of my family for what they have done for my family i can do the same to be a hero to my family
the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of people from other backrounds is that u know what they did and understand the way they feel towards them....it is important to know about ppl from ur backround because if sumeone asks u about them and they did somthing big and u dont know about them it makes u seem dumb, so u have to know and feel proud specially if they did sumthing big doesnt matter if they are not from ur backround they still did things that we use and follow today
the benifits of learning the accomplishments of ansestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that we can use them as role models to accomplish things in our lives. we can also learn and try to relate to these people to do good to ourselves. we can also learn what they did and what they contributed to life.
I think that the benefit of learning from your ancestor is to learn from them and hear or learn that they have succeeded. And since Latinos are such a minority many see others and be like damn they have had a very tough life if they can do this so can I. and that's something that perhaps motivates others to do the same or pursue their dream.
its important because that way you know that people like you have accomplished things in life. you can also have a role model that is of the same backround as you and if they did it you can too its not impossible some people use being a minority as an excuse for not succeeding and if minorities with the same backround as you then its not impossible and being a minority shouldn't be an excuse. there will be obstacles but they aren't impossible to overcome.
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
i think the benefit is that you will try and not repeat same mistakes that others did. i also think that you will probably know more about life and be better prepared for it.
well the benefits that i can see from learning about my background and the my peers background is that we can see the things that they did and how we benefit out of them today. like for example without so many activists like martin luther king jr there would still be segragation today and without cesar chavez farmers today would still be paid under wage and stuff
i think the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of these orofessions is that we can talk about it and make ideas about them and stuff. also if we iddnt know what inventions they made we would not be using them then.
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
I think the benifit of learning about accompilishments of our ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of out background or your peers is importand because if we didnt go back in history we wouldnt kno who made all these tecahnology and maybe with out them we wouldnt even have the tachnology that we have now.i also think that it important to know because that way we can be thankfull and the inventors can be recognized for what theyve done. and also it is important to know our own back grounground becaseu that way u kno where we come from and what our background is.
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
the benefit from learninng about the complishments os the ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that it makes a difference by us believing it's true rather then us just believeing whatever we want and it being wrong so basically we get the right history of it and we have the choice of believeing it or not
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
the benefit from learninng about the complishments os the ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that it makes a difference by us believing it's true rather then us just believeing whatever we want and it being wrong so basically we get the right history of it and we have the choice of believeing it or not
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?welli think a benefit that i learned was that we learned that nothing held them back despite them being not that well educated.i also learned that they contributed on laying the foundation out a little
The benefits of learning the accompishments of these people is that you know somebody from your race did something that they wanted to do. You learn that they took chances and never stop trying to reach their goals. They kept on going until they got where they wanted to be.
The benifits of learning these things are, we ge to learn about the history of our people. We get to learn how we got here, what things we made, and that our people have a big part in american history. This lets us know that our people did something in their time.
the benefits are that i get to learn about how other people made a difference and even though it wasn't allowed, they still did what they had to do to get their rights. and i know that anyone can make a difference, and it includes taking risks.
the benifit of learning about these accomplishments of these choices is that we can understand and learn about what they did for us in the past and we can just fell great about what they did.
the benefit of learning about their accomplishments is that i can learn more about them and know that anyone can make a difference.
i think its very imporent becuase u could learn from there mistakes and u could see how they succseed
and use there staragies so i think is good knownig your peers background because u might want 2 be like them........
the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers is that you know what happened back then and you wont make same mistakes or they can be your insperation.
The benefit is that we learn about our history and it can also inspire us to set goals for ourselves and make a difference in life and a better future.
it is important so that you can know what to do with your life, you can also know what is a good and bad thing.
I think the benefit of learning about all of these things is you can learn things about them that you didn't know about them. You can see what they went through and did so we could be alive and hang out with people of a different race. So we can live in peace and harmony.
i guess the benifit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers/and the backgrounds of my peers is that i will now what they did and if it was important or if what they did helped our lives now.for example mlk struggled to make everyone equal and he did that and b/c of him our lives are how they are now.
The benifit about learning about these great people is that we gain knowledge and know more about those who have contributed to the technology we have today, and also, the type of entertainment that we like. It could be an actor on TV or a singer/rapper on the radio, a leader that was in an activist group and so on. We learn about what it took them to be who they are.
the benefits of it is that you can see what you can become if u try really hardd. You can learn about your cultre or different wghat struggles they had and y they became so famous. thats what i think r the benefits of these kinds of projects.
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I think that the benefit of learning about those people is that we get to learn about the struggles that our ancestors went through and we can try to make the world a better place by following their examples. By following their examples we can work hard and not give up because they didnt so why should we.
Since i am perfect i need not dwell on the past. Unlike these porch monkeys, i only focus on the future and present. Not the needless time of the past.
well learning about your ancestor's past achievements can benefit you in mnay ways, for example, a past relative could have had a fortune and you could inherit that fortune from his since you are the heir of his/her money. another benefit includes knowing more about your family and the many things you can do to match these achievements.
well learning about your ancestor's past achievements can benefit you in mnay ways, for example, a past relative could have had a fortune and you could inherit that fortune from his since you are the heir of his/her money. another benefit includes knowing more about your family and the many things you can do to match these achievements.
ThE bEnEfIt mIgHt bE ThAt It iS GOOd To KnOw abOuT ur aNCEstoRs BeCaUSE It wOuLd bE NicE To See HoW ThEy sURvIvEd iN tHE WoRlD By TheMsELvEs tHEy WErE sTronG ENOuGh to cArRY oN. AlSo all tHe PRoBlEmS ThEy MuSt oF HAve aNd have dElt WiTh. ThEn tHaT MiGhT bE An eXaMpLe, tHAt I CaN aLsO Be SoMeonE IN LiFe.
You get to learn your heritage or their heritage. and just to see what you have came from. say one of your ancestors was very poor but now your rich. its good to know how far you have came
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Wat i think that that this means is that the benefit of learning about their accomplishments is that i can learn more about them and know that anyone can make a difference.
the benifits of learning about the accomplishments ofancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that we can learn about what they went through and the struggles they exceeded so we can strive to be just like the or better
well i guess that because by learning then you can learn about how stuff works and you also get ideas to make your own discoveries and if it comes you can use there accomplishments for proof and also to remember them
I think the benefits of the acomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that we can know that we are no different they are and we can do whatever we set our mind to.
There are three benefits that i can only feel, one is to be proud of all the things that they have accomplshed. two, to probably be embarrassed of all the idiotic mistakes that they made. and three to learn from their mistakes. that's all the things that i can think of.
The benefits of learning what famous people or what my peers have done because i learned what i can do as a human being if anything like that happens.like standd up for my rights like martin luther king jr or even rosa parks.i can just be the best i can andd if i am in a perdicament then i could always look back and think what they would do
i thnk the benifit is that the benifit is that you ditn forget what they acoomplished and how they will be remebered for theur acomplishements
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
I think this is really important because it is like who you are. What your ansestors went through to get you were you are today, What they did as in culture which is what represents you today :)
The benefit of knowing or learning about the accomplishments of people from the past is the reason so that you wont let history repeat itself or so that you can know your past so that you can continue on with your future. If you don't know your past you might not know how to live the future or appriciate it more because of what your ancestors may have done so that their future generations would have the rights that they deserve.
You get to know more about what people have done who are the same race has you. You get to know who actually made a difference. You learn more about your own race. You will know how they risk themselves to make a difference in this world so our world today won't be bad like theirs.
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the benefit could be that you can be inspired....and can give u that urge to be like them and be what they were and yeah....
I think the benifit from learning abouts the accomplishments of actors,entertainers and athletes of my friends is that we can learn about their history since they already learned about ours. we can learn new things about our friends and apprecaite their culture more.
well then you can see the mistake of past inventors and you can upgrade your model to be better. like the very first model of the atom was a big solid silver ball. that was wrong. or the blue modeling clay with even ball bearings all around it. that was also wrong. and because of all the errors scientists were able to construct a working model of the atom. Thus the atom bomb was invented.
The benefit of learning about the accomplishment of ancestor/activist/athletes/ and enertainer is that we can learn about the achivements of other and it could also help you on ur job like if your a history teacher.
i think this is important because it is always important to be aware of new things.Its also important to know about people and where they came from and wat they been thru.
the benifit of learning about the acheivements is that you will get mare itrested in making a future for your self and you will want to make a name for yourself.
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i think the benefit of learning about that is knowing that if your ancestors did it you can do it to also you could probably benifit if like someone inn your family was a rich entertainer than your family might of inherited money from him.
the benefit of learning about accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers/and the backgrounds of my peers is that we canlearn about what they did and we will feel proud of them.
well I really don't know nothing about my ancestors and that will be cool if I learn something about them... that will make me more proud of them.... so yea!!
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
i can learn from heroes of my family for what they have done for my family i can do the same to be a hero to my family
the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of people from other backrounds is that u know what they did and understand the way they feel towards them....it is important to know about ppl from ur backround because if sumeone asks u about them and they did somthing big and u dont know about them it makes u seem dumb, so u have to know and feel proud specially if they did sumthing big doesnt matter if they are not from ur backround they still did things that we use and follow today
the benifits of learning the accomplishments of ansestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that we can use them as role models to accomplish things in our lives. we can also learn and try to relate to these people to do good to ourselves. we can also learn what they did and what they contributed to life.
The benefits are you can learn more about some of your favorites
I think that the benefit of learning from your ancestor is to learn from them and hear or learn that they have succeeded. And since Latinos are such a minority many see others and be like damn they have had a very tough life if they can do this so can I. and that's something that perhaps motivates others to do the same or pursue their dream.
what i can learn are the good steps and follows the good and not the bad
Well i think the benfit is that we are learning the accomplishments other people have done beforE.!
its important because that way you know that people like you have accomplished things in life. you can also have a role model that is of the same backround as you and if they did it you can too its not impossible some people use being a minority as an excuse for not succeeding and if minorities with the same backround as you then its not impossible and being a minority shouldn't be an excuse. there will be obstacles but they aren't impossible to overcome.
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
i think the benefit is that you will try and not repeat same mistakes that others did. i also think that you will probably know more about life and be better prepared for it.
well the benefits that i can see from learning about my background and the my peers background is that we can see the things that they did and how we benefit out of them today. like for example without so many activists like martin luther king jr there would still be segragation today and without cesar chavez farmers today would still be paid under wage and stuff
i think the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of these orofessions is that we can talk about it and make ideas about them and stuff. also if we iddnt know what inventions they made we would not be using them then.
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
I think the benifit of learning about accompilishments of our ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of out background or your peers is importand because if we didnt go back in history we wouldnt kno who made all these tecahnology and maybe with out them we wouldnt even have the tachnology that we have now.i also think that it important to know because that way we can be thankfull and the inventors can be recognized for what theyve done. and also it is important to know our own back grounground becaseu that way u kno where we come from and what our background is.
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
the benefit from learninng about the complishments os the ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that it makes a difference by us believing it's true rather then us just believeing whatever we want and it being wrong so basically we get the right history of it and we have the choice of believeing it or not
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?
the benefit from learninng about the complishments os the ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers is that it makes a difference by us believing it's true rather then us just believeing whatever we want and it being wrong so basically we get the right history of it and we have the choice of believeing it or not
What is the benefit of learning about the accomplishments of ancestors/activists/athletes/entertainers of your background or the background of your peers?welli think a benefit that i learned was that we learned that nothing held them back despite them being not that well educated.i also learned that they contributed on laying the foundation out a little
That you get to find out some interesting stuff
The benefits of learning the accompishments of these people is that you know somebody from your race did something that they wanted to do. You learn that they took chances and never stop trying to reach their goals. They kept on going until they got where they wanted to be.
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