Monday, October 09, 2006

Journal 18

Would you like to be famous? In what way?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you like to be famous? In what way? Not really because then i would be chased by paparatzi. that would be uncool taking embarassing photos.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you like to be famous? In what way? Not really because then i would be chased by paparatzi. that would be uncool taking embarassing photos. i would hate that plus there is no reason to be famous for. if i was famous i would conform to all the other stars and then i would be a conformist. i am not a conformist. conformist means to act in accordance or harmony; comply. to be or become similar in form, nature, or character. then i wouldnt be leader but a follower. i would become snobby and criticize every living thing

12:23 PM  
Blogger Alfredo Contreras said...

No, because i dont like to be notice or be known by everybody that i dont know. If i become famous then people will start talking to me and i dont like talking to strangers. If people start talking to me ill always will ask my self "who the hell are you". That is why i dont want to be famous because i dont like people noticing me.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you like to be famous? In what way?
this is what Omar Cuello said
I would like to be famous because if I were famous I would probably be rich. I would also be able to meet other famous people. If I were famous alot of people would know me for doing something with my life. I would like to be famous so when I do something good I would be setting an example for people aound the nation.

This is what Alfredo Contreras said
No, because i dont like to be notice or be known by everybody that i dont know. If i become famous then people will start talking to me and i dont like talking to strangers. If people start talking to me ill always will ask my self "who the hell are you". That is why i dont want to be famous because i dont like people noticing me.

this is what i said
Not really because then i would be chased by paparatzi. that would be uncool taking embarassing photos. i would hate that plus there is no reason to be famous for. if i was famous i would conform to all the other stars and then i would be a conformist. i am not a conformist. conformist means to act in accordance or harmony; comply. to be or become similar in form, nature, or character. then i wouldnt be leader but a follower. i would become snobby and criticize every living thing

12:46 PM  

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